Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1202: The potential of being a bandit

Li Shang wanted to say something more, Jin Luan pulled Li Shang aside, and whispered, "Perhaps, we should believe Lu Chen once! He has been in Seventh Heaven for four years. If he hasn't grown at all now, then we can too. No more hope."

Li Shang was silent for a long time and sighed.

What Jin Luan said also makes sense.

After a while, Li Shang walked to Lu Chen and looked at Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, we will take you there!"


The group teleported to Qinyue Medicine Garden, where Gu Yan and the others worked.

The medicine garden is very large, almost similar to the academy medicine garden of the Gods and Demons Holy Academy. Standing outside the medicine garden, you can see dozens of figures looking after the herbs inside.

At the entrance of the pharmacy, there were three people sitting around, drinking tea while occasionally looking up at the pharmacy.

At this moment, they saw these people on the earth, got up immediately, and walked over in a big swing.

"It's you, you are so brave, do you know that the hour has passed?" As he said, one of them drew a whip from his hand and drew it towards Gu Yan.

Gu Yan didn't even dare to dodge, just raised his hand to block.

Lu Chen on the side narrowed his eyes slightly. What kind of humiliation these guys usually endure in order to help him earn a little bit of magic!

Those sixty-four spiritual tablets are not many, but now they are heavy!

That is what they exchanged with dignity and flesh and blood!

Suddenly, one hand firmly grasped the other end of the whip!

The whiplasher stared at Lu Chen with wide eyes, and said angrily, "Bold, who are you to take care of Lao Tzu's affairs!"

Lu Chen's eyes were faintly green, "Not only do I have to deal with today, but I also want you to pay a hundred times for the evil you committed to my friend!"

The man tried to pull the whip back from Lu Chen's hand, but the whip was still in Lu Chen's hand.

"You! Are you... a true fairy?"

"No!" Lu Chen said coldly.

Upon hearing this answer, the three of them glanced at each other, and their confidence suddenly increased, "You are a mere messenger, and you dare to make trouble. Do you know which immortal master's medicine garden is? Do you know who we are?"

"Even if you don't mention me and the master, we are all scattered immortals who survived the sixth-level tribulation, how can you offend and afford it!"

Lu Chen gave a cold snort and let go abruptly. The man was caught off guard and stepped back.

"You really have a sense of superiority by being a dog!"

Lu Chen walked forward alone, twisted his neck and moved his wrists.

In other words, it's really been a long time since I did it, it's a bit rusty.

"I'm sorry, I'm not even dispersing immortals!" Lu Chen's eyes were killing intent. "So what if you are immortals, so what if Lao Tzu is a mortal? Today, I am a mortal, I just want to teach you immortals!"

After all, Lu Chen directly dissipated half of the fog on the badge, and only displayed the words "Man King Realm".

The few people looked at each other in shock.

"Human King Realm? This, what is going on, how can there be a King Realm in the Seventh Heaven?!"

"Follow him, a mere mortal, dare to venture into the immortal realm without authorization. Today I will let you know that this is not a place for you to come!"

"Kill me this mortal!"

Having said that, the aura of the three scattered immortals exploded. Except for the defensive formation in the medicinal garden, the aftermath was like a twelfth-level gale, even uprooting the surrounding trees!

"Boy, have you seen it? You have never seen such violent spiritual power in your life. This is the difference between immortal and ordinary!" One person drew out a tiger-headed wide knife, his figure flashed in front of Lu Chen instantly. .

"The tiger swallows the sky!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes slightly. At some point, there was already a black spear in his hand.

Just as Huxiao Tianzhan was about to fall in front of him, Lu Chen's figure suddenly violent, and instead of retreating, he moved forward, yelling, "Scatter the gods, right? Die to me!"

"Gun Road Broken Star!"

Broken Star is not a very powerful move in the gun lane. However, Lu Chen's speed and moves are so fierce that even the opponent has no time to react!

This shot pierced through the body of the Sanxian directly before the tiger swallowing the sky!

The spear came directly from the man's body, and Lu Chen himself had already reached behind the man. As soon as he grasped the spear, he was in front of the second man in a flash.

"Gun Road·The gun is in the sky!"

The person's eyes were horrified, and his displacement skills were not available in time. The Destroyer Spear passed directly through his throat!

At the same time, Lu Chen had already stepped forward to the third person.

This person is the one who whips up before!

He squeezed the man's face with one hand, his five fingers formed into claws, his eyes cold.

A cold voice said, "Leave you a special gift!"

"Destroying Stardust..."

That person’s face quickly decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye...

He couldn't even care about raising the whip at this time. He took several steps back, holding his face, and yelling in horror, "My face, my face!"

More than his face, Destroying Stardust is quickly breaking down his entire body!

His face quickly decomposed to only bones, then his neck, torso, limbs...

Not long after, he completely decomposed without even leaving the capital.

The three Liujie Sanxians were all killed by Lu Chen in the blink of an eye!

Seeing this scene, Li Shang and the others were dumbfounded and stiff.

"I, my... my God... what the hell, what happened?"

"Li Shang, didn't you mean that he, he didn't become an immortal? Why is he so strong? Killing scattered immortals is like killing a chicken! No, killing a chicken is harder than this..."

"I thought that the Seventh Heaven came, and I was already shocked, but I didn't expect that I was wrong... The son of Zhenxian Lu Yuan, he is too strong!"

Li Shang looked at the indifferent back, as if in a daze, he saw the back of another person.

The strongest man on earth, the only man who became a true fairy... But his son is more terrifying than him!

When he did it, he didn't hesitate at all. With one enemy and three, he was still able to kill the three and six calamities in the realm of the king!

What a terrifying combat power this is!

He hasn't fully extracted the power of the God and Demon suit!

"Too strong, too strong! Really too strong!" Li Shang repeatedly called three "too strong", which shows how shocked he was at this time.

After solving the three scattered immortals, Lu Chen looked back at his companion, "Senior Gu Yan, when will the Five Tribulations True Immortal come?"

Gu Yan froze for a moment, "Lu Chen, you, what else do you want to do?"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Wait for him!"

"Even though he didn't do anything, he is still inseparable from his master!"

"Today, he must give me an explanation, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to him!" After all, Lu Chen sat cross-legged on the ground and entered the cultivation state!

A group of people just felt that their whole body was erect.

What kind of situation is this, if ordinary people, the doorkeeper who killed others will not run away? Who is waiting foolishly for the longevity fairy to find him?

In the end, Lu Chen did well. It was not enough to kill the three main gatekeepers. The master must come out to apologize...

Li Shang said suddenly, "This kid... really has the potential to be a bandit..."

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