"I dare to go to heaven in front of my sunset bow, it's almost the same if I send you to hell!"

Fu Demon Sword and Sunset Bow shot at Lu Chen at the same time, and Lu Chen was in mid-air, which should have been limited in agility.

"Triple Door! Nine Steps to the Void! Quick Shadow Spear!" Lu Chen used his spiritual power to turn into reality, and he was truly stepping on the Void, his body soaring!

It's just that his speed gun actually didn't stab the ground, but went upward.

With the speed of the six-shot speed shadow gun, Lu Chen was not caught up with the two skills.

In a blink of an eye, there was a loud bang, and the roof of the refining area was directly pierced by Lu Chen's Speed ​​Shadow Gun. All of a sudden, the roof collapsed in a large area, and the Sunset Bow and Fu Mo Sword didn't know if they hit the kid!

"Want to run? Dreaming!" More than twenty fairy king puppets flashed, flashed past the rocks, and chased them out.

However, when they chased them out, they found that Lu Chen hadn't escaped, and he was putting away two damaged earth guards.

With the two moves just now, Lu Chen used the last two earth guards to help him block the attack.

The four earth guards are now all damaged!

Lu Chen put away the guards distressedly, and then stood up straight and looked at these puppets, "You trash, how dare you chase them out?"

"You are so silly, you dare to say such arrogant things?" A three-star fairy king puppet exclaimed, "There are only four earth guards. You have used them three times. There is no earth guard to help you withstand the damage. I see you. How long can I be so hard?"

After all, the two immortal king's spirit puppets made a move, and these two were the two who had just made the move without hurting Lu Chen.

The two raised their hands again, and they were about to shoot directly...

Suddenly, the two of them flew out directly and fell to the ground.

Lu Chen sneered. If it weren't for the reversal of the world, could he stand here and wait for them to surround himself?

It is said that these spirit puppets stay in the refining area all year round, and the refining area is in a fully enclosed state, with a defensive array on the periphery, and is not affected by the nine-day stars.

Lu Chen just used the strongest six-gun quick shadow gun, the purpose is to penetrate the roof and break the defensive array!

These immortal king puppets are extremely powerful, even if they fight normally, they have no chance of winning against one, let alone against more than twenty.

If you are in other places, I am afraid there is no chance at all.

However, this is not "other places"!

The biggest feature of the underground Xianzu ruins is that the universe has changed!

And this is precisely his only chance!

After Lu Chen penetrated the roof and broke the defensive array, even the puppets would still be affected by the nine-day stars.

The two spirit puppets there were injured by themselves.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and he guessed it was correct. If those spirit puppets had never left the refining area, then it is very likely that they did not know about the nine-day stars, and naturally they would not understand the reversal of the universe.

The reversal of the universe is his opportunity!


On the surface of the Xianzu site, the woods on the way of the Xuanling clan, the three teams have just passed the refining area and camped here temporarily.

"The front is the ruins of the battlefield, and it's also when we do it!"

"The mission is canceled." A one-star fairy king said, "I just got the news that the person that Thousand Chance wants us to deal with has not appeared for several days. Either he has fallen somewhere, or...may have left the immortal ancestor. Ruins."

Gathering family veins, outside the refining area.

A sturdy man walked up to an old man and said in a low voice, "Thousand Chance lets us not do anything."

"Oh, why?" the old man asked.

"Thousands of opportunities make you look for that kid. I haven't seen him for a few days. On the contrary, I saw that the few people he brought have left, indicating that the kid has probably died somewhere."

The old man nodded slightly, "That's fine, so I don't have to look for that kid on the battlefield of Wanxian."

The man said, "I really don't know how that kid provoke Qian Ji. It is definitely not an ordinary grudge to let Qian Ji find us to take action."

The old man snorted coldly, "Although Qian Ji is an immortal, he is respected by the Red Moon Immortal, and his own strength is quite strong, he is a pure puppet master, and there is still room for improvement."

"With the back of Red Moon Immortal Venerable, how many people can move him? It's also that kid who has eyes and no beads and angered Qian Chance."

The man nodded and said, "The character that must be reported with a thousand opportunities, even if the kid falls on the site of the ancestor, he will never give up! He is bound to kill all those related to the kid, in order to avoid future troubles!"

"What's more, I heard that Qianji is not sure about that kid's life or death!"

The old man frowned, "Well, that kid is not a human race, is it possible that a thousand chances are going to the human race territory? Foreign races are not allowed to enter the human race territory, even if there is a red moon behind him, the human race is weak, but somehow there are dozens of immortals in the family. "

The man said, "Giant Spirit Immortal King, don't forget that there is also the saying of Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War!"

"Ten Thousand Clan Celestial War? Are you talking about... the final battle?"

"Exactly! Other races have already wanted to eradicate the human race. You also know that, but no one is taking the lead, so no consensus has been reached!"

"However, the red moon has always been the main battle, and Qianji will match this matter a little bit. The red moon is likely to make suggestions. If other races respond, the human race will face the final battle!" the man said, "by then, don't talk with the solitaire. People related to the lone madness are left to Thousand Chance's disposal. I guess Thousand Chance can't wait to turn that kid's hometown compatriots into his puppets!"

The old man nodded, "The Blue Star Immortal King, after you say this, I think it's quite possible!"

"If this thing really becomes... a small fairy-sending thousand cheater, unexpectedly restarting the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War, hum, it's really interesting."

"No, so I think, when this treasure hunt is over, I want to go to the Heavenly Spirit Cave Mansion of the Giant Spirit Immortal King. Please count the "Heaven Questions" of your great celestial master as a trigram. If this matter can really be done, you and me Also prepare early."

Sure enough, there is nothing to do, and there must be a plan.

When Lan Xing told him so much, he just wanted to use his mentor Datianshi for divination.

The fairy lord of the giant spirit smiled slightly, "I don’t think I don’t need to go to my cave mansion. Tianwen happens to be in the other group, and will meet with me later. It happens that we count a trigram here. Let’s see if this Ten Thousand Races Fairy War will start."

"Really? That's great!"

A little more than a child, a team of three people came to the front of the giant spirit fairy king.

The first person saluted the giant spirit fairy king slightly, "Lord, the resources obtained this time..."

"Not in a hurry." The giant spirit fairy king interrupted the man, "Wen God, I want you to count it for me, can you?"

Wentian bowed his head and returned, "The immortal lord...this, Wentian once revealed too many celestial ranks, and the calamity was too violent. Now it is just a dispersal of immortals. If the divination involves a strong person above the real immortal, Wentian may not be able to follow his heart ..."

The giant spirit immortal master smiled slightly, and said unhurriedly, "Wen God, don't think you can fool me by saying this!"

"The fairy lord..." Wentian looked at the giant spirit fairy lord in horror.

The Giant Spirit Immortal Lord didn’t seem to be really angry, and said, “I know this is a way for you to protect yourself, otherwise Nanhuang Xianzun wanted to recruit you as a guest, why didn’t you go? After 58 years, Nanhuang Xianzun and Canglong When Xianzun fell in a battle, I knew, you can’t count, you dare not count in front of us!"

"This method is also clever, don't worry, I won't break your rules."

On the side, the Blue Star Immortal King secretly said in his heart that this giant spirit immortal king is also a personal spirit. Knowing that Wentian will follow him, it must indicate that he is stable for a period of time, so I don't ask more.

Asking Tianchang sighed and said, "The fairy lord is wise, not only what did the fairy lord ask this time?"

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