Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1262: Raiders Team

Lu Chen explained to Jiu'er and Ye Fan that the universe was turning and turning backwards, and the two of them realized that Lu Chen had just shot himself flying.

"You can't do it lightly..." Jiuer blamed Lu Chen a little.

Lu Chen said, "I can't help it. When reversing, you need to use spiritual power, and it is a direct attack on the spiritual core, and there is no defense."

Ye Fan frowned and said, "According to the master, this place is more dangerous than the surface. It is estimated that there will be an opportunity for hands-on, but the movement of spiritual power is reversed, which is very troublesome."

Lu Chen glanced at the entrance of the valley, but there was no huge battle spirit guarding it.

After thinking about it, Lu Chen said, "The above-ground area is opened every few years, and there are still so many people who come to hunt for treasure. It can be seen that the Xianzu site is a place for gathering spirits, which can breed a lot of treasures."

"The underground area is unpopulated all year round. There are many times more treasures here than on the surface. We must try!"

Jiu'er also said, "Yes, the other true immortals in the Seventh Heaven have cultivated here for hundreds of years, accumulating a lot of resources, and the recruits are numerous. It is impossible to gain a foothold in the Seventh Heaven without taking risks."

"Ye Fan, if you are afraid, you will wait for us here, but don't be greedy when we take the treasure."

Ye Fan said, "Sister Jiu'er, even if I am afraid, I am worried about you, especially Master, if you say that if he would give himself a blow to the sky, he would not directly ascend to the sky with a sword..."

Lu Chen said with a black line, "I said you kid can say something auspicious? You are all right, what can your master do?"

"Master, I'm afraid you attack too high..."

It's a joke, but the three of them are very strong, and they are all outstanding in actual combat ability. In addition, they are poor recently, and finally decided to break into this underground fairy ancestor site.

"Master, let's first try to see if other non-attack skills have changed in the reverse situation." After speaking, Ye Fan immediately used displacement.

Lu Chen and Jiu'er had a flower in front of them!

"What a fast body style! Ye Fan, this kid has made rapid progress." Lu Chen couldn't help sighing.

However, the two of them heard a loud noise in the next second, and a figure plunged into the side of the mountain...

Not long after, a person crawled out of the rocks.

Ye Fan's face was bloody, and he ran back, "Master, Jiu'er sister, the displacement can't be used indiscriminately, the speed can be increased, but... can't control it!"

It seems that in the state of reversal, not only attacks cannot be used indiscriminately, other state-type and displacement-type techniques may also be useless.

"Anyway, there is plenty of exploration time, let's try not to use spiritual power." Lu Chen said, "Okay, go in!"

After all, the three are planning to enter the valley.

At this moment, Lu Chen suddenly realized that there was someone behind him. He didn't dare to use spiritual power now, so he hurriedly looked back.

Not far away, a woman dressed in white was walking towards them.

Lu Chen frowned, "Huh? Linglong?"

After Linglong saw Lu Chen and the others, she didn't dare to use displacement, speeding up her pace.

"Lu Chen, Ye Fan, and..." Linglong looked at the black-clothed woman next to Lu Chen. The woman was dressed in black, her face faded from the paleness she had when she was lying in bed. After her complexion improved, she looked even more beautiful. Outstanding.

"Girl Jiuer, how are you?"

Jiu'er was not really in a coma at the beginning, but a special eclipse cultivation technique, so he knew that Linglong had taken care of him.

She leaned slightly towards Linglong, "Thank you Sister Linglong for your concern. I am no longer a serious problem. I also thank Sister Linglong for taking care of me."

Linglong smiled slightly, "Girls Jiuer don't care about it."

Lu Chen interrupted and asked, "Linglong, why are you here?"

"Senior Mu Sheng sent me down." Linglong said, "and it will be more difficult for you to have no pharmacist. She wants me to go with you."

"Are you a pharmacist?"

"I'm good at medicine and poison, but my major is not a pharmacist. I do more." Linglong said.

Lu Chen nodded. Although Linglong had only met with the seventh genius, they had spent two years in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms together and walked through the lowest two years with him. They were already his own.

"Great!" Lu Chen said in surprise, "By the way, are you clear about the situation here?"

"The change in the universe is probably known, and it is caused by the instability of that thing." Linglong looked at the huge sphere that looked like the sun and the moon on the edge of the sky.

"Nine-day stars, the top ten treasures of the nine-day magic weapons, but unfortunately it is almost in its twilight years. It is different from other treasures. Other treasures will gradually become spiritually exhausted. And it will become more spiritually full as it grows older, but it will become extremely Unstable, uncontrollable, what a pity..."

Lu Chen sighed in his heart that Linglong deserves to be the Encyclopedia of Nine Heavens. Even the stars of Nine Heavens know it so accurately. It seems that this line of Linglong travels with him. Mu Sheng's conscience has definitely discovered it.

The three-person team has now become four people.

Lu Chen led the team and walked carefully into the valley.

Although there is no huge stone statue of war soul here, the four dare not take it lightly, and the speed of marching is not fast.

After all, the inaccessibility of the underground area also means that no one has triggered most of the agencies here!

"Above, the same location should be a legacy medicinal garden, but how come there are weeds below." Linglong wondered.

"Go inside first," Lu Chen said.

After walking for ten minutes, an arc-shaped light curtain appeared in front of him, which seemed to be a defensive formation.

"Is it a defensive formation?" Jiu'er asked.

"Unlike, the defensive formation needs spiritual power supply, this place has been unoccupied for a long time, and it is impossible to have the defensive formation support for so long." Ye Fan said.

After the four people approached carefully, they found that the light curtain was not big, it was about the size of a basketball court. On the contrary, there were two stone lion statues in front of the light curtain. There, the lion's eyes were wide open and motionless.

Although the light curtain is not big, the interior is quite crowded. There are dense vegetation inside, and you can see a lot of exotic flowers and plants vying for beauty...

"It's the medicinal garden!" Linglong's eyes widened, "and it's an advanced medicinal garden. The medicinal materials in it... Nuwa Vine, Huishen Earth Spirit Grass, Five-petal Narcissus... are all rare medicinal materials used to refine high-level elixir."

"This small medicine garden is several times more valuable than the whole valley above the medicine garden!"

When everyone heard it, their spirits suddenly appeared.

It's just that the four of them didn't dare to enter, after all, at the Xianzu site, the stone statues are not simple ones!

"The stone statues can attack, and the medicine garden is so big. It is probably impossible to gather medicine under their noses." Lu Chen said, "In this way, I will lead the stone lion away, and you will gather medicine."

Lu Chen was the strongest, so he left the task of distracting Shishi.

"Master, let me test it first." Ye Fan gave a punch, and he was fine.

Everyone was overjoyed, at this time the universe is turning!

"Hey, good luck, then I'm on it!" After that, Lu Chen sprang directly out of the grass and came to the stone statue.

Sure enough, the stones on the surface of the stone statue fell off and turned into two giant golden lions in a blink of an eye, making two roars today.

Immediately afterwards, two huge golden lions pounced on Lu Chen at the same time.

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Now that the universe is turning, I will let you ninety-nine meters in a hundred meters. Even if you can catch me, you will have the ability!"

The golden lion was furious, extremely fast, Lu Chen hurriedly unfolded her body skills... At this moment, the three of Jiu'er saw Lu Chen like a cannonball, blasting against a nearby mountain, and bumped into it.

"Damn, when did it turn upside down again!" Lu Chen's roar came from the mountain.

Regardless of the number of golden lions, they rushed directly to the mountain.

Jiu'er said faintly, "Is Wuming Brother using his life to lead away the Golden Lion?"

"This... Master won't lead a stranger to death..." Ye Fan said worriedly.

Linglong yelled, "Leave him alone, he shouldn't be able to die, let's pick the medicine quickly!"

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