The small vines in Lu Chen's room have grown stronger and stronger. Lu Chen touched the vines, "What the **** are you, you actually have the ability to control time..."

In the third stage, one hour equals one year to the outside world.

This is probably the first time Lu Chen has spent such a long time comprehending a technique.

Lu Chen did not rush to practice the second weight, but repeatedly strengthened the speed gun.

In this year, Lu Chen can no longer remember how many shots he shot in his mind.

After mastering the shape of the star, Lu Chen's number of shots increased from four to six.

Six shots, after continuous spiritual strengthening, the speed and power of each shot are twice as powerful as the previous one! Six shots are also the limit that Lu Chen can currently reach!

Just when Lu Chen was about to comprehend the second stage of the Destroyer Spear, the vines dispersed and the third trial began!

Judging from the past situation, only a very small number of people can pass the third trial, and once they pass the third trial, it means that a large number of immortal masters will be recruited.

It can be said that those immortal masters with great strength, they waited here for several hours for this group of people.

Lu Chen also spent four hours in the third trial.

When he came out of the third floor of the spirit tower, he found that only 7 people passed through with himself.

Those few people were also out of temper. Anyway, as soon as they threatened this kid, this kid would give a small report...

But when everyone saw that the vines in Room 101 began to swallow the vines in the surrounding rooms, they felt something was wrong.

How could a person who tried his best to get through the first level?

All the immortal masters under the stage were also discussing, "That kid, how did he pass the test? He actually passed the third level of trial."

"I remember well, the battle soul of the third level trial is already the battle soul of Nine Tribulations Dispersing Immortals."

"The strength of Nine Tribulations Sanxian is already very terrifying. Before crossing the Tribulation, all the overlords who have experienced many battles, it should be impossible for him to drill any more loopholes!"

The beauty immortal master squinted at the tired Lu Chen at the moment.

Every time this guy came out of the spirit tower, he looked exhausted, and seemed to have gone through a fierce battle.

But think about it carefully, in fact, other people who came out, no matter whether they passed or failed, have varying degrees of injury.

The first level is not obvious, but the second and third level opponents are too strong, this is very obvious.

"Why don't you have any injuries at all?"

I'm afraid that you have to ask the kid in person.

At this moment, a Sanxian under her asked, "Linglong Immortal Lord, these seven people have great potential. Now someone has gone down to recruit, or wait and see, can anyone pass the fourth level trial? "

Linglong asked faintly, "How many people decided to participate in the fourth level trial?"

"It seems that there are only two, one is the one who comes out of the spirit tower last every time, and the other is... true immortal!"

"The true immortal is here too? Well, it seems that he has gotten some exercises to come to understand."

Although there is a little real fairy in the cultivation room of Changshu City, it does not mean that there is not at all. This time, a real fairy will participate.

Linglong wasn't interested in that real immortal. Instead, she asked about Lu Chen's situation, "That fairy boy, he wants to go to the fourth floor? He doesn't know that the battle spirit in the fourth floor is the true immortal battle soul? Shen, it is very likely to fall in the spirit tower?"

"I believe the people in Changshu City should have told him..." Menke Sanxian said.

"Oh? Things are starting to get a little bit interesting!" Linglong's mouth raised slightly, "I only plan to hire a doorman. Even if other people recognize the master, they can only be regarded as ordinary forces in my Linglong Dongfu. I am kind to that kid. interest."

"Wait and see!"

At the same time, Lu Chen discovered that five of the people who had passed through the third floor with him had already left the trial ground, as if they were following a few true immortals.

Someone had asked Lu Chen before if he would continue to participate in the trial, and explained the dangers that would be encountered if he continued to practice.

However, Lu Chen chose to continue practicing without hesitation.

These fifty spiritual films must play their greatest role!

In the fourth stage, one hour equals two years!

Of the 999 people who participated in the trial, only Lu Chen and one other were left.

The two entered their respective training rooms at the same time.

At this time, the small vine next to Lu Chen's futon was already growing like those huge vines on the rock wall, and even the small training room became more crowded than before.

Lu Chen didn't mind, and patted the vines, "Little things, it looks like you have eaten a lot, you have grown up so big!"

This time he enlightened, Lu Chen chose the second stage of the Desperate Spear, which is a dragon thorn.

This gun is also a single attack with great power, but it is very different from the speed gun.

This is a "backhand" technique.

The timing of the exercises is right, and the block and counterattack can be completed in an instant!

Therefore, when the enemy needs to attack him, he will react instantly, attacking while defending.

This was the first time Lu Chen encountered this kind of move.

Unfortunately, in the imaginary space, Lu Chen could only practice this trick continuously, but he could not perfectly demonstrate the power of the Inverse Dragon. After all, he could simulate his own state, but not the enemy's state.

Over the course of a year, Lu Chen repeatedly repeated the same movements, practising Ni Shen Yulong tens of thousands of times, and mastered the exercises themselves.

But because there was no opponent for actual combat, Lu Chen could only put down the second level and began to practice the third level.

"Heavenly Fury Spear? Range technique?" Lu Chen immediately became interested, "I really like the name. Ni Shen Yulong must continue to improve in actual combat, so practice this first!"

This move requires the full burst of spiritual power in the whole body, and the difficulty of cultivation is several times greater than the difficulty of the first two!

Even if it was just a hypothetical state, every time Lu Chen practiced, he was exhausted and needed a long time to recover!

"This trick consumes too much, and it burns the sky almost without losing!"

However, Earth Fire Burning the Sky is a spell, and Sky Fury Spear is just a marksmanship! It is not difficult to imagine how terrifying the power will be when Lu Chen practices this trick.

But even if Lu Chen hasn't been lazy, the Skywrath Gun has never been practiced!

"I have completely exploded my spiritual power, why is it unsustainable when I use half of it? Is it that my 80 million spiritual power is not enough!" Lu Chen frowned.

"Lu Chen, this trick is not in a hurry, even my original master took a hundred years to develop it!" said Totian.

Lu Chen said, "No, I feel that I just lack a feeling. Give me more time, maybe I can practice this trick!"

"No, I'm talking about a hundred years. In fact, my original master would often go to the cultivation space to cultivate. It is necessary to count this time and experience a hundred years..."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. If it was such a "hundred years", it might actually be thousands of years!

"Lu Chen, I know you are in a hurry. The earth still has a two-year protection period, but there are some things you can do without being in a hurry." Tootianyu said earnestly, "You have encountered a bottleneck. Don't worry about it at this time!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "I know... Forget it, I'm going to the fourth floor soon, and wait until I'm done to see the situation."

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