In the following time, Lu Chen and Linglong explored 13 exits one by one. These exits were distributed in various areas of Hongwuxing. Even with Shiyi, it took two days.

The two checked the last cave, which was indeed a portal.

Finally, all the 13 exits were marked, and the two chose the No. 7 entrance where the aura escaped the most and entered together.

This time the teleportation was not forcibly pulled in, so after only a brief stun, the two of them landed smoothly.

However, as soon as they came out of the portal, both of them were stunned.

This world is already in ruins, but from the dilapidated buildings, we can vaguely see the original glory of this world.

Unfortunately, it is not the splendor of martial arts, this is a highly developed technological world.

A nuclear power plant behind them is still working autonomously, seemingly operated by artificial intelligence.

Perhaps the spiritual power they felt was caused by this nuclear power plant.

"Hey, I thought it was at least a high-tech world, but I didn't expect it to be a technological world." Linglong shook his head, "I should have left a teleportation mark on Hongwuxing. It's not easy to go back now."

Lu Chen frowned slightly. No matter what the world of martial arts, even if he couldn't get out for a while, he could spawn mobs anyway. It's better now, it's a technological world.

Not long after, a few mechanical soldiers rushed towards this side with strangely shaped weapons. Lu Chen and the other two did not want to waste time here, so they started to leave here first.

When they came outside the nuclear power plant, the two people found that the world was even more desolate than imagined.

Half of the nuclear power plant has collapsed, and the city not far away is dilapidated with ruins and bones everywhere.

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "This is the consequence of being sacrificed..."

This time Linglong didn't ridicule Lu Chen. She knew that Lu Chen's world had only the last coordinate.

"The world of science and technology cannot be compared with the world of martial arts. Their weapons are vulnerable to a blow, and their bodies are also very fragile. It is inevitable to be destroyed."

Lu Chen sighed, "My world is not as technologically advanced as here. There are artificial intelligence guards in this nuclear power plant. My world has not yet developed to this point."

"Now think about it, the earth is too weak and too fragile in this vast universe."

With a sigh, Lu Chen regained his spirit, "Let's see if there is anyone here, anyway, find an exit before speaking."


Lu Chen called out the rhubarb and the small hairball, and the rhubarb led the way. The small hairball lay on top of the rhubarb to protect the rhubarb.

After entering the city, Lu Chen found that there were also some strange creatures in this world. From time to time, some dark shadows flashed past them, disappearing into the ruins of the collapsed building.

These creatures pose no threat to them, and Lu Chen doesn't care about them.

After walking in the city for more than two hours, night gradually fell, and suddenly the rhubarb that was not far away barked, it smelled the breath of humanity!

Lu Chen and Linglong moved quickly over.

In a dead end, Rhubarb was barking at two ragged humans.

The two were old and young, holding some metal, looking at the rhubarb in horror, shaking all over.

"Rhubarb, don't scare them." Lu Chen stopped the rhubarb and looked at the two of them. "Are you the natives here?"

"Indigenous? We, we are the survivors here, are you humans too?"

Lu Chen looked at Linglong, and it seemed that they had found the target.

"Are there any other survivors here?"

"No, no more!"

Linglong suddenly drew out the long sword and looked at the two coldly, "If you dare to lie again, I will kill you now!"

The two survivors were so frightened that they knelt on the ground and begged for mercy.

Lu Chen held Linglong's hand and shook his head, "Perhaps they just want to protect other people. The more fierce you are, the less they will tell the truth."

Linglong also made sense to think about it, and then put away the sword.

Lu Chen walked over and helped the two of them, "Relax, my friend is impatient, and we are also humans. We will not hurt you. We just hope to get your help."

"Help? We, we don't have anything anymore. It's difficult even to live and we can't help you." The old man said.

Lu Chen suddenly thought that he still had a few steamed buns with him. He took out the steamed buns and shared them with them. "We are not asking for your supplies, we just hope to get some information."

The two looked at Mantou with shocked expressions, "This, is this for us?"

Lu Chen nodded and delivered the bun to the two of them.

The old man immediately gobbled up, but the teenage boy swallowed and kicked the steamed bun into his arms carefully.

Lu Chen asked in surprise, "Why don't you eat?"

"I, I leave it to my sister..." the boy said.

Lu Chen felt a sudden pain. The child was more like himself before. He smiled at the boy and took out a steamed bun, "You and your sister have it, but it's a bit colder."

Linglong watched Lu Chen coldly talking with these two beggars. He was so natural and kind, as if they were his relatives and friends.

Until now, Linglong completely believed that the man was not a fairy at all.

He is a living "person"!

After all, Lu Chen won the trust of the two, and they took them back to the survivor camp.

The so-called camp is just a sewer.

There are probably only a few hundred people here, and they don't know anything about Lu Chen's problems.

"There will be black evil spirits out there, we dare not leave here too far, and don't know any strange areas." An old man said.

Lu Chen sighed. It seems that the situation of the people in this world is not as good as Hong Wuxing.

Just as they were about to leave, the boy who had previously been given the buns brought his sister to Lu Chen.

"Hey! Well, we seem to know a strange area."

Lu Chen looked at the brother and sister strangely, "You know?"

"Yeah!" The boy nodded affirmatively, "Xiaolan and I were lost before. On my way to find her, I saw a black evil lair. I found that many black evil spirits were surrounding an abandoned mine. I went in, but none of them came out. I was still wondering how the mine could contain so many black evil spirits. Thinking about it now, maybe it is the strange place you said.

Lu Chen glanced at Linglong, and the look in the other's eyes was the same as his own. Obviously, that place was most likely an exit.

It is too difficult to find all the outlets in this world, so if you can find one first, you have to go and see.

"Can you take us there?"

"Are you crazy? That place is right next to the Black Fiend's lair. We go to find death!" the boy said.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "How many black evil lairs are there in your world?"

"I don't know, I only know that the lair appeared first and the biggest one!"

Lu Chen nodded, "Then as a reward, I promise you that if you take me there, I will ruin the lair, would you?"

The boy was stunned.

"Really, really?"

Linglong has been observing Lu Chen as a bystander.

Before she knew it, she suddenly discovered that she was curious about how this guy would escape the Maze of Ten Thousand Worlds next.

One by one, even her family cannot pass the dungeon quests, and this guy can complete them, so there must be something special about him!

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