Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 120: Soul out of the body

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This mission must be busy for a while. Lu Chen simply took some time to send the Batou back to the camp, and let them cultivate spiritual power in the camp.

Back in front of Shimen again, Lu Chen watched his body half-floating into Shimen, "Damn, it's terrible..."

After entering Shimen, Lu Chen found that the Hauling he had beaten before had refreshed again, and a group of vaguely translucent lights were drifting back and forth.

"Eight-headed ejection can eject five targets, including the first target, that is, a total of six can be attacked at the same time."

The spirits here are usually two groups, and Lu Chen pulls three groups of monsters, exactly 6.

Taking a deep breath, Lu Chen started to pull strange.

"Come on! Launch!" Lu Chen's eyes fixed on the two spirits in front of him, and then the whole head was launched.

When attacking, Lu Chen held two swords. Although he didn't attack with his hands, the system added the weapon's attributes to the mission attributes by default.

Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't have to bite the tiger and sob to attack.

During the attack, Lu Chen's flying speed soared, greatly surpassing his own flying speed.

"Oh, I'll go, so fast!"

Lu Chen had just experienced the feeling of flying for a moment, and then, his perspective suddenly became fixed.

It feels a bit like... the soul is out!

He could clearly see that his head was smashed at the spirits, and his consciousness no longer used the character's head as a carrier, but existed out of thin air.

"That's okay? Is it the same for the eight-headed ones?" Lu Chen thought for a while, it's probably the case.

When the eight heads are attacking, they can actually see the surrounding situation. Otherwise, how they pull wild and how to choose a target, it is impossible to rely on the bounced head to judge.

Their heads are only an attacking item when attacking. Only in non-combat state will their heads have expressions and their eyes will look everywhere.

"It seems that this needs to be divided into states. It is not a combat state. My consciousness can return to my head. In the combat state, this is the ghost state..."

"Yes, it's a ghost after all, and it's normal for the soul to go out of the body."

Whether it is a person or a ghost, it has no effect on Lu Chen. In this state, his perspective is actually clearer.

Bang, Lu Chen bumped his head into a spirit.


It is reasonable for Lu Chen to be unable to deal damage now. Lu Chen's current goal is to bring the three groups of spirits together, and finally clean them up with spiritual attacks.

After hitting the first Hauling, Lu Chen's head was bounced away, and he bumped into the one next to him.

Lu Chen thought it was over after one round of attacks was completed, but after he had bounced the second ghost, his head bounced towards the first monster again.

"Damn, forget there are combos!"

Seeing his head bounced around, Lu Chen felt pain...

A combo is not a simple meaning of two consecutive attacks. The profound meaning of a combo is rapidness. In fact, it divides an attack into two segments. Within the time of an attack, two segments of damage are quickly hit.

This also caused Lu Chen's head to bounce very fast, bang bang bang, and in the blink of an eye he bounced twice between the two monsters.

After an attack was completed, Lu Chen immediately went to pull the second group of Hauling.

When pulling the monster, Lu Chen's physical attack could not cause harm, but this did not affect his hatred of pulling Hauling. Not long after, six Haulings had already followed Lu Chen's body.

Finally pulled the monster full, Lu Chen roared, "The tiger is down! The tiger roars!"

There are 6 wild monsters here, and the ejection effect is 100%. With the tiger going down the mountain and the combo effect, the flying speed of the head suddenly increases!

Lu Chen's head slammed between the spirits like crazy, and he couldn't see clearly. One attack caused 24 damage!

This does not include those 48 poisonous attacks that were immune!

In other words, if it weren't for defeating the spirit, he could do 72 damage in one complete attack while simultaneously launching the tiger down the mountain!

Of course, this also means that Lu Chen's head bounced 23 times in less than two seconds...

With just one attack, the blood of the first few spirits that were attacked has dropped by three-quarters! The blood volume is less than one-half.

After launching a second attack in reverse, Lu Chen's system was already screened.

【Kill Di Ling (level 22 elite), capture 1570 points of all things aura, obtain Tier 5 talent fragment 1, obtain 5-star quality point 1, obtain chaotic creature essence 1, extract pure aura 1. 】

【Kill Di Ling (level 22 elite), capture 1570 points of all things aura, obtain Tier 5 talent fragment 1, obtain 5-star quality point 1, obtain chaotic creature essence 1, extract pure aura 1. 】


"I rely on it, two shots can be killed in seconds. There are indeed some fish that slip through the net. The third time I will definitely kill it." Lu Chen said in surprise, "I will not be attacked by remotely pulling monsters."

This plan is definitely feasible!

"Now my monster spawning speed is three times as fast! This task can be completed in 20 hours, hahaha!"

After spending two or three hours in Shimenhouworld, Lu Chen went offline on time. Today he wants to go to bed early and cannot stay up all night.

Early the next morning, Lu Chenlei couldn't help eating breakfast, shopping for vegetables, and exercising.

Especially for physical exercise, the body is the capital of the revolution. In order to make more money, the body must not collapse.

But it’s strange to say that he used to work outside and did a lot of dirty work. It is understandable that he is in good health. But since playing for nine days, he has been sitting at home for several hours, especially these few days. How can I sleep well and not eat on time?

However, no matter whether it was energy or physical strength, he did not regress, instead he felt full of vitality.

"148, 149, 150!" Lu Chen got down from the horizontal bar and looked at his hands. "He actually pulled 150 pull-ups, and he used to pull up to one hundred twenty thirty."

Lu Chen couldn't figure out what the **** was in his body, playing games every day, it was better than before.

But it wasn't a bad thing anyway, Lu Chen brought home the vegetables he bought.

I went home and watched the live broadcast on the official website. There have been several biggest changes in the national service these days.

One is that a large number of players are now pouring into the Tiger King Cave. With the help of the massive experience in the Tiger King Cave, the level of players in the national server has increased much faster than before.

Many of the top players are already level 16!

In addition, with the development of the Tiger King Cave, there are more and more professional materials, which has also led to a significant increase in the number of players who have changed jobs in the national service.

The 9 major professions that Tianxing initially promoted are finally reflected in the game.

Fenglingzi has brought a baby Youyue Silver Wolf, which is actually a wild elite baby!

There is no longer a group of similar players in Xianshan. Monks, martial artists, pharmacists, talisman masters, spirit masters, sword spirit monks, blasting experts, predictors, and puppet masters all have obvious differences.

The division of professions greatly increases the success rate of players in the Tiger King's Cave, and the materials in the Tiger King's Cave have allowed more players to switch jobs.

Looking at all kinds of players, Lu Chen had a feeling.

The nine-day huge worldview is truly kicking off at this time!

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