Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1271: Fairy king puppet

The mark on this puppet's chest is completely different from the previous ones, and it has three stars!

"Samsung fairy king!" Even without Linglong's explanation, Lu Chen could probably guess it!

"A three-star fairy king-level puppet is not yet the king of puppets here!" Linglong's eyes widened.

What's even more exaggerated is that after the passage in front gradually lights up, more fairy king-level puppets appear, and they are moving here.

"At least a dozen immortal king-level puppets!" Under the crisis, Jiu'er had already launched the eclipse of the nine souls!

Lu Chen's eyelids throbbed, and according to this battle, even if he faced so many Immortal King-level puppets, he probably had no chance of winning!

"Quickly, teleportation! It's too late!" Ling Long said anxiously.

The four hurriedly took out the teleportation charm. Even though there are still many areas of the underground ruins that have not been explored, and there are still a lot of treasures that have not been searched, they must retreat now.

However, the opposite puppet has moved!

"Want to go? Is it possible!"

The four immortal kings started at the same time, as if they were starting a certain formation.

"Xian Array, Absolutely Dead!"

"No, they want to block the teleportation array!" Linglong was surprised.

However, at this moment, among the four, a figure shot directly at the puppets of the immortal kings.

"You guys go! Speed ​​shadow gun!"

"Master!" Ye Fan's eyes were about to split, and he was about to rush over.

"Brother Wuming!" Jiu'er's eyes were red, and he was about to explode.

Linglong grabbed the two of them, "This level of battle will only hinder you if you go! Let's go first, at least there is hope!"

Over there, Lu Chen's Quick Shadow Gun has reached the limit of six shots, and he instantly entered the enemy line!

The four immortal kings had to take action while offering shields.

With a loud bang, several refining chambers on the scene collapsed directly in the aftermath of the spiritual energy, and a ring of spiritual energy exploded along the various passages, and the entire refining area vibrated violently!

"Hurry up!" Lu Chen's voice came from the ruins!

"Transport Talisman, a line of heaven!" Linglong gritted her teeth, and regardless of their struggle, directly led them to teleport at the same time.

"Lu Chen...must...live!" Linglong's hoarse voice came from behind, which showed that she was also extremely painful at this time.

Lu Chen finally took a sigh of relief, at least Linglong and the others managed to escape.

However, as soon as Lu Chen stood up, more than twenty figures faintly appeared in the surrounding smoke.

More than twenty fairy kings!

Voices without mood swings came from all directions.

"Unexpectedly bad my good deeds, I will make you worse than death!"

"You can even dare to resist the fairy king?"

"Since you let three people go, you alone will have to bear everything they should have endured!"

Lu Chen squinted his eyes, tightly holding the Mighty Gun in both hands.

The other party has more than 20 fairy king-level puppets, and the star is not low, they are still puppets!

The most important thing is that if you fight here for a long time, and then usher in more puppets, even the king of puppets, he will definitely die!

The only chance now is to escape!

However, at this time, his surroundings were already surrounded by the fairy king's puppet!

"Go to death for me!" As he spoke, a puppet had already taken action.

"Xianshu·Sword spans 30,000 miles!"

"God against the gods and dragons!" Lu Chen raised his spear to block, but as soon as the **** of death spear was released from the sword, Lu Chen felt an extremely vast spiritual power coming from him, making him unable to completely resolve this move!

When a part of the spiritual power was dissipated, in the end, half of the spiritual power was unstoppable, and it pressed towards Lu Chen like a mountain and a crack.

The strength of the three-star fairy king is so terrifying that even the god-wandering dragon can't stop it!

"Guardian of the Earth!" At the moment of his death, Lu Chen had to summon two puppets at the same time, using the ancient earth and rock shield to help him resist!

There was a loud bang, and after the collision of spiritual power, a terrifying spiritual explosion occurred. Two puppets, together with Lu Chen, were knocked into flight by this move!

Two earth guards helped Lu Chenhua deal a lot of damage, and Lu Chen blocked the remaining damage by defending the virtual, but he himself was still vomiting blood from the fluctuating spirit!

After a few more bangs, Lu Chen and the Earth Guards penetrated several walls together, slammed into a huge refining cauldron, knocked the refining cauldron into flight, and they stopped.

Lu Chen checked the guard of the earth and could no longer move, so he quickly put the guard away.

"This guy... is so strong!" Lu Chen just raised his head, only to find that another fairy king had already been killed in front of him.

"You can actually block the blow of the Immortal King, you are a bit funny! It's a pity that you still have to die when you meet me!"

"Xianshu·Nine Nether Claws!" A pile of virtual images of metal claws appeared on the arm of the immortal king, and he grabbed Lu Chen directly.

Its speed was too fast, and Lu Chen had just swallowed the sword and crossed 30,000 li, the aura in his body was disturbed, and it was difficult to completely dodge it for a while.

"Dragon God Form!" Lu Chen used the enhanced skills and desperately launched Nine Steps into the void.

The ghost claw phantom wiped Lu Chen's chest, wherever he passed, the dragon scales fell off and his flesh and blood flew!

Under severe damage, Lu Chen was repelled again.

Before Lu Chen could fully stabilize his body, several other immortal kings teleported to Lu Chen.

"Have you ever seen a cat catch a mouse? Don't worry, it's rare to meet someone. We don't want to kill you so quickly. Let's play with us first!"

After all, a few people shot at the same time, and Lu Chen suffered many new injuries and was knocked into the air again.

This was the first time that Lu Chen was beaten so hard to fight back!

Even though Lu Chen was strong and experienced in combat, he was in desperate situation facing the siege of dozens of immortal kings.

"Damn...These guys are so strong..." Lu Chen was covered in blood and fell into the rubble.

Is this the strength of the fairy king? More powerful than Lu Chen imagined!

"You must find a way to escape!" Lu Chen gasped.

But escaped under the eyelids of so many immortal king puppets, how can you talk about it? !

"Is there no way to escape?!" Lu Chen gritted his teeth and stood up.

Seeing that another fairy king puppet came over, Lu Chen hurriedly dodged, "The triple door!"

Lu Chen just appeared here, and an indifferent voice was already heard behind him, "Such a low-level teleportation skill, are you insulting us!"

"Xianshu·Darkside Raid!"

A sharp pain came from behind Lu Chen, and two daggers were inserted directly through his shoulder blades.

"Ah!" Lu Chen let out a low growl and turned around abruptly. The person had disappeared.

"All said, if you let go of three, you will endure four times the pain, rest assured, we will treat you well!"

These puppets must torture themselves!

Lu Chen's eyelids throbbed, gripping the Gunslinger, panting heavily.

"I can't die here!" Lu Chen's **** eyes widened, and his mind turned to think about countermeasures.

"Don't give up yet? You want to escape from our hands, there is no possibility at all!" Two fairy king puppets are approaching, "I think you should accept your life obediently!"

Lu Chen glanced at it and said coldly, "Sorry, I never admit my fate! What's more, you **** can't kill me!"

After all, Lu Chen leaped high and shot out!

"Gunxu·One shot breaks the sky!"

"Arrogant, I want to see, what is the difference if you don't accept your fate! If you can run like this, break your legs first!"

"Xianshu·Sunset Divine Bow!"

"Xianshu·Zhuxian Fu Demon Sword!"

Under the anger of the two puppets, they had already shot, and the two big killer moves quickly shot towards Lu Chen in the air!

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