Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1257: The special feature of Promise Sword

After taking the battle pet advanced pill, Rhubarb curled up and fell asleep.

Lu Chen had no chance to ask it, so he could only collect the Golden Crow Mirror for it first.

Later, both Lu Chen and Earth Sanxian moved into the Holy Spirit Cave.

When he obtained the cave, Lu Chen also obtained the teleportation charm. In the seventh heaven, as long as there is a teleportation charm, it is no longer a distance.

Although it is only a middle-class cave mansion, it is more than twice the size of Jiuxing Dongtian.

The cave is full of spiritual energy, even in the resting room, the concentration of spiritual energy is quite high, not to mention the training room.

There are 30 low-level training rooms and three intermediate-level training rooms. Even if they are the same low-level training rooms, the effect is half stronger than that of Jiuxing Dongtian, while the spiritual power of the three intermediate training rooms can reach twice that of the Jiuxing Dongtian training room. !

Lu Chen finally understood why the price of a medium-sized Dongfu was ten times that of a low-level Dongfu!

"Haha, you can practice while eating and sleeping here." Jin Luan laughed happily.

"Be quiet, don't disturb Girl Jiu'er." Gu Yan said.

Not long after, Li Shang also came back, and he gave Lu Chen the two middle-class training rooms he bought.

Lu Chen gave one of them to Ye Fan, and the other to Jiu'er temporarily, and gave it to her when she woke up.

"Master, you have said that you don't want to buy it for me." Ye Fan said as he took the teleportation charm, "You have to buy it for me, discounts are fine! I think it's better to find a chance to sell it, you The place is so big, can I just squeeze in your place?"

Lu Chen almost spurted blood. He suddenly thought of something and asked, "How is the financial situation of the Sacred Academy of Gods and Demons?"

"Is it still worse to have Senior Brother Xuan Jia? It's me. I have been the dean for six years. Now I owe Senior Brother Xuan Jia more than 200 million spiritual stones." Ye Fan shook his head and sighed.

"At the beginning I was just looking at the dean's salary, who knows...who knows that with the salary, I owe more..."

"If it weren't for Senior Brother Xuanjia Wang's pressing, I originally planned to cross the catastrophe next year..."

Good guy, Ye Fan became immortal because of being forced into debt! Lu Chen also had to admire this kid.

But even if Ye Fan crossed the catastrophe and became immortal, that was a poor immortal.

"Then you crossed the robbery, how can you pay it back in the future?"

"Hey, the money must be repaid. When I have money, I will see if I can lower the bounds."

Lu Chen shook his head. He didn't doubt that Ye Fan would pay back the money, but he had to wait for Ye Fan to be rich. He didn't know that it would be the Year of the Monkey...

"Well then, I will bring up all the exercises and equipment I need to withdraw. There should be a little left. I will repurchase the Dongfu with you at that time. Anyway, I will use it in the future."

Lu Chen returned to his room, ready to manifest the objects.

For 15,000 spiritual tablets, Lu Chen first continued to withdraw the flames.

This Xianshu actually took 500 spiritual tablets to come out! It is twice as much as the average fairy magic!

Then there is the God and Demon Promise Sword.

Other gods and demons suits, except for the nine changers of the gods and demons, are all 1000 spiritual films. Lu Chen thought that this guy shouldn't need too many spiritual films.

One piece, two pieces...1000 pieces...no response!

"Damn, isn't it, not enough?"

2000 pieces, no response...

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Big Brother, you, you are already twice as many as others, still can't come out?"

At this time, Lu Chen's mind rang out, "The withdrawal price of weapons is always the highest in the suit. The price of items with weapon spirits is far higher than other equipment. Normally, they are ordinary weapons. More than five times."

"Huh?! So expensive!"

Tooting continued, "Maybe there is more!"

"The God and Demon Promise Sword is extremely special in nature. It is an extremely rare artifact that can increase its strength on its own. Even if it is hit by the God and Demon, there is no second one with such a power!"

"Don't look at it as just such a devouring ability, but with the God and Demon Promise Sword, it can continuously raise the upper limit of the attributes of the God and Demon Anonymous Set!"

"The Promise Sword uses equipment to strengthen itself and its master... Lu Chen, do you remember how many equipment the Promise Sword swallowed?"

Lu Chen said with a black line, "I, I don't remember... let's not talk about it, just that time in the Sword Tomb of the Immortal Corpse, there will always be hundreds of thousands..."

"Hundreds of thousands... Then the price of withdrawal may be several times higher..."

"This..." Lu Chen, who just thought he had become rich, suddenly realized that he seemed to be no more wealthy than Ye Fan.

The ten thousand spiritual tablets smashed down, but the God and Demon Promise Sword still did not respond.

Lu Chen hurriedly stopped first, and extracted all the other equipment techniques that had not been withdrawn.

As a result, it only cost less than Bailing tablets.

There were more than four thousand left, and Lu Chen smashed another four thousand, but the Promise Sword still could not be withdrawn.

Lu Chen still had a few hundred spiritual tablets in his hand, and in the end he could only temporarily dispel the idea of ​​extracting the Promise Sword.

After leaving the room, Lu Chen looked at Ye Fan, shook his head and said, "Dongfu, you should sell it yourself, I can't afford it."

"No, Master, you, you just have fifteen thousand, how come your time is gone after a while?" Ye Fan said in shock.

"My Promise Sword dropped fourteen thousand, but I can't even mention it."

Ye Fan's eyes widened. He also mentioned a lot of exercise equipment. Naturally, he knew that 14,000 spiritual tablets were worthy of dozens of others' equipment!

"Master, let's go to work!" Ye Fan suggested.

Lu Chen gave Ye Fan a white look, "What kind of job! Can I make a fortune?"

"Then, fight a fairy fight?"

"Xiandou can't make a lot of money. True immortals have coordinates. If you have coordinates, you won't be able to win Lingpian. Sanxian... I don't really want to grab Sanxian things." Lu Chen thought about it, and suddenly received it. To, "I'll go to a nearby city to see."

"Master, wait two days, let's go together when Jiu'er sister wakes up! We are still a lot short of the withdrawal of the spiritual film."

Ye Fan is not simple, medium Dongfu two to three thousand, deducting some of the difference, two thousand will always be there, and the result is not enough.

As for Jiu'er, she must also need a lot of spiritual films, and her eclipse kit is probably not cheap.

Lu Chen thought for a while, since the earth is temporarily safe, it doesn't hurt to wait two more days.

Three days later, when Lu Yiyi was studying the new formula, he accidentally discovered that Jiu'er had opened his eyes and hurried to inform Lu Chen.

"Jiu'er!" Lu Chen walked quickly to the bed of Jiu'er, "You finally woke up!"

"Nameless... I actually woke up a long time ago, and I heard some of your conversations, but I have been cultivating, so I didn't wake up." Jiuer sat up and looked at the Holy Spirit Cave Sky, "This is your new home?"

Lu Chen looked at Jiu'er with relief, "Thank you and Ye Fan this time. By the way, I bought you a new Dongfu."

Jiu'er looked at Lu Chen tenderly and smiled, "Didn't Ye Fan say that we don't need to buy us a new Dongfu? Even if I didn't help you, I would probably sell the Dongfu, first change some spiritual film to withdraw."

Lu Chen said, "You have helped me so much, how can a **Dong Mansion represent it."

"I said, don't be so polite, you two." Little Green took a glass of water, watched the two people chat, and was really anxious, put down the tea cup, and said meaningfully, "Little beast and Xiao Maotuan are accompanying What about rhubarb."

After speaking, he winked at Lu Chen and blinked.

"Xiaolu, are your eyes okay..." Lu Chen asked concerned.

Xiaolu held his forehead and sighed, "Maybe he's blind, I didn't even see who the boss is, I was wrong..."

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