Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1210: What the **** is this guy doing

In the second stage of enlightenment, one hour is equal to three months!

Stealing Heaven, who hadn't spoken for a long time, appeared suddenly.

"Lu Chen, I think the reason why you can't use the fourth shot is because you don't have the skills to master the stars!"

"Skill planet?" Lu Chen asked.

"Yes, the Void Destroyer Spear is a withdrawal technique, that is to say, you need to directly use your body to understand the skill astral body."

"Because it is the main body directly cultivating the skill astral body, it will be very difficult. It requires constant use of moves and gains insight from it. It took my former master 20 years to successfully use the astral body."

"But don't worry. The power of the three shots has exceeded my imagination. You can practice gradually."

"What should I do?" Lu Chen asked.

"In essence, the astral is to adjust its own spiritual power operation mode and integrate with skills, but it is very difficult to achieve this. Most people use more traditional methods, that is, countless moves and years of training. Practice makes perfect, and in the end the star becomes itself!"

Lu Chen frowned slightly, there seemed to be no shortcuts in traditional methods, but...adjust the movement of spiritual power? He seems to have practiced this thing millions of times!

When climbing Mount Sumeru, not only did you need to quickly change the movement of your spiritual power, but you also need to use one mind and two tasks, which is more difficult than mastering the skills of the stars.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen used the speed gun while transforming his whole body's way of releasing spiritual power, so that his body and skills were completely integrated.

After a while, Lu Chen's figure and the rapid grab turned into streamers, lasing out...

"Stealing the sky, is that right?"

Stealing the sky for a long time without reply...

"Is it wrong?"

"You, did you learn? Okay, sorry, I'm a little tired, I want to take a rest first."

"Okay, then I will practice again."


A month later, Lu Chen could already shoot a fourth shot in the state of the skill star!

For the next two months, Lu Chen continued to master the use of the astral body and the four-gun rapid shadow gun...

Three months later...Of course, it was three months in the training room, but to the outside world, it was just one hour.

The vines outside the door opened again, and the second stage trial began.

Little Tingman twisted his body excitedly, and Lu Chen patted Little Tingman, "Wait for me to bring you something back." After saying that, he jumped out of the training room.

There were only more than 300 people participating in the trial this time, but these people still remember Lu Chen.

"Hey, boy, you can finally roll this time!" a big bearded man said coldly.

"This kind of person still wants to grab the immortal lord from us? Could you please have a little brain!"

Lu Chen looked at these people impatiently, and said coldly, "Don't worry, I'm not going to grab the immortal master with you. You practice yours, I practice mine, everyone will not be offended by the river, but if you stay here again Yoke, don't blame me for being impolite!"

"Oh, it's still exciting!" Dozens of people immediately found a reason to vent their anger and surrounded Lu Chen.

"I finished the first stage in 3 minutes, and you only came out in an hour. How can you dare to be arrogant in front of me!"

"I'm a seventh-level Sanxian, if it were not for the seventh-level Heavenly Tribulation, I would be a true immortal now! Believe it or not, I will kill you now!"

"But it's only a mere 50 spiritual films. I will report it again, but I will definitely make you remember!"

Lu Chen frowned, will he be expelled from fighting? That would be a big loss.

Those immortal masters are all people who are not too serious. Seeing the situation here, all of them stared.

"Are you going to fight? There is a good show."

"I have often encountered this kind of situation in the past. Those who can survive the first round of trials are people of good strength and should be a bit worth seeing."

"Also, this kind of private fight can see their strength, and collect a few good ones at the time."

The beauty fairy frowned slightly, and the person surrounded by it was the kid from the earth.

"This guy is not strong enough, and his ability to cause trouble is not small. In this case, if no one helps him, he may be beaten to death!"

"But having said that, he was besieged by dozens of people, but he didn't see any fear. This person's courage is indeed superior."

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly shouted loudly, "It's in charge! Someone here is going to fight!"

When the beauty fairy heard Lu Chen's call, he almost spewed blood.

If you say good courage, say good blood, how can you tell me...

Someone came over immediately and looked at Lu Chen in surprise.

There are a lot of fights here, they usually watch, but this guy actually took the initiative to make a small report...

However, since he called, they couldn't leave it alone.

"They want to beat me!" Lu Chen said, "I can make it clear first that they are going to beat me. If I fight back passively, you can't disqualify me!"

The staff held back for a long time, and he had never dealt with this kind of emergency.

In addition to comprehension skills, the main purpose of those who come here is to hope that they will be selected by a good fairy master.

What kind of immortal dispersal does the immortal master like, obviously it is impossible to admit it beforehand.

In the past, even if there was a fight, it was impossible for Ladu to pull it off, but this one did better.

"101, do you know that those who are watching the trial are all true immortals? Immortals should be more willing to see your true strength!"

"What's the matter with me," Lu Chen said.

These spiritual films are all made by Lishang and the others, saying that their hard-earned money is not excessive, and each one cannot be wasted.

Never waste 50 spiritual films at once because of your own impulse!

As for the immortal lord or not, Lu Chen has never considered it.

"Do you care? Or just play casually? If you play casually, then don't disqualify!"

The man sighed, and when he encountered such a troublesome one, he was gone.

Even if it makes the immortal masters unhappy, if you encourage private fights, then this is not a training room, but an immortal battlefield.

"It's OK, don't make trouble. The second round of trials will begin immediately. If you don't want to miss the trial, please enter the spirit tower!"

These people gritted their teeth one by one, but they didn't dare to do anything.

"You, you bullshit! Begging for mercy if you are afraid of death!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Afraid of death? I'm afraid of your death!"

"Arrogant! Despicable! Shameless!" The group had gritted their teeth with hatred.

Lu Chen snorted and swaggered into the spirit tower under the extremely hateful eyes of these people.

In the second level of trials, the elimination rate is higher, with more than 300 people and only 70 people passing the level!

But all the people who passed the level were still waiting in front of the spirit tower, because there was still one person who hadn't come out.

For three hours, No. 101 did not come out of the spirit tower.

"That kid again!"

"This time he will definitely die inside!"

There were so many immortal masters who watched the battle on the spot, and it took only two hours to wait for these scattered immortals to practice, but it took four hours to wait for Lu Chen to try!

"Four hours, what the **** is that kid doing in there!"

"When will the spirit tower pass by consuming time? What the **** is going on!"

Four hours later, Lu Chen walked out of the spirit tower exhausted.

Almost at the same time, everyone looked at the training room No. 101.

The vines there did not seal the room!

"Isn't it, he, he passed it again?!" The beauty fairy lord was a little uneasy this time.

"What the **** is this guy doing!"

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