"A trivial Sanxian openly humiliated the true immortal. Killing a few Sanxian will treat him as invincible? Sanxian is just a dog in this mansion! I will kill you on the spot today!"

"How much background can a planet with 20 coordinates have? Benxian kills you like a dog!"

A group of figures in the stands sprang out directly from the viewing stand, and the number of people exceeded 127!

In other words, there are many people who temporarily joined the challenge!

"This..." Seeing this scene, Li Shang was anxious, "Whether Chen'er was a bit too reckless, it is hard to imagine that he had to deal with 183 challengers, but he even angered others!"

Lu Yiyi was bandaging Lishang's severed arm, "Senior Lishang, don't be angry. I will bandage your injury temporarily. After I go back, I will refine two Immortal Body Regeneration Pills, which should be able to recover."

"Are you a fairy pharmacist?" Li Shang said in surprise.

He knew that Lu Yiyi was a pharmacist, but he didn't know that she was of such a high level.

In Xianyu, as long as the fairy pharmacist is not rushing to ask for it, even if he goes to the Xianzun, he will be immediately left behind.

Frequent celestial battles, dangerous secrets, immortal pharmacist killing people and surpassing goods, a must for travel and home...

Lu Yiyi smiled slightly, "I also just upgraded to Immortal Pharmacist." Lu Yiyi didn't say much about her, but explained to Lu Chen, "Senior Lishang, the boss wants to avenge the flying fighters and the earth. Name rectification."

"Flying him..."

Lu Yiyi lowered his head and said in a choked voice, "Little green incompetent, flying general, Gongming, and Zu Yao three seniors have...fallen."

Li Shang looked at the three people lying on the sidelines.

They have been together in the Seventh Heaven for several decades, supporting each other, in order to save the earth, endure the humiliation, and as a result, the flying will take them first!

Thinking of this, Li Shang couldn't help crying.

On the ring, Lu Chen was staring at Li Shang and the others in a daze.

He watched as Lu Yiyi took out the white cloth and placed it on the three of them, heartbroken.

"I'm the only one who is crazy. If I see it, that is the fate of you people on earth! I only hate that you just killed one person. I should really kill all of you ants!" A true fairy said coldly.

"Only I am crazy, what you said is to challenge all of us, today is your death date!"

"You dare to commit a crime, provoke the true immortal, and the sin is unforgivable. Today I will kill you earth immortals!"

Lu Chen turned his head to look at the more than one hundred opponents on the stage. Dark green mist appeared slightly in his eye sockets.

"I say it again, I am not a fairy!"

"Regardless of true celestial beings or immortals, today, those who violate my planet, die!"

"He who hurts my compatriot, die!"

"He who hurts my companion, die!"

As soon as Lu Chen's voice fell, a wave of violent spiritual power burst into the court instantly.

Behind Lu Chen, two phantoms of several hundred meters appeared.

A phantom, majestic and majestic, a phantom with a hideous face.

The phantom disappeared in a flash, but everyone was shocked when they saw the two phantoms.

"I, I'm not mistaken, is that the imaginary image of the Hunyuan Heavenly God and the Chaos Heavenly Demon? This kid has already reached the eighth level?

"The Nine Changes of Gods and Demons, the first forbidden technique in the Nine Heavens, has long been split and left in various places in the Nine Heavens, and he has reached the eighth level!"

"Be careful, I heard that although this guy hasn't opened a path to immortality, but there are several gods and demons!"

At this moment, three more true immortals arrived in a flash and directly came to the fairy fighting arena.

As soon as they saw these three, the challengers opened their eyes.

The three people who came here are all decent figures among the true immortals of the human race!

Seeing these three people, some scattered immortals quickly saluted.

"The Immortal Lord Shuogu, Immortal Lord Yunba, Immortal Lord Skylark!"

The surrounding challengers all stood behind these three people. There were originally more than a hundred people without a leader, as if waiting for their own leader!

Ye Fan looked at the stage nervously, and hurriedly asked Lishang, "Senior Lishang, who are the three who have just arrived? Others seem to be very afraid of them."

Li Shang's expression became even more tense, his brows furrowed and his tone was quick, "Why are the three of them here!"

"These three people are famous true immortals in Kunlun City!"

"Skylark, a true immortal of the Seven Tribulations, the current immortal level is 8 stars, the record of immortal wars, 19 matches and 17 victories."

"Yunba, the true immortal of the Eight Tribulations, the current immortal level is 8 stars, the record of immortal wars, 17 matches and 16 victories."

"Suogu, the true immortal of the Eight Tribulations, the current immortal level is 8 stars, the immortal battle record, 22 wins and 22 wins!"

When Ye Fan heard it, he took a breath.

He and the true immortal that Jiuer challenged before, each fought nine games in a row. Although it was a complete victory, the opponent's strength was at three stars and the calamity was not high. After all, high-level true immortals were not interested in planets like Earth.

Originally the Dean's opponent was at most four stars. Although the Dean had one enemy and many, Ye Fan still had confidence in the Dean.

However, when these three powerhouses appeared, the situation was suddenly different.

The three are all eight stars! This level is rare in Kunlun City.

At this time, among the three powerhouses and nearly 150 challengers, there are still 50 true immortals.

The dean alone challenged so many powerful people, which has completely exceeded everyone's initial vision!

Lu Chen also noticed these three powerhouses, and they felt completely different from other true immortals.

After being baptized in more than five hundred worlds, Lu Chen has also taken many actions to help the outside world defend against Warcraft, and has some understanding of the true immortal strength.

The strength of these three people should be comparable to Hei Jue Shen!

Tian Rui said at the beginning that Lu Chen must be at least Seven Star True Immortal to be eligible to fight Hei Jue Shen Wu Zhi Qi, but in fact Wu Zhi Qi's strength is definitely more than Seven Stars.

With the three black gods, plus so many true immortals, then this time, I am afraid it will not be so easy.

At this time, the youngest man among the three looked at Lu Chen indifferently, "I'm the only one who is crazy. You seemed crazy just now. Why, you saw me Skylark and stopped talking?"

The other person sneered, "You keep saying that you are the King of Humans. I didn't believe it at first, but a friend confirmed this possibility to me. So, you are a mortal who dare to break into the immortal realm. Courage!"

The last one who spoke was Sakugu, the strongest among the three. He narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes showed cold, Hong Sheng said.

"You just said that three kinds of people must die, then I also want to tell you why you must die!"

"Gods and demons are rebellious, nine days intolerance, you, I alone are crazy, and you will die!"

"Mortals punish immortals, rebel against heaven, you, I alone are crazy, and you will die!"

"The weak eat the strong, you are the weak, you, I am the only one crazy, and your planet, your companion, must die!"

The sound of Shuogu resounded like a bell, resounding throughout the fairy arena, with an irresistible Tianwei, shocking!

Lu Chen looked at these three people and then at the many challengers behind them, suddenly, he lowered his head.

"Haha, hahaha, hahahahaha!" Lu Chen's laughter suddenly came from the Fairy Arena, the voice from small to loud, to crazy!

Suddenly, the laughter stopped abruptly!

Lu Chen looked up slightly, Lu Chen's **** eyes.

"What about immortals? What about nine days? What about rules? What about heaven?!"

Lu Chen stroked the body of the Mighty Spear. The black Mighty Spear turned dark red as Lu Chen's palm swept across it, as if there was lava rolling inside the body.

The gun was also lit up with a raging flame!

"The gods and demons are merciless, I am the gods and demons!"

"Heaven and earth have no way...I am the way!"

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