Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1207: Void Destruction Spear Technique

When Lu Chen used the teleportation talisman, he saw a large city not far away.

This place is actually only the lowest level city in the fairyland? Lu Chen really couldn't believe it.

"Sure enough, there is nothing in Seventh Heaven that can't be handled by a teleportation charm." Lu Chen shook his head, "I originally wanted Shiyi to see the world, but now this guy is on vacation."

As a human, Lu Chen "mixed" into the city of Changshu smoothly.

The reason why even Lu Chen felt that he had mixed in was mainly because he was surrounded by all kinds of immortals. He was a mortal, and finally felt a little different.

Around Xianlaixianwang, everyone sees indifference, and doesn't care about other people's affairs at all.

"Being a fairy is really boring," Lu Chen muttered.

Not far away, a young man surrounded by a dozen scattered immortals became the busiest crowd here.

"The Immortal Lord, this time we will definitely be able to recruit top-notch Sanxianmen!" said a thin and tall man.

The young man looked indifferent, "It goes without saying, who doesn't want to be the doorman of the Immortal Lord of Heaven. I'm afraid that no one can pass the three-tier trial."

"I don't want anything below three floors!"

"Of course, how can there be weak people who can enter our Huatian Cave Mansion."

As soon as Lu Chen heard it, he knew that they were talking about the cultivation space. As long as you followed them, you could find the cultivation space.

Quietly following this group of people, as expected, not long after, Lu Chen saw a towering building covering a very wide area.

The style of this building does not match the surrounding primitive buildings at all. It is more like a cliff standing in the city, divided into two from the middle, and rugged rocks on the outside.

The cracks in the middle are separated by thirty to forty meters, and stone houses are separated from each other on the rock walls on both sides.

The rooms are not sealed, only half of them, of the same size, nearly a thousand.

There are many vines connecting each other between the rooms.

In the middle of the two rock walls stands a weird gray "tower", shaped like a tower, with nine compartments, 100 meters high, but without any decorative carvings on the outside, it is uneven, as if it were made of natural rock.

There are similar vines entwined outside Taring.

"It's a strange tower..." Lu Chen saw such an irregular tower for the first time. "It's no wonder that some people say that this place is a living thing. These vines are probably the passages that swallow the "time" in each room."

But what is certain is that this is the space for cultivation practice he is looking for.

Although it is strangely shaped, it has built a flat and standardized viewing area around it.

At this time, more than half of the people in the viewing area have been done, and it seems that many people are paying attention to this exercise trial.

Lu Chen walked quickly towards the training area.

"Is there anyone who wants to participate in the exercise competition?" a middle-aged man shouted not far away, "there are the last forty-nine seats, and soon this batch will be full!"

Lu Chen hurriedly walked over, "Brother, I want to participate."

"50 spiritual tablets." The man didn't look at Lu Chen carefully at all and directly quoted.

"50 spiritual tablets?" Lu Chen felt a pain. He now only has more than 300 spiritual tablets.

"I'm participating, this is a 50-spirit film!" When Kuchen was still hesitating, someone nearby had already paid for admission!

When Lu Chen saw this, it seemed that the money could not be saved, so he carefully took out 50 spiritual tablets and handed them in.

"Okay, here is your number. There is a room number map in the training area. Don't take it wrong! Go in now, it's about to start." The man exhorted, and then ignored Lu Chen and continued to shout, "Yes. There are forty-three seats. Those who want to enter the Big Cave Mansion, don't miss the opportunity."

Lu Chen walked in with a few people who had come in.

Before entering the training area, a wooden sign was erected on each side of the road. It was arranged according to the rock walls on both sides and marked the number of each room.

Lu Chen is No. 101, a few floors above the rock wall on the left, in an inconspicuous position.

Several other people also found their own room, and a body technique moved into their own room.

Lu Chen also jumped into his room.

There is only one futon in the room, half of which is exposed and half of it is in the rock wall. From here, the people in the auditorium can be clearly seen.

There are strong vines outside the room, which are crawling all over the rock wall like a creeping tiger.

Lu Chen walked to the futon and suddenly found a small vine next to the futon. He looked at the vine strangely, "Huh, there is this kind of plant in the room?"

Not long after, someone from below presided over, "Okay, the number of people is already there, and the 999 training rooms are all full."

"Please pay attention to your favorite fairy lord, the practice trial will begin immediately."

"Please note that all cultivators who enter the training room, when the fairy vine covers the room exit, it is the beginning of the trial. At that time, you will enter the enlightenment space at the same time."

"In the first stage, one hour of enlightenment here is equivalent to one month of enlightenment from the outside world!"

"When the fairy vine is opened, please go directly into the trial tower and try the space in the tower without waiting for others to challenge."

"You must use your own practice method to challenge. Once you use other methods, the spirit tower will let you exit automatically."

"If you succeed in the challenge, you can return to your own room to continue your enlightenment. The effect of the second stage of enlightenment depends on the number of successful towers. Generally speaking, every time the vines in your room swallow vines in other rooms, the effect is doubled."

Lu Chen finally knew that this little thing next to his futon was so fierce that he could extract "time" from other rooms!

"Little guy, you are a bit strong." Lu Chen touched the little vine.

The little vine actually twisted a bit, and seemed to like others to touch it.

"Well, kid, see how far we can go!"

At this moment, the huge vine outside the door began to squirm, and quickly sealed the open entrance. Lu Chen's room suddenly became dim.

The little vine twisted and patted the futon, which seemed to be asking Lu Chen to sit down and practice.

Lu Chen smiled slightly and sat on the futon.

At this time, Tooting said, "Lu Chen, the practice here should be the same as that of Void Destruction. You need to understand it yourself."

"The stronger the technique, the easier it is to pass the spirit tower?"

"Why, you are still worried that the Void Devil Spear will not be strong? Don't worry, I dare say, unless you use the magic set, otherwise I dare to say that no one can come up with a stronger technique than the Void Devil Spear!"

"To be precise, the Void Destruction Spear is not an immortal technique, but... a magical skill!"

"Magic skills? So strong? Bragging! Isn't your former master invincible?"

"Hahahaha, what can I say to you, of course, the so-called magical skills, the premise is that you have to practice to the last level, and the most important thing is to see the results of your enlightenment, don’t forget, the power of the God Spear Technique , It is decided according to your understanding!"

"My former master didn't fully exert the power of the Destroyer Spear, and he only reached the sixth level."

"But this is a bit of a long way to go. You should stand in front of your eyes and understand the first level first."

"Now learn the first weight of the God of Extinguisher, and then imagine in your mind to practice this trick, practice this trick as much as possible, and see if you can understand it!"

"Okay!" Lu Chen said, learning the exercises, and then began to practice in his mind!

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