"Extremely arrogant! Kill me!" Shuogu shouted angrily, and a crowd of scattered immortals rushed towards Lu Chen.

Not far away, a figure flashed to Li Shang and the others.

Linglong finally found Lu Chen's family, but he saw this scene as soon as he arrived. There was no time to say hello to everyone, and a heart was hanging in his throat.

"Skylark, Yunba, Shoku! They, why did they compete for coordinates?!"

At this time, Lu Chen burst out with terrifying spiritual power all over his body, and he was already in full power!

The **** of war possessed, the demon transformed, put to death, the dragon's blood was boiling!

Dragon **** form! God and Devil Tianwei! Gods and demons are too empty arms! Gods and demons can pass the sky!

"God and Demon Lotus Heart·Heart Demon! God and Demon Star!"

At this time, Lu Chen was like a furious **** of war, facing many scattered immortals alone!

"The tiger is down! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

"The tiger is down! The firepower is suppressed!"

"Gunxu Nine Dragons Destroy the World!"

A series of skills collided with everyone's skills and exploded in the field!

"This guy's attack is too...Nine-door screen of the bird god!" In front of a scattered fairy, a tangible shield opened like a peacock. This is a defensive magic weapon, and the defense is quite good.

However, four or five powerful gun shots directly hit the nine screens.

Boom boom boom, the nine screens shattered instantly, the scattered immortal was directly hit by gunfire, his left arm was directly cut off, and the whole person flew out and slammed into the high wall on the edge of the ring.

Even a few true immortals were unfortunately recruited, and they immediately languished!

The three large group attack skills smashed into the crowd frantically. With Lu Chen's current attributes, his attack power was extremely astonishing.

In an instant, at least half of the dozens of scattered immortals here were hit by Lu Chen's fierce attack, and could not afford to be seriously injured!

The low calamity Sanxian, in Lu Chen's hands, only has the fate of being killed by a spike!

"This guy is really the King of Human Realm?!" On the viewing stand, a group of true immortals stood up involuntarily, "Killing scattered immortals is like killing chickens?!"

"Don't talk about dispersing immortals, even true immortals can't stop his attack! This, what kind of attack is this, why is it so strong!"

Before he finished his words, on the battlefield, Lu Chen's figure was like a ghost, and he only heard a low voice, "Buddha body clone! Battle spirit!"

Suddenly there were three more "I'm Crazy" on the field, and the entire battlefield became even darker!

Gu Yan Youyou woke up, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the terrifying battle on the battlefield. He frowned and looked at Jin Luan beside him.

"Ahem, Lao Jin, what's the situation?"

Jin Luan stared at the battlefield intently, "It was Chen'er who took everyone's challenge..."

"This...how many coordinates do we have now?"

"One! It's in his hands."

"This, this kid is going crazy!"

Gu Yan's brain turned sharply, and still didn't think about it for a long time. At this time, a Buddha body clone was severely injured by Skylark's fairy method, Gu Yan's heart trembled, and his body was not healed, and he fainted...

At this time, Lu Chen's demon time had lasted for a long time, but he did not withdraw from the state of demon.

Kill! There is only killing in Lu Chen's eyes!

"Give them all to be buried with my people!" Lu Chen roared, and quickly killed a true immortal with a quick shadow gun. The speed shadow gun was castrated unabated. At the same time, Lu Chen added another shot and killed another person!

"Only I am crazy, die for me!" Skylark yelled violently, "Xianshu·Martial Arts·Five-Star Stabbing Sun!"

This skylark major seemed to be a killer assassin in the martial arts family, his figure disappeared instantly, flashing several times in a row, leaving five afterimages beside Lu Chen.

When the last afterimage was formed, the five afterimages quickly gathered towards the center at the same time, and at the same time they gathered, it was also the time when the ultimate move took effect!

Facing Skylark's weird technique, Lu Chen directly defended.

"Shou Xu!"

But at this moment, a black shadow flashed behind Lu Chen, and the cold light from the dagger in Skylark's hand was dazzling.

"First abolish you, the **** and demon, and see how you dodge!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "It's up to you? It's a dragon!"

The power of Skylark's actual trick is extremely terrifying, as is the case with the assassin, with agile body skills, waiting for opportunities, once he finds a chance, the attack must be fatal!

However, Lu Chen's anonymous roaming dragon directly smashed Skylark's sneak attack!

You Long is anonymous, blocking is only a prelude, counterattack is the essence!

After shielding the five-star thorn, Lu Chen shot Skylark with one shot.

"You, you unexpectedly..." Skylark opened his eyes wide and hurriedly moved, "Standby puppet!"

Lu Chen shot through a puppet, and he blamed himself for carelessness. This skylark was not only a killer assassin, but also a puppet!

Sure enough, the Eight Star True Immortal is not so easy to kill.

"He, when did he get behind the dean!" Ye Fan didn't even see Skylark's actions, as if this person appeared behind the dean out of thin air.

"Are the five illusions just false moves? The purpose is to attract the enemy's attention, and after he took the opportunity to hide, he suddenly killed them?"

From the side, Linglong shook his head, "Skylark's five-star stabbing sun, there is no false move! Those five phantom attacks are a real attack formed by using time and space confusion! If Wuming had not blocked the phantom attack just now, the consequences would be disastrous! "

"However, if the illusion is blocked or dodged, the attack will eventually be transferred to the last trick, "Sting Sun". If it is not the nameless inverse and overbearing dragon, I am afraid that he has already been recruited by this time! "

"Every decision that guy made during the battle, a little bit wrong, might put himself in danger!"

Ye Fan's brows furrowed. It turned out that the Dean's battle was not as simple as it seemed.

"Huh? This senior, you are..." After a while, Ye Fan asked the woman next to him as if he thought of something.

Linglong was stunned for a moment. Yes, the people here are either from that guy’s tribe or his guy’s friend. Why are they standing here...

"I, I'm his friend." Linglong said unnaturally.

Ye Fan couldn't help but stunned.

As expected to be the dean, not long after coming to the Seventh Heaven, there was another big beauty "friend" beside her. Seeing this big beauty watching the dean's gaze, she was somewhat similar to the predecessor Jiu'er, and should not be a simple friend.

Dean, he really deserves the word "love saint"!

But Ye Fan didn't continue to think too much, after all, it was not the time to care about this.

As the time of the inner demon continued, Lu Chen's methods became more and more terrifying!

He directly released the small hair ball and the small beast, Xiao Yuan, deal with the wounded!

Lu Chen's eyes were blood-red, and he shouted in a low voice, "Those who are on the court, don't keep alive!"

"Hahaha, dad, you finally remembered us!" The little beast was fully fired as soon as he appeared, "Okay! Dad don't worry, no one can run away!"

"Zhen Zhi Zhi Zhi Zhi!" Xiao Mao Tuan seemed to be particularly interested in eating immortals, and couldn't wait to pounce on a seriously injured real immortal.

In less than ten minutes, there were countless dead and wounded on the court, and all the scattered immortals were killed in battle. After being taken care of by the little hair ball and the little beast, there was no whole body.

Most of the true immortals also died under Lu Chen’s Quick Shadow Spear, and there were still more than 20 true immortals who looked at Lu Chen as if looking at a monster. Seeing Lu Chen walking over, they could not help but step back. .

Lu Chen finally faded from the state of demon, but it takes time for the demon to fade. Now to withdraw from the demon, it only guarantees that he will not continue to grow demon.

Lu Chen looked at the enemy in front of him coldly, and said coldly, "Why? Scared? I said, those who are on the court, don't keep alive!"

He held a spear in his hand, opened his mouth and smiled, "You may only have one way to survive, and that is...Kill me!"

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