Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1203: Five Tribulations True Immortal

"Lu Chen, otherwise, let's go first..." Gu Yan looked at Lu Chen worriedly, "Killing the three Changsheng sects, he will never let us go."

Lu Chen shook his head, "I'll wait for him to come, for what I'm afraid of. If you don't let him keep his memory today, wouldn't I be here in vain!"

While talking, dozens of figures suddenly appeared in front of the medicine garden.

There were about forty or fifty people, the head of whom was dressed in white, handsome in appearance and cold temperament.

He coldly looked at the two corpses on the ground, then slightly narrowed his eyes to look at the earth celestials, and finally his gaze fell on Lu Chen who was sitting cross-legged.

"Yes, it's the Immortal Lord of Longevity!" Gu Yan and the others suddenly changed. Not only did the Immortal Lord of Longevity come, they also brought more than forty scattered immortals!

"This is really troublesome."

"You killed the man?" The man's tone was cold and cold.

Lu Chen stood up, looked at each other indifferently, and sneered, "Not bad."

"Do you know that they are my longevity sects and immortals?"

"How about you know? They hurt my friend, and they can't help but do it when they come up. I can only let them learn to be quiet."

Changsheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and when he was looking at Lu Chen, he suddenly saw Lu Chen's badge.

King of people!

"Human King Realm? You... Are you a Human King Realm mortal?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Yes, there was an accident while crossing the Tribulation, and I came directly to the Seventh Heaven."

A Sanxian next to him suddenly laughed wildly, "A mortal dare to run into the fairyland to make trouble. Don't you know that anyone here is above Sanxian?"

Lu Chen curled his lips and danced the Goddessist Spear in his hand, "I know, for example, the three I killed, they seem to be the Six Tribulations Sanxian, but unfortunately it's not enough."

The man's laughter stopped abruptly.

Regardless of whether this guy is the King of Human Realm, a mortal or something strange, it is a fact that three scattered immortals have died in his hands!

"It's really arrogant! Sang Li and the others are just Six Tribulations Dispersal Immortals, and their cultivation time is still short, not reaching the upper limit. You wouldn't think that killing them, you are the strongest Dispersing Immortal!" someone shouted angrily.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Then you mean you have reached the upper limit? If you are not satisfied, you can try."

The man snorted coldly, and was about to go out, but was held back by Changsheng.

"The fairy lord..."

Changsheng did not answer him, but looked at Lu Chen, "You can kill the three of Sangli, which shows that you have some strength. These three are not strong enough. If they are killed, they will be killed. I will never leave a useless doorman!"

"I wonder if your Excellency is interested in acknowledging the Lord? If you have this idea, I can let you go and take you in as a doorman to my Five Tribulations True Immortal Changsheng!"

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing. What was thinking of this guy? Actually want to make yourself recognize the Lord?

However, on the other hand, it is not difficult to see that even the high-level Sanxian sects are dead in the eyes of true immortals, and Li Shang and the others are not worth mentioning in his eyes.

"It seems that a true immortal is really a creature with no emotions." Lu Chen shook his head, "Unfortunately, I don't want to recognize the Lord, even if I want to, you are not worthy!"

"What are you talking about?!" Changsheng's expression suddenly changed, his expression gloomy, "I am a dignified fairy, and I am willing to take in you as a mortal, you don't know what is good or bad!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Who said that mortals will cling to your immortals?"

"Changsheng, if you don't want to die, apologize to my friend now and give enough compensation!"

"Otherwise, I will take care of you for five, six, seven, eight, nine tribulations, true immortals and dispersal of immortals. People can't behave well, but you still do immortals! Better to be ghosts!

Upon hearing this, Changsheng's face also showed rare anger!

"It's really arrogant, a mere mortal dare to be arrogant in front of my longevity immortal lord! Okay, I will let you see how many gaps are between the true immortal and the scattered immortal!"

With a bang, Changsheng's whole body burst out with shocking spiritual power, and even the Yaoyuan defensive formation was shaken tottering at this moment!

The clouds in the sky rolled frantically, the surrounding wind and clouds suddenly changed, and the wind was violent!

A true immortal of the Five Tribulations, Xianwei, is already so terrifying!

It is no exaggeration to say that the surplus of spiritual power erupted in Changsheng is something that Lu Chen has never seen before!

Whether it is the soul of the Ten Thousand Underworlds transformed into Mu Xuan by Wangchuanhe, Hell, the lord of the six heavens underworld, or the eclipse of Jiuer, the old ghost of Tianyin, compared with this longevity, it is definitely not a little bit worse!

This is the strength of the true fairy!

And Lu Chen two years later, the opponent he encountered was even stronger than him by many times!

Jin Luan clenched his fists tightly, sweating on his forehead, "Well, this longevity should be a three-star real immortal, right? Gu Yan, do you know his immortal record?"

The Five Tribulations refer to the potential of longevity, while the three-star is the current true immortal level.

There is no fairy at this level, only true immortals have it, because only true immortals can open the path of immortality!

Gu Yan said, "Changsheng is indeed a three-star celestial celestial being, with a record of four wins and four victories."

"Four battles and four victories? Isn't that unbeaten?!" Jin Luan's eyes widened.

It seems that this guy is quite powerful among true immortals of the same level.

And Lu Chen is still a mortal!

At this moment, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, holding the Void Destruction Gun, his eyes fixed on Changsheng.

"I don't kill nameless people, but report them!" Changsheng's whole body is vast, like a vast ocean, and his voice has become extremely solemn.

"Remember! I'm the only one crazy!" Lu Chen said coldly.

This time, Lu Chen didn't take it lightly. This time he faced a true immortal, definitely the strongest of all his enemies, and at this moment, he didn't even have a symbiosis between gods and demons!

"I'm the only one who is crazy, really arrogant!"

"Since you toast and not eat fine wine, then I can only kill you!"

There was already a long sword in Changsheng's hand. He suddenly grabbed the long sword with one hand, and his figure suddenly rushed forward, "Drunk immortal stepping on the star!"

"Xianshu·Dawn·Purple Lightning Thunder Shadow!"

Changsheng directly transformed into a purple lightning and shot towards Lu Chen!

"Yes, it's Xianshu!" Gu Yan said in horror.

"Skill astral body! What a fast speed!" Jin Luan was also shocked, they hadn't seen a real fairy making a move.

"Shooting is the ultimate move of Xianshu! No, Lu Chen be careful!" Li Shang's eyes widened, and his muscles tightened unconsciously.

The opponent's speed was too fast, and Lu Chen quickly turned on "God and Demon's Eyes"!

"Conquering the Void, Destroying the Gun Road, and the Sky of the Spear!"

The black spear in Lu Chen's hand exploded fiercely with a wave of spiritual power, which seemed to be the awakening of another form of the spear!

If it is said that the Extinction Spear that killed Sanxian before only exerted the power of the silver gall, then it now exerts the power of the extinction silver gall!

A gun shadow and a sword shadow instantly collided head-on, erupting a terrifying aftermath of spiritual power.

The defensive array of the medicine garden on the side was directly shattered.

Many scattered immortals, whether they were Changsheng's sects, or Li Shang and others, who were close to the place where they were fighting, were all shaken back by a hundred meters!

On the ground in the center of the battlefield, an arc-shaped pit with a diameter of hundreds of meters suddenly appeared!

At the same time, two figures, one black and one white, were in a violent collision, and both were shaken back!

But just when Li Shang and others thought it was a situation where both sides were hurting, the black shadow abruptly stopped the castration, and then rushed towards Changsheng.

"Five Tribulations are true immortals, but so! Die to me!"

"Conquer the Void, Destroy God, Snatch Dao, Thousand Army Break!"

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