Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1205: Recognize the master

Li Shang and the others were taking inventory of supplies in Jiuxing Cave Mansion, and several of them laughed from ear to ear.

"Hahaha, the harvest from this robbery is incredible! When we were rich before, we might think it was nothing, but after the seventh heaven, we have never seen so many resources!" Jin Luan smiled so much that his eyes disappeared.

"Pills are not too advanced, but this Qianling Tablet and the medicine garden definitely hurt the longevity!"

Lu Chen leaned over, "Senior Jin Luan, how can we call this robbery? We should be fighting for legitimate rights!"

"Well, well, anyway, you are the bandit leader. Whatever you say is what you say." Where did Li Shang count the pills.

Lu Chen had a black line, and Li Shang went too far, calling him the bandit leader directly.

"Senior Gu Yan, use these pills to treat your injuries. If you need any pills, tell me." Lu Chen said.

Gu Yan said, "In fact, these physical injuries can always be recovered slowly. These pills are too wasteful for us, so let's change more spiritual tablets. With so many pills, you can probably change to three or four hundred. It's a spiritual film."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "I can only exchange three or four hundred? I heard you say before that one bone-changing pill has been exchanged for six or seven."

"Well, these elixirs are all low-level elixirs, incomparable with Huagu Dan."

The name of the person who sold the bone transformation pill was Xuan Hua. He said, “The bone transformation pill is a high-level elixir given by nine days, which can regenerate bones. Originally, we wanted to wait for you to come up and save it for emergencies, but see You need the spiritual film more, and we changed it after discussing it."

Lu Chen nodded. Although this group of people had lived with him, they did everything they could to help themselves.

It doesn't matter whether it is to protect the earth, but in short this friendship, he Lu Chen wrote down!

"But in the future, with the medicine garden, we can also make alchemy by ourselves, and we will have a relatively stable income."

Lu Chen smiled slightly. He wanted to go to the medicine garden for this purpose.

"Oh, by the way, Lu Chen, there are forty scattered immortals outside, who were given to us by Changsheng and the Medicine Garden, but they may not be willing to recognize the Lord, after all, there is no real immortal here."

Lu Chen thought for a while, such a big medicine garden needs someone to take care of it, and these people still need it.

"Let me ask them." After that, Lu Chen walked out of the Jiuxing Cave Mansion.

Forty scattered immortals stood in front of the entrance of the cave. Seeing Lu Chen coming out, these people suddenly became nervous.

Fortunately, Gu Yan also came out.

These people and Gu Yan are cooked food, after all, they have worked together in the pharmacy for several years, and they are usually bullied by Sang Li and others, and the relationship is good.

Seeing that these people were nervous, Gu Yan stepped forward and said, "Don't be nervous, everyone. We are all people who have been bullied by Sang Li. I promise you won't be embarrassed."

When Gu Yan spoke, everyone put down their guard a little.

After helping Lu Chen alleviate the situation, Gu Yan looked at Lu Chen and signaled that he could ask.

Lu Chen looked at these people, and many of them were wrapped in bandages. He could already imagine that these people had a similar status to Gu Yan.

"Seniors, I'm the only one in the world." Lu Chen took a step forward, clasped his fist and said, "Level, human king state."

Everyone immediately exploded the pot.

"It's really the King of Human Realm? When I heard you talk to the Immortal Lord of Longevity, I mentioned it before. Is it true?"

"Human King Realm? Why is there a Human King Realm in the Seventh Heaven?"

"A mortal? How can a mortal go to the seventh heaven?"

Faced with various problems, Lu Chen just smiled indifferently, revealing half of his badge, "I am indeed in the King of Human Realm, which is what you call the prisoner. When the Sixth Heaven Crossed Tribulation, something went wrong."

"But this is not the point. Next, I want to ask you if you are willing to stay and help us manage the pharmacy."

"This... is really the King of Human Realm!" An old man said with embarrassment, "Thank you for being honest with us, but I have never heard that Sanxian recognizes the lord of mortals, so we probably won't recognize the lord!"

Lu Chen still smiled, "I don't need you to recognize the Lord."

"No need to recognize the Lord?"

Lu Chen nodded, "The immortal master's set has nothing to do with me. I am asking if you are willing to stay and help me manage the pharmacy, not if you are willing to recognize the master."

"This Qinyue Medicine Garden is also quite large. My friend has limited manpower here, so I definitely can't take care of it, so I need more manpower to help."

"As for the people who stayed to help, Senior Gu Yan, you will pay them normally. Don’t let one tablet for a year. We don’t have any extra tablets. We will extract the two ingredients according to the harvest of each person in the medicine area. It's done."

Gu Yan's eyes widened, "Two ingredients?! Well, that's much more than what Changsheng gave before!"

Lu Chen didn't care about it, "Longevity is longevity, and we are us."

"These people are selected to work in the pharmacy. They should be people who are good at caring for medicinal herbs. This skill is the talent we need."

"If the pharmacy is left unattended, it will still be abandoned. Whoever takes care of it well will get more rewards. This is also reasonable."

Hearing this condition given by Lu Chen, everyone looked incredulous.

The 20% commission of the medicine garden's harvest, even if Sang Li's income, is far from that level!

You know, in the past, not only the Medicine Garden belonged to the Immortal Lord of Longevity, but they also belonged to the Immortal Lord of Longevity. It would be good to be rewarded, and also commission?

That is really hard to dream of!

But when it came to Lu Chen, it became real!

"This! You guys, are you really willing to give us a 20% commission?" The old man asked in shock, as if he didn't believe what he had heard.

Lu Chen smiled and said, "My words always count."

"No, is it a lip service? A contract must be made!"

"Ah? Sign the contract? How to make it?" Lu Chen looked blank.

"We recognize the Lord, so a contract will naturally be formed, and you need to make it clear in the contract!"

"This...don't it. Didn't you say that you don't recognize the Lord?" Lu Chen didn't want to recognize the Lord, and at the same time, he didn't want others to recognize the Lord. All he could accept was the recognition of the Lord by the spirit of the weapon...

It's actually quite troublesome to follow a bunch of boys.

"Lu Chen, the true immortal immortal master doesn't dislike his own number of people..." Gu Yan whispered to Lu Chen, "You know, your subordinates are also Sanxians the most."

Lu Chen looked at Gu Yan suddenly, "I don't want it, so let's do it, they think you are the master!"

"Huh?" Gu Yan originally seriously suggested, but was shocked when Lu Chen pushed it out abruptly, "Acknowledge me?"

"Yeah!" Lu Chen suddenly realized that he was a genius, "You know them well, and it's easy to communicate, and you are also a fairy, better than me, a mortal."

"This... but my strength..." Gu Yan hesitated.

Lu Chen smiled and looked at Gu Yan, "Who dares to move you, ask me first."

Gu Yan finally opened his eyes, and the recognition of him and Lu Chen were actually the same.

"Okay, that's it, Senior Gu Yan, the next thing is left to you, I will see what I can extract."

"The robbery is really cool..." Lu Chen muttered back to the training room.

Gu Yan looked at Lu Chen's back and couldn't help but snickered, "I don't admit it yet, I said he was robbed!"

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