Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1227: Mount competition

"There are indeed worlds of the same level with more blood in the nine heavens, such as the first and second heavens. I don't know how many worlds of the same level exist, and it will slowly converge in the world behind."

"But in some places, there are level restrictions to enter, such as the ghost world. The ghost pet mission will be triggered before level 20, but the problem is that no one can complete that mission before level 20."

"Another example is the Sky Mount Dungeon. There are also level restrictions. You can only enter before level 40. But at that level, 99% of people can't find the Sky Mount Dungeon at all, let alone kill all within the specified time. BOSS."

"Once someone completes the corresponding task, then this task will all disappear within nine days. This is the so-called "full server only."

Lu Chen really had to be convinced this time, this woman was like the Encyclopedia of Nine Heavens, she really knew everything.

What is the origin of her family? She even knows these secrets so accurately.

"Xiao Min and Shiyi's missions are indeed the only ones in the whole server. Later, I was wondering for a while in the district, why only I have it." Lu Chen murmured.

"Only you? You, did you also do the mission in the Lingling world?" Linglong's eyes widened and looked at Lu Chen incredulously.

"It's done, it's a pity that Xiao Min fell in order to protect me. I will find a way to resurrect her." Lu Chen said.

Linglong suddenly discovered that she was a true immortal of the Nine Tribulations, almost killed by this mortal... She had intelligence and missions that could not be accomplished by inheritance. As a result, this kid didn't know anything, so she did it all!

Looking at Lu Chen with a bewildered look, Linglong really wanted to get more and more angry, and suddenly said, "My Ice Phoenix is ​​also the only mount in the whole server. I don't believe your Ten Wings can really make the Ice Phoenix surrender! It should just be affected!"

Lu Chen had an ominous premonition, this woman might be a little bit confused.

"You don't want to try... Actually, it's just the level of the mount, so there is no need to care about it."

"Of course I care! The ancient books compared the Frost Frost Phoenix with the Ten Wings, and the Frost Frost Phoenix is ​​not much inferior to the Ten Wings!" Ling Long said angrily.

"Sister, calm down, it's not good for Dao's heart to be shaken."

"You need to take care of it! Besides, even if I get angry, I have a desire to win. I fight for the future. If I don't advance, I retreat. I can't lose the desire to win at any time!"

Lu Chen held his forehead, this woman is really going crazy.

But think about it, people have gone through a lot of hardships, through the ninth level of the catastrophe, just rushing to the strongest, and in the end the mount is no better than a mortal like himself.

Linglong really summoned the Frost Phoenix.

"Shiyi...low-key..." Lu Chen greeted Shiyi quietly, but was interrupted mercilessly when Linglong found out, "Hey, what do you mean, do you look down on me!"

Lu Chen sighed, "Do you have to insult yourself?"

"You are insulting yourself! The Frost Phoenix, so what about the Ten Wings, with the threat of the Phoenix!"

Han Bingfeng immediately let out a phoenix cry, roaring at the ten wings, a frost storm swept across the world, accompanied by Fengming!

Shiyi frowned slightly, and a pair of dragon eyes glanced at the ice phoenix. After a while, Shiyi became a little impatient and roared at the ice phoenix.

"Roar!" The sky shook the dragon, and the four fields shook, full of dragon fire power.

In front of Long Wei, Feng Wei was hanging on his teeth, and the two mounts competed, standing up against each other!

In an instant, Han Bingfeng came down honestly, bowed his head, and slightly nodded towards the ten wings.

Shiyi didn't want to be familiar with her, after all, the owner said to keep a low profile, but just turned his head and looked away...

"This!" Linglong's eyes widened, her face full of anger but nothing to do.

"Why is there so much difference, isn't it a level? Hey, you say, why is so much difference!"

Lu Chen was helpless, "I don't know, don't you know more than me?"

"I!" Linglong gritted his teeth and stamped his feet with anger, "I don't want to go with you, there will be no deadline!"

After all, jumped on the ice phoenix and wanted to leave.

It's a pity that Han Bingfeng didn't dare to leave without Shiyi's permission...

Seeing that Linglong was furious but had nothing to do, he could only get angry at Han Bingfeng while Lu Chen held his forehead.

It seems that this Liangzi is settled.

Linglong didn't leave. Not long after the second "will be indefinitely", the two took the ten wings together and went to one of the exits to explore.

"Would you like to eat a steamed bun? Their steamed buns are very sweet." Lu Chen looked at Linglong who was sitting behind.

Linglong took a deep breath. After being with this guy for less than two days, he actually moved his mortal energy. This emotion that was cut off by the tribulation felt the risk of recovery and must be controlled.

"Do you know that you are very annoying?" Linglong said in a very calm mood, "Even if you have ten wings, I won't be angry for them, the key is that you look down on people too much!"

"In the beginning, I deliberately put away the ten wings, and then said with a look that you have completed the copy of the spirit and the sky mount..."

Lu Chen chewed on the buns and said, "Why do I owe you?"

"Your indifferent look makes you owe it! Do you know how difficult those two tasks are to complete? Our family has studied more than hundreds of solutions, but none of them succeeded!"

"Do you think I am angry only because of your ten wings? It's that you guy actually accomplished something that our family has not done for generations!"

Lu Chen sighed, what does it matter to him?

"That's right! You said before that your friend saved me. I'm talking about the friend other than Rhubarb. Who is your friend?"

"Lu Yiyi." Lu Chen replied weakly.

"The boss of the hidden dungeon Shennong Valley, Lu Yiyi? How could it be possible! That dungeon was only mentioned in my family, but it didn't explain how to enter!"

Lu Chen sighed. As expected, this woman even knew Xiao Lu's origin!

"You can enter the Reincarnation Realm. It requires two conditions to enter. There is a mission of God, Blood and Demon Seed, and there can be no death record."

"Reincarnation? A place of rebirth? My God, we didn't expect it! Wait, what is the mission of the blood gods and demons? I, why haven't I heard of it?"

"I don't remember where I picked it up, eldest sister, it's all ten years ago, plus the imaginary practice in the middle, many decades ago, how can I remember so clearly?"

"Wait, you said you reached the peak of the Human King Realm in more than ten years?! How could this be possible! Did you take medicine and cultivate!"

Lu Chen has been in the ten-star Savage King Realm for more than ten years, but Lu Chen decided not to say anything about it. After saying that this woman was afraid to transform into a hundred thousand why.

"Can we still communicate happily? Don't have so many questions, okay, let's have a bun."

Linglong narrowed his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Chen.

Based on their family heritage, there shouldn’t be many things they don’t know, but she doesn’t know anything that this guy says casually!

This is a wonderful flower in nine days!

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