Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 121: Qualitatively changed "inferior werewolf blood"

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Jiutian is getting more and more interesting, but Lu Chen is not happy, he still has more than two thousand Yunlings to brush.

Although the current efficiency is much higher than before, 3,000 Yunlings is definitely an exaggerated figure, and only Lu Chen can do it alone, and at least he will have to do it for three days.

"What kind of bird mission is to kill 3000 monsters... or the elite monsters that are so difficult to kill." This is the third day, and Lu Chen has killed more than 2,700 ghosts.

Fortunately, there are not many left now, and I will definitely be able to finish it today.

It is worth mentioning that Lu Chen's spiritual power has now reached 12, and these monsters must lose pure aura.

"It feels like the world behind the door is not like a copy, but the income is still much higher than the outside. I have an experience of 1,500. I am now level 19! The materials are all 5 star materials... Only his grandma does not. Drop equipment!"

"A bunch of elite monsters can't drop their equipment, so I am ashamed to say that they are elite monsters!" Lu Chen said angrily.

As he spoke, Lu Chen had gone deeper and deeper into the world behind the door. The surroundings were dark and he didn't know where he had gone.

Looking at the map, he was far away from Shimen's location now.

"Huh? The area in front is so bright, what is it?" Lu Chen paused temporarily and approached carefully.

The light came from a valley, and Lu Chen avoided the patrolling Di Ling and dived into the hillside.

His body was completely hidden in the grass, only his head flew to the tree.

Condescendingly, Lu Chen had a clear view of the entire valley.

The valley is small, the valley is flat and there is no vegetation.

There is a strange light array on the ground, roughly showing a six-star pattern, with complicated curse imprints inside, and the font and the large array are glowing.

There are a large number of spirits patrolling around, and inside the large formation, there are a large number of headless flying corpses tied up, roughly two to three thousand.

"Really, Tianxing, do you want to be so serious, a task that you can do as if it is real."

Xiao Min said that Hauling preyed on their souls, and it turned out that there was such a scene here!

Lu Chen didn't dare to show up at this time. Shao Ling said that there were thousands of them, and he couldn't help this group of guys gather fire.

"This big formation may have something to do with the task behind. Huh? Why did the spirits suddenly gather?" Lu Chen hung his head on the tree, frowning.

The four or five hundred spirits below stopped patrolling, and all gathered in one place, neatly arranged in rows, as if they were waiting for some big man.

Considering that the situation here may be related to the follow-up mission, Lu Chen planned to take a look first.

Not long after, a huge creature walked out from the other side of the valley.

In general, the spirits are luminous groups, but although this guy is also glowing all over, he has a clear outline. The outline looks like a skeleton. He is holding a huge sword and may be more than 8 meters tall!

Its head is the golden head of the BOSS, and its name is red.

"The Chief of the Pioneer Regiment-Senabis (Level 27

Lu Chen swallowed. The follow-up mission won't ask him to hit this thing.

Normal BOSS is fine, but Di Ling is really too difficult to fight, and those little Di Ling can beat him for nearly 900 blood, let alone this guy.

When Senabis arrived, those headless flying corpses looked very panicked.

Senabis ignored the panic of the headless flying corpses and walked to the center of the big formation. The huge sword was inserted to his side and knelt down on one knee. "Great God of Undead, please accept our sacrifice."

Immediately, it pressed a palm on its eyes.

The entire array was instantly swallowed by the light, and the strong light dazzled people almost indistinctly.

But there was a hoarse cry of ghost crying and wolf howling around.

The figures of those headless flying corpses are constantly being elongated and distorted in the strong light!

Not only that, even those spirits were swallowed by the beam of light, and the masses of light were integrated with the beam of light!

"Even my own people sacrificed together? This BOSS is a bit cruel."

In the entire formation, only Senabis knelt on one knee, and his figure remained unaffected.

I have to say that Tian Xing is worthy of being Tian Xing. Even the plot of the mission is so shocking, and Lu Chen hasn't done this mission yet, but these NPCs are so dedicated to appear in this big drama.

"I shouldn't let me hit that guy, otherwise, I guess I can't do it."

The valley in front of him was already illuminated by the beam of light, and there was nothing good to see. Lu Chen watched for a while before leaving the valley.


In the end, more than two hundred Di Ling completed it easily, and Lu Chen completed it in two hours.

Lu Chen felt relieved after he had beaten the last dragon spirit, and hurried back to find the little ghost.

After submitting the task, Lu Chen's long-awaited reward finally arrived.

The source of pit father's copy first throws the backpack, the key is two ancient fragments.

"Finally you can upgrade your talent!"

Which of the two ancient fragments will rise first?

Lu Chen now has 6 talents, all of which are stuck at Tier 4.

Critical strikes of the "Inferior Werewolf Blood", the five-second poison of the "Inferior Venomous Spider Blood", the seven-step poison of the "Inferior Snake Blood", the vision of the "Inferior Charm Bloodline" and the prevention of primary charms, and the "Inferior Tiger Monster Blood" The combo, the reduction of the "dead blood".

"If it is poisonous, I feel that the damage is enough now, unless I encounter Di Ling." Lu Chen carefully considered this. This is definitely a difficult decision. "The field of vision is also sufficient. There is no need to increase it for the time being."

"That is crit, combo and defense reduction."

"The main thing I need for the combo is the two-stage combo attack. Now that I have it, let it go first... it's a level-up crit to see the effect!"

The crit is still ruthless, with the bonus of Tiger Cry, fighting against mobs, BOSS are all hurt.

After the blood of the inferior werewolf has evolved, even the name has changed. The first two "inferior" are gone, and they become the "werewolf blood"!

What's more terrifying is that after this upgrade, new attributes appeared!

[Talent "Werewolf Blood" (level zero): 25% double crit, 5% triple crit. 】

"I'm going! Triple crit!" Lu Chen was shocked!

Not only did it increase the chance of a double crit by 2%, it also added a triple crit.

Moreover, Tiger Cry also adds 160% critical strike damage! And this crit damage is actually not only an increase of 160%.

For example, if the attack is 100 and double critical strikes, 200 points of damage are caused, of which 100 points are critical strike damage. Tiger Cry adds 160% critical strike damage, then 160 points of critical strike damage are added, resulting in a total of 360 points of damage.

But if triple critical strikes are caused, then the critical strike damage is 200 points, and Tiger Cry adds 160% critical strike damage, then 320 points are added! In addition to the previous 200 points and 100 initial damage, once a critical strike, the total damage will reach 620 points!

"It's too strong... I thought that this upgrade may have a qualitative change, it is indeed a qualitative change, but I didn't expect it to be so strong..."

"Is this asking Lao Tzu to take the path of a sword?"

Lu Chen panted heavily. In view of this terrifying qualitative change, he now had to carefully consider which one of the remaining ancient fragments would rise!

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