Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1226: Erudite fairy

Behind Lu Chen, Linglong watched Lu Chen being submerged in the crowd. Suddenly, she had a feeling that she had never felt before.

Sin? These immortals of them are the immortals of one person, and that person is the **** of war of all!

All people love it, but so be it...

I wish Jin finally rescued Lu Chen and apologized, but Lu Chen just smiled and clasped his fists to the people, "Thank you for your kindness. I can't eat these things alone, so I will take some and take them away."

Lu Chen took a few steamed buns, but the rest did not move.

Finally, Lu Chenfu smiled and said to the little boy, "Little guy, your uncle doll likes it very much, can I take it away?"

The boy was so excited that he couldn't believe his ears.

"of course can!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and then took out five beast cores, "I have received your gift, and I will also pay back. These beast cores are the beast cores of the Nine Heavens Beast, for you."

Putting the beast core in the little boy's hands, Lu Chen took Linglong and turned and left.


Outside the city, Linglong changed from the habit of walking in front of Lu Chen, and followed him silently.

Lu Chen looked back at Linglong in surprise, "Why don't you speak? It's weird."

Linglong took a few steps to catch up with Lu Chen, "I found that you are different from ordinary people."

"Of course, you are immortals, and I am a mortal." Lu Chen said disapprovingly.

"No, I also came up through the robbery, and I have seen so many immortal cultivators, but I have never met you like this."

Lu Chen still disagrees, "Actually, I am not an ordinary human king."

"Oh? What are you?"

"I am the Savage King!" Lu Chen said seriously.

Linglong has a black line, how can this guy always talk badly...

"Okay, I thought about it before. If this travel record records all the exits, then one of them must be back to the world of the Seventh God!" Lu Chen suddenly changed the topic to the topic, "but there are still One question, if we go wrong, is there any way to return to Hongwuxing?"

"There is a way!" Linglong finished speaking and took out a piece of talisman paper.

Lu Chen understood when he saw the talisman paper.

"Teleport talisman!? No, can the talisman go out? If so, we will return to the seventh heaven with a talisman."

"Of course not!" Linglong said, "The teleportation talisman is a teleportation array built in two areas of the same level. The so-called same level is like the world of the Seventh God. In fact, the inside is the world of the same level, and the world in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms , Is different from the main world."

"So, can the teleportation talisman be used in the world of the Seventh Heaven, or inside the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms?" Lu Chen frowned.

"Yes! Because of this, we can't directly use the teleportation symbol to return to the world of the Seventh God, but as long as we record the current world, we can teleport at the same level in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, this is great news!

Fortunately, Linglong's Han Bingfeng was "unwell", otherwise he might get lost.

"But don't be happy too early. Even if you find all the exits here, it is not ruled out that among the dozen or so exits, those who have not returned to the world of the Seventh Heaven, in that case, even if there is a teleportation symbol, we don't know what I can only go back in time."

Lu Chen frowned, "Is there any world, is it sure that there will be a Seventh Heaven?"

"Yes! In some Shenwu worlds, as long as you find some special marks, they are left during the experience of the Immortal King powerhouse, indicating that there must be a passage to the world of the Seventh God in that world." Linglong replied without hesitation. .

Lu Chen looked at Linglong in surprise, "How do you know so many things? You are only five stars, even if you are a true immortal of the Nine Tribulations, you can only say that you have great potential, but you may be better than the average five-star true immortal in your cultivation time. short."

On the way, Linglong's theoretical knowledge is indeed beyond Lu Chen's.

"It's related to my family, you don't need to ask more, just believe what I said." Ling Long replied coldly.

Well, she didn't want to say, Lu Chen didn't ask much.

"Then, so to speak, it's useless for me to get so many outlets."

"It's not completely useless. Although we don't know what world is on the other side of each exit, we can judge the strength of the world on the other side by the strength of the spiritual power emitted by the exit. Choose a stronger world and enter the world of Shenwu. The chance is much greater."

Lu Chen nodded, "It's good, let's practice now, then let's use mounts."

Lu Chen just finished speaking, and found that Ling Long was staring at him with squinting eyes.

At this moment, Lu Chen was also a little guilty, "Why are you staring at me?"

"In the camp before, I said that Han Bingfeng was unwell, don't you really believe it?"

"This... you are its owner, of course I believe in what you say!" Lu Chen swallowed.

"Apart from being overly fatigued, it is impossible for the mount to get sick. At that time, I was wondering whether someone's mount was too powerful, making the Frost Phoenix unable to fly." Linglong said, walking towards Lu Chen with a bad look. Then I discovered that many true celestial beings are fighting with the dark demons on the battlefield. With their personalities, it is absolutely impossible to do such a thing...

As he said, Linglong was already standing in front of Lu Chen, "And you, you went to the Dark Devil's lair a hundred miles away, and you went so fast, you must be riding a mount."

"So, you made the ice phoenix unable to fly?"

Linglong's bright eyes stared at Lu Chen maliciously, making Lu Chen very nervous.

Don't say this woman is angry, even if she is not angry, Lu Chen is a little uncomfortable at being so close to herself.

"You refused to summon the mount at the same time with me because you were afraid that I would feel shameless, did you?"

"I, I...haha, you are really joking." Lu Chen himself felt a little embarrassed to laugh, "I just want to save trouble."

"Well, sit on your mount now!" Linglong said decisively.

Lu Chen lifted his forehead. It seemed that the only hope for passing the blunder this time was that this Xueba fairy would not know Shiyi.

Forget it, sooner or later, I wanted to see him. Lu Chen gritted his teeth and summoned Shi Wing.

The dragon was winding and circling in the air, a pair of dragon eyes glared at Linglong, and ten pairs of huge wings behind him covered the sky.

"One, two, three...Ten? Ten Wings!" Linglong frowned, "Ten Wings do not exist naturally in Nine Heavens. Only when Nine Wings are advanced can you become a Ten Wing Tianlong!"

"Where did you get the Nine Wings Heavenly Dragon? Sky pet copy?"

Lu Chen was shocked. He was really a schoolmaster, he even knew this?

"How do you know it is a copy of the sky mount?"

"There is a record in my family books that the last Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon was buried in the sky, and later became a copy of the Sky Mount, but even if someone accidentally enters the Sky Mount Dungeon, I have never heard of anyone getting the Nine Winged Heavenly Dragon again. ."

Lu Chen frowned and said, "It is indeed obtained from the Sky Mount dungeon, but it is necessary to kill all the BOSS and obtain the BOSS mount to synthesize."

"However, since you know this, you can get one yourself."

Linglong almost bleeds.

I'll get one? If I can do it, what can I do with you!

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