Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1206: Living creature "practice space"?

Lu Chen now has more than a thousand spiritual tablets, and the second piece of equipment naturally chose the nine changes of gods and demons.

"It's finally extracted!" Lu Chen let out a long sigh of relief, "God and devil sets are really expensive."

There are still one hundred sixty and seventy spiritual tablets left, Lu Chen thought for a while and tried to extract some other techniques.

Nine Steps to the Void is more expensive, using 150 tablets, while Seven Stars Chasing the Moon is much cheaper, as long as 15 tablets, and the Tiger Down the Mountain only needs 5 tablets... It's horribly cheap!

"Let's mention these three first, two body techniques, plus an auxiliary technique." The spiritual tablet that Lu Chen had just acquired was gone before it became hot.

However, Lishang and the others have gone to exchange most of the pills for the spiritual tablets, and they should be able to extract some skills.

"Broken Void and Yijian Potian I don't know when they can be mentioned, and the Nine Dragons of the World, the universe will be destroyed, listen with great respect, the triple door..." Lu Chen said that he felt a headache, his skills were not at all professional. Restriction, high skill level...

What's more, he has to extract the magic set! Now that the God and Demon Wuji Sword is not in line, it can be seen how nervous the spirit film is.

Time is running out, Lu Chen must race against time.

"The magic set may be a while, I only have these skills now, and I always feel that I am still too restricted." Lu Chen shook his head.

Suddenly, Lu Chen thought of stealing the sky!

"Senior Thiotian, did you mention the exercise that you gave me?"

"Smelly boy, you can think of it." The thief's voice sounded in Lu Chen's mind, "You forgot, my previous master is a real immortal, did you think the exercises I gave you had been withdrawn?"

Lu Chen gave an initiation, how could he forget this!

The first condition for the fusion of the Void Destroyer and the Silver Gallbladder is to withdraw the silver gall and materials. Whether it is the Void Destroyer Spear or the Void Destroyer Spear, they are all cash items that can be used directly!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen hurriedly used his exercises.

"Wait!" Tootian said suddenly, "Even if you want to learn, you can't learn that way!"

"Ah? Senior Stealth, then, how should I learn?"

"I told you about this technique before. Everyone has different comprehensions, and the final power is also different."

Lu Chen nodded, and Stealth did tell him.

"So the focus of this fairy law is not on "learning" but on comprehension!"

"Senior Stealer, please make it clear!" Lu Chen said respectfully.

"Don't be the old predecessors, I am your weapon spirit now, um, you have to comprehend this spear technique, two years is definitely not enough, you need to go to Xiancheng to find a space for the immortal technique to comprehend." Doutian said, " In the so-called Immortal Method Comprehension Space, there is almost no spiritual energy fluctuations in the space, so it is impossible to cultivate and improve spiritual power, but it can give you plenty of time to understand the exercises in your mind."

Lu Chen frowned, "It's like the starry sky illusion of the Purple Heaven Palace?"

"Yes, it’s just that the Starry Sky Fantasy Array is not enough in the Seventh Heaven. In the Seventh Heaven, there are various cultivation places. There are such places in some True Immortal Caves, but we definitely can’t enter the sacred grounds of other people’s caves. Go, let's find the holy land for cultivation in Xiancheng."

"Senior Thief, do you know where there are?"

"It's really been too long. I stayed in the sixth heaven for thousands of years. My original master didn't come from the seventh heaven. How many years have passed since. I can remember the affairs of the seventh heaven. "

Lu Chen was stunned. The original owner of the Void Destroyer Spear was a higher-level existence than Seventh Heaven?

If so, it's normal if you don't remember, it's like asking Lu Chen to tell Yizhong what equipment he dropped, and he doesn't remember anymore.

"In short, Xiancheng should have it. Don't stop showing the spirit film exchanged by your clan for the time being. Take it to Xiancheng. The spirit film can be used as currency.

Lu Chen nodded.

In the evening, Lishang and Jin Luan had already returned. They took 315 spiritual tablets and handed them to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, these are those pills."

Lu Chen asked, "Senior Gu Yan's medicine..."

"Leave it for them, don't worry."

Only then did Lu Chen put away the spiritual film.

"Senior Lishang, do you know if there is a larger fairy city nearby."

"Bigger? How old are you going? Human Immortal Domain has three immortal cities, eight main cities, sixteen Shangxian cities, and seventy-nine..."

"Wait, wait..." Lu Chen hurriedly interrupted Li Shang, "the kind that has room for practice, the effect is better."

"Gong law practice space? Then Xiancheng has it. As for the effect, it must be the Dacheng effect is good." Li Shang said.

On the side, Jin Luan thought for a while and said, "Li Shang, in fact, this is not necessarily true."

"How could it not be?" Lishang refused to accept, "As long as it is a high-level cultivation space, where will those Immortal Kings and Immortals be let go."

"Li Shang, have you forgotten Changshu City?"

"Chang Shu City?" Li Sao remembered suddenly, "Oh yes, Chang Shu City is indeed an exception!"

"Lu Chen, you can go to Changshu City and have a try."

Lu Chen asked puzzledly, "Is there anything special about Changshu City?"

Li Shang replied, "Although Changshu City is the Xiaxian City, the cultivation space in this city is very strange!"

"They have a total of 999 cultivation spaces, each of which is not large, but the number is the highest in the seven heavens! These 999 cultivation spaces are connected to each other, in a state of symbiosis and competition."

"When the practice space opens, 999 people are practicing in it at the same time!"

"In the middle of these 999 practice spaces there is a "Gong Method Trial Field", where there is a tower spirit guarded by nine true celestial war spirits that become stronger in turn."

"999 people challenged at the same time within the specified time. The winner will continue to practice, and the loser will have his space swallowed by other spaces. Of course, it is not really swallowed. Instead, the "time" in this room is drawn into his room. ."

Lu Chen heard it as if he was listening to a book...

After coming to Nine days for so long, he still feels this way. In the nine days, there are no surprises!

Jin Luan said, "Some people say that this cultivation space is a living thing, but we don't know if it is true. In short, if the strength is strong enough, it is more cost-effective to practice here than in the cultivation space of Xianzun City."

Lu Chen frowned, "Should a lot of real immortals come to cultivate in such a good place?"

"No, the people who go to the Thousand Places Formation are basically Sanxian." Li Shang added, "Changshu does have many true immortals, but they are not here to cultivate, but to screen their own followers."

"If you can stay behind, there will be a lot of powerful true immortals recruiting."

Lu Chen nodded, it seemed that this place was what he was looking for.

"Then I will leave immediately and go to Changshu." Lu Chen said.

Li Shang took out three teleportation charms and handed them to Lu Chen, "Lu Chen, we people are too low in combat power, and following you will be a drag. This is a teleportation charm. I will mark the location for you. Two are Jiuxing Dongtian, one It is the city of Changshu, it can even save your life when it is critical!"

"But you must remember that almost all true immortals have chasing charms with teleportation charms, so you must not be careless."

Lu Chen took the teleportation symbol, "Thank you, Senior Lishang, then I will go."

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