Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 122: Steal 500,000 pure auras

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After repeated consideration, Lu Chen made a difficult decision between combos and defense reduction. He finally allocated the second ancient fragment to the combo of Tiger Demon blood!

"Three combos! Three combos! Three combos!" Lu Chen prayed nervously. He hadn't planned to upgrade the combo, but seeing the qualitative change in the werewolf bloodline, he chose the tiger demon bloodline.

If his guess is correct and there are really three combos, then this skill is very useful whether it is to fight bosses or mobs.

As for defense reduction, Lu Chen speculated that there might be a situation in which the opponent's defense was reduced. Although it must be very useful in the later stage, at present, even if it is the spirit, the defense is actually not high.

Of course, this is also Lu Chen's guess, right he doesn't know, he can only try his luck.

Open the task panel carefully.

[Talent "Inferior Tiger Demon Blood" (Level 5): Each attack can quickly launch three attacks, the attack power of the three attacks is 70% of the single attack, and the combo can enjoy the effects of crit, burning, freezing, poisoning, etc. . 】【0/640 (Sixth-level talent fragment) 0/2 (Ancient fragment)】

"Hahahaha, it's great, it's really a triple strike!" Lu Chen shouted with excitement.

The combo is really overbearing. After the qualitative change, there is one more attack, which is equivalent to directly increasing the attack by half!

With this skill, Lu Chen's speed in cleaning the wild will increase again.

After the upgrade of the two talents, Lu Chen's combat effectiveness has also undergone a qualitative change, which makes Lu Chen deeply feel that it is worthwhile to brush those endless spirits these days.

"Oh, by the way, hurry up and see if the little girl ghost has any quests, if only a few more ancient fragments are rewarded."

Lu Chen's head flew in front of Xiao Min, "Xiao Min, is there anything else I can help?"

After several contacts, Lu Chen felt that the empty eye sockets of the little girl ghost were not so scary. Instead, they felt pitiful, "Benefactor, you have done a lot for us. I am really sorry to trouble you."

"Don't say that!" Lu Chen suddenly became nervous, he wouldn't be out of task, no, he must let Xiao Min hand over the task!

"Xiaomin, don't you understand? It is our duty to kill demons and eliminate demons and help justice. How can it be called trouble!"

"But benefactor, I don't want you to pay for our lives. You have killed enough spirits and successfully delayed the recovery of that thing."

Lu Chen sneered, "What's the joke, what's the use of procrastination, it must be stopped!"

"My life is not enough to worry about, don't worry, leave the task to me!"

Xiao Min was finally moved by Lu Chenyi's righteous attitude, "Well, well, but the benefactor must be careful, this task is very dangerous."

Dangerous and not dangerous are second, the key depends on rewards!

The task came out soon.

[Task "Steal Spiritual Power"]

[Task description: Behind the army of the spirits, they set up a terrifying spirit gathering array, which absorbs a large amount of our souls and turns them into pure auras to accelerate the guy's awakening. Please stop their actions. 】

[Task content: When waiting for the undead gathering formation to open, steal 500,000 points of pure aura produced by the gathering formation. 】

[Note 1: The stolen pure aura will be temporarily charged into the player's spirit pill, and will be eliminated after the mission ends. 】

[Note 2: Although it is only temporarily charged into the spirit pill, the strength of the physical body determines the upper limit of the spiritual power. Remember to do what you can. Once the spiritual power exceeds the minimum three-dimensional basic attributes of the physical body, the player will be broken and the mission will fail. The spiritual power level will be cleared! 】

[Task Reward: First Grade Gathering Pill (10,000 points of pure aura)*10, the source of a copy*1]

Lu Chen blinked.

He already knew the mission location, and it should be the valley he saw before.


what? This task says to do what we can? Can't spiritual power exceed the lowest item in the three-dimensional physical body?

Lu Chen is now level 19, a player who has not changed his job, his 3D is 34, so his spiritual power cannot exceed 34, even if he goes from level 1 to 34, he only needs 59500 pure aura.

Even if it is a level 25 player, calculated according to the average value, the three-dimensionality is only 70, and it is only 248,500 pure aura when it rises from level one to the top.

If all 500,000 pure auras are eaten, it will definitely die!

Not to mention that level 25 players must have changed their jobs. After strengthening certain attributes, others will be lower than the average, and the total amount of pure aura that can be absorbed in the end is even lower!

Besides, it is impossible for a level 25 player to have only 1 spiritual power.

To do this task, the average player must continuously release pure aura and make enough space for the spirit pill. This task seems to be completed many times!

However, Lu Chen's current basic 3D is 204, and his spiritual power level is currently 12 and a half. It takes...2.08 million to reach the top!

500,000 is not enough for him!

"So, this task is...for free?" Lu Chen was shocked, he couldn't believe it!

Those previous tasks were so troublesome to die, but when it came to this task, it turned out to be a free gift.

Of course, for other players, this task is very time-consuming. It's just that Lu Chen's abnormal three-dimensionality makes him do this task without any pressure.

Although there are no ancient fragments in the task rewards, the first-grade spirit gathering pill is obviously not a reward at this stage. For many players, perhaps the temptation of the first-grade gathering spirit pill is even greater.

Now Lu Chen still has 9 Spirit Gathering Pills, which were given away by Zhu Xian Pagoda's first place, and one only adds 1,000 points of pure aura!

How many levels can be improved with 100,000 pure auras! After Xiaoqing and Xiaohei, known as the four great beasts, the eight little guys of the four great beasts only need 100,000 pure aura to grow!

Think about it this way, this reward is actually no worse than ancient blood, ancient fragments!

"Accept the task." Lu Chen accepted the task without hesitation. "This task is definitely not the final task. What is the reward for the final task!"

"From the perspective of the difficulty of the task, maybe I really want me to do that Senabis...I'll go."

The latter task will be discussed later. Lu Chen took the task and went directly to Shimen.

He had been to the valley last time, this time avoiding Yun Ling and drifting straight towards the valley.

It took almost twenty minutes for Lu Chen to reach his destination.

After finding the crooked-neck tree that was peeped last time, Lu Chen repeated his old tricks and hung his head from the tree, disguised as part of the tree, while his body was completely hidden in the grass.

At this time, a large number of headless flying corpses and Ling Ling gathered in the valley. This scene was exactly the same as what Lu Chen had seen before.

"Damn it, I did it again, so fast!"

Not long after, the huge spirit-shaped skeleton appeared with its big sword.

Senabis didn't even look at the panicked headless flying corpses. He walked to the center of the big formation, with a huge sword inserted to his side, kneeling down on one knee, "Great God of Undead, please accept our sacrifice."

In the gathering of the undead, the light burst into the sky!

"Come here! How to collect it!" Lu Chen was a little anxious, and Xiao Min didn't say how to collect it.

"Since it's a gathering formation, I'll... take a look at the practice?" Lu Chen immediately let his body sit cross-legged and enter the state of spiritual power cultivation.

At this moment, a miracle happened!

Lu Chen was shocked to find that his system information was frantically swiping the screen!

[Get Pure Reiki 3000]

[Get Pure Reiki 4000]

[Get Pure Reiki 4000]

"Damn, Lao Tzu's pure aura is... crazy?"

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