Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1284: Four and a half characters

Say it is a trick, it is a trick!

The doorman of Jin Hammer hurriedly took the stage and dragged Jin Hammer away.

The audience was silent, and people just watched quietly at the busy people.

A Golden Hammer clerk raised his head and took a peek at Lu Chen, "Are you really...the solitaire? The solitaire who defeated more than two hundred opponents in Xiandouchang?"

The immortal king didn't know Lu Chen, but some true immortals still knew Lu Chen.

Lu Chen glanced at the true fairy, "I almost forgot about that."

Lu Chen didn't lie. He has been cultivating in Hongmeng Space for 200 years. This kind of uneasy thing is naturally not worth remembering intentionally.

The person's gaze was uncertain, but in the end he didn't ask anything, and let the other Sanxian leave the ring with the golden hammer.

In the first battle, Lu Chen defeated a one-star fairy king. Seeing that the Golden Hammer had already gone, Lu Chen turned around, looking for it off the court, and fell on the host with exaggerated expression.

At this moment, the host’s mouth is so open that he can probably put down a tyrant hammer at the same time...

"Hey, can you be more professional! Let's go through the process!" Lu Chen shook his head helplessly. This business ability is really worrying.

Only then did the host react and trot back to the ring.

He was a little afraid to look at Lu Chen. He said he was going to kill Lu Chen before, including him...

"You, you won..."

"I know! Hurry up on the following link! Can you host it? If not, I will do it myself!"

If Lu Chen had spoken like this before, he would have been verbose again, but now he dare to say anything cruel.

The immortal kings are all defeated, what is he a true immortal with eight stars!

"No, it's not... I, I can!" The host hurriedly said, he licked his dry lips, and looked at the other immortal kings in a panic, "Ahem, that, the Golden Hammer Immortal King was defeated, and the bid was voided... if Everyone still wants to bid, please quote as soon as possible, within 30 seconds!"

Lu Chen stood there, looking at the remaining twenty-odd scattered immortals.

Not long after, You Yue suddenly said, "Boy, are you really the King of People?"

Lu Chen looked at the woman, "I don't want to answer questions that have nothing to do with auctions."

"You!" You Yue gave Lu Chen a fierce look.

"Do you want to increase the price?" Lu Chen looked at You Yue.

Suddenly asked by Lu Chen, You Yue's anger disappeared in half, and she let out a cold snort, "Isn't it just a cave mansion, I'm not rare!"

After that, You Yue turned around in anger and left the ring.

Lu Chen wasn't surprised at all, You Yue's strength was a little stronger than Jin Hammer, still before Jin Hammer released his hole cards.

But defeating Golden Hammer with one move was enough to stand up, and someone like You Yue who was not much different from Golden Hammer in strength would naturally give up.

Sure enough, after You Yue left the field, the other immortal kings immediately found the steps, and several people ended up one after another.

Seeing this scene, the audience was in an uproar.

"A scattered immortal, deterring a group of immortal masters, this, this is really unheard of!"

"Is he the only one who is crazy? I remember that when he was fighting for the earth coordinates three months ago, he was only fighting against the true immortals. It was only three months and he defeated the immortal king in seconds. What is it? Chance?!"

There are still four fairy kings on the ring. Lu Chen looked at the four fairy kings and said, "Who is next?"

"Boy, do you want to buy this cave at the reserve price? I don't agree!" An old man stood up.

At this moment, the man in white suddenly spoke first, "3.4 million!"

The old man frowned and turned his head. Someone unexpectedly shouted the price first. As a result, when he looked back and saw that he could not afford to offend him, he could only endure it in one breath.

"Mulong, your Taibai cave sky is no worse than this fairy cave sky, right? Why are you interested in buying a cave mansion?"

Mulong looked as usual and said calmly, "I am not interested in Dongfu, I am interested in this kid!"

"If I bought the Dongfu at 340, I can resell it after reselling. There is a high probability that I will not lose money."

Although the Tianbao Pavilion auction requires a handling fee, the price of Xianling Dongtian is definitely far more than 3.4 million. Unless you encounter a powerful fairy king and grab the Dongfu at a single price, it is easy to sell for more than four million.

Mu Long had a clear mind, and it was not something that others could easily shake. The old man could only shake his head when he saw it and step down with the other person.

Dongli looked at Mulong with interest, "Mulong, didn't you look for that guy, why are you here to join in the fun?"

The corner of Mu Long's mouth raised slightly, "No hurry, that guy shouldn't come to the auction, I will find him sooner or later. I will play with this solo!"

Dongli curled his lips, "You are the peak combat power of a five-star fairy king, don't you feel boring to fight with him as a Sanxian?"

"Didn't he say anymore, he is the King of Humans! I am looking forward to the battle between the King of Immortals and the King of Humans, Xianfan!"

"Do you really believe that he is the King of Man? Okay, then I'll take a look at the "Xianfan Battle" between you two lunatics." Dongli smiled slightly. Since Mulong is participating in the auction, there is nothing wrong with him here. , Got off the ring, sat in the VIP seat and looked at the ring leisurely.

The host looked at Mu Long and then at Lu Chen. The two really came together!

"Mulong fairy king bidding, please ask..." The host wanted to ask Lu Chen if he would give up bidding.

"Shut up!" Lu Chen kept looking at Mu Long with both eyes, while drinking directly from the host.

There is no doubt that I alone will not give up Fairy Cave Sky!

The host took a deep breath, but didn't dare to complain this time, and quickly stepped down.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, in Xia Mulong, the five-star peak immortal king." Mulong stood in front of Lu Chen and said in a flat tone. With a wave of his hand, the fog on his chest badge had disappeared.

The words of the five-star fairy king are clearly visible!

"You said, will Master also dispel the badge mist?" Ye Fan suddenly seemed a little nervous.

Jiu'er nodded, "Brother Wuming always respected him a foot, and he respected you, he should be able to."

"Really? Then maybe the final mystery is about to be solved!" Ye Fan said, "Master only revealed the words "Savage King Realm", but I noticed that he did not completely clear the badge mist at that time. "

Speaking of this detail, Linglong and Jiu'er both looked at Ye Fan in surprise.

Ye Fan continued, "In other words, it is possible that Master... is not the King of Nine Stars!"

Jiu'er and Linglong stared at the same time.

Not the King of Nine Stars? what is that!

Mulong had declared himself his family, and Lu Chen was not disgusted with Mulong.

Lu Chen looked at his badge, and then controlled the fog to disperse a little bit.

"Environment... King... People..."

When these three words appeared one by one, Mulong had lost that indifferent share, and his eyes were full of shock, "How is this possible! It's really... King of Human Realm!"

Then, the fourth word was displayed.


"The Savage King Realm..." Mu Long just felt that his mind was a little bit overwhelming.

What is the origin of this "wild" character...

After thinking for a long time, he remembered that if a cultivator does not follow the school, he can only be regarded as a wild cultivator...

"This guy has been "wild" to the Human King Realm..."

In the distance, Ye Fan and the others had already stood up, staring at Lu Chen's badge, just waiting for him to continue to disperse the fog.

The fifth character appears halfway, and it can be inferred that it is the character "star".

However, at this moment, Lu Chen stopped, and he smiled at Mu Long slightly, "You revealed four words, I revealed four and a half, it should not be considered rude."

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