Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1261: The land of reversal

Lu Chen is now in a small wooden house made of vines. Opposite him stands a beautiful girl who is the branch of the Hong Mongol tree.

"You are very dangerous now." Mu Sheng always had the slightly smiling face.

Lu Chen was a little scared, "Dangerous? You, you won't want to reproduce with me again! Let me first declare that we humans have children and sowing seeds with you is not the same thing..."

Mu Sheng couldn't help covering his mouth and smiled, "You really want the beauty! It took too much effort for me to give birth to Yaoer."

Lu Chen felt a little regretful while he was relieved.

"Then what do you mean I am dangerous now?" Lu Chen asked.

"Does anyone want to deal with you without knowing it?"

"There are so many people who have to deal with me. I don't have time to care about them." Lu Chen replied.

Mu Sheng smiled and shook his head, "You have such a big heart. I'm really curious about how you lived until now. This time the person who is going to deal with you is very strong, so he invited a foreign immortal king to deal with you. If you meet me, I I'm afraid you are doomed to escape!"

"The Immortal King? A person from Lingtian Immortal?" Lu Chen frowned.

"No, Immortal Ling Tian is a human race, he wants to deal with you, why don't you have to stay close and ask for a distance, ask a foreigner to deal with you, so your enemy should be a foreigner."

Lu Chen frowned. Does he have any foreign enemies in Seventh Heaven?

This question is hard to think about, after all, some of his opponents, he has never even seen him, and it is even more impossible to know who the opponent is.

However, all in all, Lu Chen now knows one thing, there is a strong foreigner who wants to deal with him.

"You can ask the fairy king, the strength of that person..."

Mu Sheng said, "You're finally getting acquainted. As the saying goes, an open spear is easy to hide, and a dark arrow is hard to defend. The opponent has the fairy king to help. Even if you can escape, what about your friends?"

Ye Fan and Jiu'er are only one star after all, their strength is still too weak.

Thinking of this, Lu Chen looked at Mu Sheng, "Then...what am I going to do?"

Mu Sheng smiled slightly, "Actually, most of the Xianzu ruins are underground!"

"I will send you and your friends into the underground ruins in a moment. There are few other people to enter, and the resources are rich, but you remember two points!"

"First, this underground part is called the land of reversal of the universe. Here, the meridians are running in reverse order!"

Lu Chen widened his eyes, "Huh? What does this mean?!"

Mu Sheng said, "For example, if you hit a punch, normally, spiritual power is transmitted from the spiritual core, through the body meridians, to the arm, and finally burst out."

"But here, if you are in the "turn of the universe", you can punch normally, but if you are in the "turn of the universe", not only will you not be able to beat out with this punch, but if you force the punch, you will directly damage your own spiritual core. ."

Lu Chen almost vomited a mouthful of old blood. Is there such a strange place?

"When the universe is reversed, you must run your spiritual power in the reverse direction before you can attack."

Lu Chen pursed his mouth, thinking for a long time, "Then how to tell whether the universe is turning forward or the world is turning backwards?"

"I don't know... the subterranean world has the most precious "nine-day stars". Then you will see the stars hanging in the sky. It is determined by it. It is just that the thing has existed for too long. It becomes extremely unstable, so there is no way to judge."

Lu Chen pursed his mouth and said nothing.

I always feel that it is better to be on the ground than to come underground...

"Second, just take your human race line, and other lines have defenses against foreign races."

"Most of the battle spirits only expel their own clan, but for foreign clan, that's just killing!"

"The rules on the surface are also applicable to the underground. In order to protect the clan, other races often shoot more organs against foreign races. Some organs can destroy the world!"

"In addition, I suggest that you don't go too deep. Although the underground site resources are very rich, the defense is also stronger. You can find some treasures in the periphery. If you go deep, the danger is too high."

Lu Chen's face was dark, "Or, should you send us back? I think the underground seems even more unreliable!"

Mu Sheng smiled like a flower, "Why, didn't you come to hunt for treasure? The treasure hunt is still afraid of danger, then what good treasure can you find? Do you know that no one has come to the ground for thousands of years, and how many rare treasures are hidden in this ground?"

When it comes to treasures, Lu Chen can only swallow his grievances into his stomach.

For the treasure, it is worth taking a risk.

"Well, the medicine garden has already been taken advantage of, and now I can only take a gamble!" Lu Chen said with a sigh.

Mu Sheng smiled slightly, "Well, I'll send you to the ground."

Lu Chen said suddenly, "Well, how is Yao'er?"

"Your sister has accepted Yao'er's identity. She sent Yao'er back to Earth to raise... There, Yao'er can at least spend a carefree childhood..." Mu Sheng's eyes became gentle.

"Is there an entrance to the Nether here? I want to go back and see my son."

"No." Mu Sheng replied simply.

"Where is it? You take root in the Seventh Heaven, you should know!" Lu Chen asked anxiously.

"On the Terran Immortal Territory, several known entrances to the lower realm have been controlled. I'm just a branch of the Hong Mongol Tree. I understand it better on the Terran Immortal Territory, but I don't know about other races in the Immortal Territory."

Seeing Lu Chen frowning and not saying a word, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

Mu Sheng walked in front of Lu Chen, put his lips to Lu Chen's ear, and said softly, "Compared to the lower bound to see Yaoer, I think you'd better find the person who is not good for you first. I don't want my child to grow up. No father!"

The next second, the vines rolled, and Lu Chen was involved in endless fairy vines again.

"Oh, by the way, there is one more thing...your sister...interesting..." After Mu Sheng said the last sentence, he also retreated into the vine and disappeared.


I don't know how long it took, Lu Chen, Ye Fan, and Jiu'er all fell from "mid-air" at the same time.

After the three of them fell heavily to the ground, they saw that the three of them were deep in the underground world!

This place is extremely empty, with mountains and rivers running through it, and a huge bright disk above it, like the sun and the moon hanging in the sky, illuminates the entire underground world.

That should be the nine-day stars.

It's almost the same as the surface of the earth, but when you look up to the sky, you can see that the sky is a tangible rock formation.

"My God, are we underground?" Ye Fan frowned, "It's a veritable underground world, it has become a world of its own."

"It should be the plant that brought us down. It's just that this place is so vast. I have never seen an underground like this!" Jiu'er looked around.

There are mountains in the ground, which is incredible!

"This is the underground part of the Xianzu site!" Lu Chen said, "There are more treasures here than above, and no one will grab it with us."

As Lu Chen explained, he took out the Xianzu token.

Mu Sheng said that they must follow the immortal road of the human race, and now their position has clearly deviated.

"Go back to the human clan first, don't run around, here is more dangerous than above." Lu Chen exhorted.

Based on the token, the trio regained the human family line.

"This should be directly under the medicine garden." Ye Fan studied it against the token.

"Yeah." Lu Chen looked ahead and determined the location.

"Wait in, wait for me to determine whether the world is turning forward or the world is turning backwards."

Ye Fan looked at Lu Chen in surprise, "Master, what is turning around?"

At this moment, Ye Fan saw Lu Chen throw a soft punch.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Chen flew out directly...

Ye Fan and Jiu'er looked horrified, what happened just now.

Lu Chen came back from a trot, wiping off the blood from the corners of his mouth, cursing, "That lunatic, this is the rhythm of being played to death!"

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