Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1229: Taking animal pills

The boy's name is Xiaoxu, and the girl's name is Xiaolei. They were children born "after the war" and their parents died shortly after they were born.

Although they are young, they have been to many refuges. After all, these brothers and sisters are two years young, and other people are less wary of them and are more easily accepted than other adults.

Both of these children are far more mature than their peers. They are a bit less naive and innocent. Xiao Lei is very afraid of Lu Chen and Linglong. She has been holding her brother's arm tightly. It seems that they have seen more humanity. ugly.

Leaving the refuge, Lu Chen called out Ten Wings, brought Linglong, Xiaoxu and Xiaolei brothers and sisters, and went straight to the black evil lair.

Seeing Lu Chen's mount, the two brothers and sisters were shocked and speechless for a long time, but Lu Chen didn't explain much. After all, for them, they didn't even know for nine days, let alone see a real dragon.

Sixty or seventy kilometers away from the city is a forest. This technological world has also paid attention to protecting primitive forests in the past.

While developing science and technology, they also took into account environmental protection. It seems that their level of civilization is much higher than that of the earth.

From a high altitude, there is a huge hole on the edge of the forest. A large number of black monsters live around the hole. The appearance is exactly the same as those of Hongwuxing.

"It should be a species," Linglong said. "Even a world like Hongwuxing can't resist, and this world is even more unstoppable."

Next to the big pit with a diameter of several hundred meters, there was an abandoned mine, surrounded by black evil spirits, but they just patrolled around the mine and did not approach.

"That's the mine you said?" Lu Chen asked.

"Yes, it's there!" Xiaoxu said affirmatively.

Lu Chen nodded and summoned Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan and Xiao Beast.

"I leave it to you here, don't destroy the mine."

"Ouye, you can come out again!" Little Beast looked eager to try, after saying that, he jumped directly off Ten Wings with Xiao Mao Tuan and Xiao Yuan.

The three beasts went directly into the lair. Since it is also the Black Demon Army, there must be a Black Demon God here. Kill it first, and kill the rest faster.

Not long after, the three guys successfully led out the Dark Devil, and the battle quickly entered the killing stage!

Looking at these three extremely powerful guys, Linglong couldn't help shaking his head, "Human-shaped battle pets, possessing the power of many sacred beasts...I am afraid that only the beast gods are! That little white rat eats like life, is fierce and cruel, and then Judging from the appearance, it should be swallowing the sky and killing the rat! Nameless, you..."

Linglong wanted to ask how Lu Chen got these two guys, but after thinking about it, she really didn't want to see Lu Chen's indifferent expression anymore, and she was abruptly held back.

As long as I don't ask, you won't have a chance to sneer!

However, she could not ask the Beast God and the Sky Swallowing Rat, but the white tiger was too strange.

Both physical and spiritual immunity, super high elemental resistance, and absorbable physical attack, this feature is too abnormal!

"What breed is your white tiger?"

Lu Chen said, "Xiaoyuan is not a white tiger. It can change form at will, but when I separated from me before, I used this form when I was with my friends on the battle, and it has been used until now."

"Can change any form? Me, why didn't I know that there is still this kind of battle pet?"

"You are so knowledgeable, you should know..." Lu Chen was a little puzzled. In the test of the nine professional stone pillars in Kong Lianxin, he clearly found Xiao Yuan's model, indicating that there are records about Xiao Yuan in the nine days. .

Later, Lu Chen suddenly realized, "Oh, yes, it was not a battle pet at first, it was a puppet!"

Of course, I couldn't find Xiaoyuan when I searched in the battle pet.

"Puppet? Both creatures and spirits are immune, it can absorb the attacks of the creatures, and can change the form...Wait, you, are you talking about the spirit of heaven and earth?"

"It seems to be." Lu Chen replied earnestly. Last time Lu Chen didn't tell Linglong Shiyi, she was upset. This time Lu Chen intends to tell the truth, so as not to misunderstand herself.

"It is said that the spirit of heaven and earth is the only puppet that can evolve into a conscious individual. The spirit of heaven and earth with consciousness can already be included in the ranks of battle pets."

"It's not all, I can get Xiaoyuan's senses and horizons through puppet art. Little Beast and Little Hairball can't do this, but I will communicate more with Xiaoyuan Xiaoyuan. There is still a little bit. difference."

Linglong no longer knows how to look at this serious kid in front of him!

None of the ghost pets, battle pets, puppets, and mounts around this guy are mortal!

The point is, he still has so many!

"These are things that my psychic clan can't ask for, but you, you... Moreover, you still have the gods and demons! What kind of monster are you!"

Lu Chen glanced at Linglong and smiled slightly, "Actually, you are also very powerful. You are the first person I meet to recognize Xiao Beast and Xiao Yuan. And your family also knows many hidden tasks. Generally, family power is strong."

"Don't you know that this is the most irritating thing? We have passed on for thousands of years, and it's not as good as turning around with your eyes closed!"

Lu Chen was stunned for a moment before he realized.

Others studied for a long time, but he took everything!

Even the Immortal Lord Linglong couldn't calm down, one can imagine how annoying it is.

But this time Linglong seemed to have figured it out, and sighed, "It seems that after all, I still haven't let go of some things. No wonder the improvement is not as good as my brother... Since I have already cultivated to become an immortal, I shouldn't worry about these things anymore... …"

After all, Linglong actually closed his eyes and crossed his knees, "The Taoist heart is unstable, which is not good for cultivation."

"Wan Zai Bing Xin Jue!"

Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief, the woman finally didn't feel so disturbed.

He turned around and came to the two brothers and sisters who were cuddling together, took out some jerky that he used and gave them to them.

"Don't be afraid, you won't fall down here."

"Thanks, thank you!" Xiaoxu hesitated to take the food, and gave most of it to his sister.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I used to have a younger sister... Now that I have practiced for so many years, I really miss the time when we stole the meat buns together."

"You two are waiting here. I'm cultivating by the side. Little Beasts should solve the battle within an hour."

Seeing that Lu Chen was so kind, the siblings finally nodded their heads without being so nervous.

Lu Chen also sat cross-legged and took out a lot of beast cores.

The bloodline of all things, this is the ability conferred by the dragon seed, which is different from his wild monster bloodline.

The bloodline of wild monsters is the ability of battle soul, and the bloodline of all things is the ability of Lu Chen's body.

At present, the Bloodline of All Things can provide Lu Chen with a 10% attribute bonus, and the bonus will not be counted in the level.

In other words, if there is another ten-three-star king-level person, not counting the ten-wing bonus, Lu Chen's attributes are still 10% higher than him!

"I remember that the highest bloodline of all things is only level five, I don't know if I can advance it in the future...I don't care that much, it seems to be directly taking the animal pill to improve the bloodline." The personal panel could not be opened, but Lu Chen still remembered the information.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen immediately began to eat Beast Pill.

"1.27 million..." Lu Chen felt that his head was big after thinking about it, and he didn't count it, so he stuffed a handful of it into his mouth.

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