Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1256: Who are you talking about rubbish!

"That's it?" Lu Chen asked.

The old man shivered and said hurriedly, "Sir, this is a lot!"

Lu Chen shook his head, put the things away, "112 copies of equivalent resources equivalent to the coordinates of a planet, just such a little thing, is it called a lot?"

"Sir, if I can't hear you, the coordinates of a planet like the earth can only be changed so much. If it is a high-level planet coordinate, the price is naturally different."

Although this is not good, it is true, after all, to other people, the earth is just a technological world.

Lu Chen nodded, not embarrassing the elderly.

After receiving the resources, the two came out of Fengxiantai, and Linglong said with a smile, "Your Jiuxing Dongtian can be replaced by the ** middle-level Dongfu."

Jiuxing Dongtian is the ** low-level cave mansion, and one of the trophies this time is ** Intermediate, one level higher than Jiuxing Dongtian.

"Linglong, what level is your cave mansion? I'm thinking about selling these cave manures, and see if I can redeem Ye Fan and Jiu'er cave mansion."

Linglong smiled slightly, "After successfully crossing the Tribulation, we will have a place in Xianyu and will automatically be assigned to a cave mansion, but the level will not be too high."

"The Dongfu I was assigned at the beginning was only **medium. This is already the highest level of the Dongfu I have been allocated. Your apprentice and friends, I guess it is also **medium."

"If you want to sell, let's put it this way, the lowest price is about 100 to 300 Ling tablets can be bought, the middle Dongfu is about ten times the low, and the highest price will be increased by ten Times!"

Lu Chen was surprised, "So much difference?"

"Of course, in the Seventh Heaven, the Dongfu is a place where immortals live for a long time, and it is also the most important place for cultivation. If you have more spiritual energy, the price will be ten times worse!"

"In short, your more than 20,000 spiritual films are already a huge sum of money, even if I can't get so many spiritual films in one breath."

Lu Chen thought for a while. If only two or three thousand spirit tablets are needed in the middle, he can return it to Ye Fan and Jiu'er first.

Although the two of them sold the Dongfu, they also got the spiritual film, but they lost a price difference, but they were fighting to protect the earth, and Lu Chen would naturally not let them suffer.

After getting off the ladder, Linglong handed Lu Chen ten teleportation charms, "Lu Chen, these ten teleportation charms record the cities and regions that are more frequently visited in the human fairyland. You will need them in the future."

"I haven't gone back for two years, so I have to go back and have a look. I won't pay you back."

Lu Chen was also taken aback for a moment when he was about to part with Linglong.

In the past two years, the two have been inseparable. Although the two have also had a dispute, the relationship between the two is very different from before.

However, there is always a feast in the world, and Linglong has its own business.

Lu Chen took a deep breath and smiled at Linglong, "Linglong, I always wanted to tell you something."

Linglong was stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help feeling nervous, her face felt a little hot at some point, "What, what?"

"Thank you." Lu Chen said with a smile.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Linglong's eyes, but it was only a sweep away, and then she smiled and said, "Since you are so thankful to me, do you think about recognizing me as the master?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly. This time, Linglong was obviously joking with him.

"Well, I'm leaving, there will be a period later!"

After all, Linglong activated the teleportation charm and disappeared in front of Lu Chen.

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head, "Is it going to be indefinite if you don't tell me?"

The person had already left, and Lu Chen also used the teleportation talisman to return to the nine-star cave sky.

As soon as he came back, Lu Chen gathered everyone together.

According to Gu Yan, everyone will move to a medium-sized cave in the future, and the other three low-level caves plus the nine-star cave sky, a total of four cave dwellings will be used for the residents.

After all, they didn't have a stable residence after they recognized Gu Yan.

Lu Chen kept Ye Fan from telling him to give Lishang Six Thousand Spirit Tablets and asked him to buy two middle-level cave houses. This was compensation for Ye Fan and Jiu'er.

The elixir formula was naturally for Xiaolu, and Lu Chen wouldn't be either.

Xiao Lu was very excited when she saw so many elixir formulas.

In addition, Lu Chen asked Xiaolu to select seeds suitable for the drug delivery child, and all the others were handed over to Gu Yan to be cultivated in Qinyuan.

After all, this is the fairyland, some medicinal materials may be more suitable for cultivation in the fairyland.

It's just that the cultivation of high-grade medicinal materials requires the purchase of some spiritual objects as fertilizers. Lu Chen allocated another 2,000 spiritual tablets for the development of Qinyuan.

Lu Chen didn't rush to take the ten thousand pill. Now his spiritual tablets are sufficient for the time being, and the pill is a must, so he will stay with him for the time being.

After allocating the supplies, Lu Chen still has 15,000 spiritual tablets, 5 million cash withdrawal rolls, 10,000 elixir, two one-year immortal war protection orders, one battle pet advance pill, and an unknown map.

Li Shang and the others were already busy packing up their things, preparing to go to the "Holy Spirit Cave Sky", while Lu Chen found a training room and called out Little Beast, Little Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan, and Rhubarb.

The little beast and the little hairball seemed a little listless for some reason.

"Little Beast, what's wrong with you?"

"Dad, when Xiandou, I seemed to eat a little too much, so I have to digest it slowly."

"Squeaky!" The situation of the small hair ball is different, saying that it is hungry...

Lu Chen also had a headache. In terms of digestion, Xiao Mao Tuan recognized the second, so no one would dare to recognize the first. Little beasts couldn't match it.

But having said that, the little beast eats spiritual cores. From this point of view, it is normal to have a little indigestion.

"Dad, why are you looking for us?" Little Beast asked.

Lu Chen took out the battle pet advanced pill, "Do you use this thing?"

Little Beast glanced at him, his face was not interested, "Dad, I don't use this, only low-level battle pets can advance with this stuff."

The little hair ball was a little interested, and kept squeaking.

Boss, is this delicious?

Lu Chen's face was dark, "This is a battle pet advanced pill, not a jelly bean!"

Little Mao Tuan suddenly lost interest.

Xiao Yuan also shook his head, as the spirit of heaven and earth, and initially was a puppet, it didn't even need this thing.

The three of them all looked disgusted, and Lu Chen felt embarrassed by the feeling that they were just eating this thing.

"I've been here for the first time for so long for nine days, but you all feel so disgusted? Forget it, I will give it away if you don't want it."

At this moment, with a loud sound, a bronze mirror fell on the ground.

Lu Chen and Xiao Beast looked at the place where the sound was made, and saw Da Huang staring, standing there with aggrieved expressions.

Even the Rank 9 Golden Crow Mirror has fallen!

That's its fate!


Who do you say is rubbish! When I wake up, don't run away one by one!

Rhubarb angrily said.

When the little beast looked at it, he suddenly narrowed his neck, "Rhubarb, me, I didn't mean to..."

Xiao Mao Tuan rushed to Lu Chen's hand and sent the advanced pill to Da Huang.

Xiao Yuan rubbed the rhubarb, its big head, rubbed it, the rhubarb was arched away for a certain distance.

Rhubarb was also welcome, and ate the advanced pill in one bite.

Lu Chen walked up to Rhubarb and looked at Rhubarb in surprise, "Rhubarb, are you sure that this food is useful for you?" As he said, Lu Chen bent over and helped the rhubarb pick up the bronze mirror on the ground.

As soon as he got the bronze mirror, Lu Chen was taken aback.

Turn the Golden Crow Mirror? This thing has changed from the 9th round of Golden Crow Mirror to the 3rd round, and now it has become a 1st round?

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