Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1285: No move, no move

As everyone knows, it must be the Nine-Star King Realm who can survive the Tribulation. Mulong didn't think much about it, nodded and said, "Don't read the rest."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Can we start then?"

Mu Long squeezed his sword fingers and raised it upwards, and three flying swords shot out from the void, hanging beside Mu Long.

One green, one silver, one purple.

The Mulong sword came out, causing a sensation in the audience.

"The Daozu Sanqing Sword! Ranked 178 in the God Soldiers List! Mulong actually took out the Daozu Sanqing Sword as soon as he played!"

"Mulong has a long-standing reputation among the immortal kings of Diling City, not because he is the highest level, but the top level among the same level!"

"It's true, let alone Diling City. In the nearby Xiancheng, no one knows about the Immortal King Mulong. Immortal King Dongli is also a five-star. I don't even have the interest to see Mulong playing!"

There is no doubt that even among the fairy kings, there are geniuses, and those who can leapfrog in the fairy king realm are undoubtedly geniuses among geniuses!

In a master duel, both sides can feel the oppression of each other.

That is a kind of self-confidence that has been formed after a long and invincible battle!

Lu Chen yelled in a low voice, "God and evil coexist! Dragon **** form!"

The remnants of gods and demons flashed past Lu Chen, leaving only a surging horrible spirit!

"God and devil are rebellious!" Mulong slightly narrowed his eyes, and then slightly raised the corners of his mouth, "and there is also dragon blood! Very good, it seems that I didn't look away, this battle started to be interesting."

"Bipolar combat body!" Mulong also opened his own state, and saw a strange afterimage appeared behind him, which seemed to be some kind of beast, but disappeared after a flash.

Mulong looked at Lu Chen, "I'm the only one who is crazy, just use your strongest trick, and I will continue!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, this guy is as confident as himself.

Since he wanted to take his strongest move, Lu Chen was of course not polite. He shook his hand with the sharp spear and used his feet to shoot at Mulong like a sharp arrow.

"Desperate Spear·Speed ​​Shadow Spear!"

In the rapid movement, Lu Chen quickly added the speed shadow gun to the six-gun extreme, and the speed had already reached an incredible level.

Speaking of a single attack, the six-gun speed gun is currently the strongest!

In an instant, Lu Chen had already approached Mu Long.

This is a six-gun quick shadow gun that even his own rebellious wandering dragon may not be able to block, and it will definitely defeat Mulong!

"It's really strong, it's a pity...not enough!" Mulong yelled, but he couldn't avoid it, and directly took Lu Chen's blow!

However, after Lu Chen stabbed with this shot, he seemed to hit the cotton with all his strength... No, to be precise, he hit the void!

There was no resistance at all, Lu Chen passed directly through Mulong's body...

The moment he attacked Mu Long, Mu Long's body changed strangely, and his body became illusory.

Through perceiving spiritual power, Lu Chen discovered that Mu Long's body seemed to be broken down into spiritual power state. At the moment the speed shadow gun succeeded, a large amount of spiritual power spread out...

This phenomenon is somewhat similar to the "opposite **** repulsion" of a magnet.

Although Lu Chen hadn't succeeded with a single blow, he had already sensed the principle of the bipolar battle body through his spiritual power.

If the guess is correct, it should also be a star state, and use the poles to stay away, dodge the speed shadow gun.

Just as Lu Chen was using his old tricks, Mu Long's voice came from behind him, "You have used up your tricks, I'm down here!"

"Xianshu·Sanqing Guiyuan Jianjue·Sanyuan Guiyi!"

With a move of Mulong's sword, the three sword qi merged into one, shooting Lu Chen directly.

Lu Chen hurriedly turned around, "Go against the gods and wander the dragon!"

He needs more attacks to test the bipolar combat body!

However, at the moment when Lu Chen blocked San Yuan Guiyi and prepared to fight back, San Yuan Guiyi suddenly divided into three!

Inverse Shenyou Dragon can resist forceful moves, but such a weird change of Sanyuan Unite directly dissolves the effect of Inverse Shenyou Dragon!

Who would have thought that a sword that originally combined two into one would dissipate at the touch of a touch and instantly turn into three swords!

At such a close distance, under normal circumstances, there are no defensive skills to resist!

"No, Master is dangerous!" Ye Fan exclaimed.

But at this moment, Lu Chen suddenly yelled, and his whole body exploded with monstrous spiritual power.

Furious spiritual power, directly against the three swords!

This scene has been seen by everyone present.

"There are no moves, just relying on spiritual power to resist the triple unity? This is simply incredible!"

"Impossible, is this the realm to which the spiritual power operation is to be used, so that there is no move and no move?"

Dongli no longer had the leisure he had before, stood up, his eyes widened, and looked at the man who was exploding spiritual power in horror.

"The move is the method of spiritual power operation planned by the mighty since the opening of the sky, but the kid only uses spiritual power to resist skills, doesn't it mean that his ability to control spiritual power is already comparable to the ancient power?!"

On the side, You Yue frowned, "Spiritual power wants to fight against the practice, the minimum requirement is to be faithful to the spirit, and the advanced practice that he is currently fighting against is Sanyuan Guiyi, that is to say, his spiritual energy has entered the microscopic way. To another realm!"

"Another realm...Luck as you wish!?" Dongli seemed to be listening to the scariest thing he had heard in thousands of years.

Can the King of People understand that luck is free? !

At this moment, Mu Long was shocked by Lu Chen, and for a while forgot to add moves.

This gave Lu Chen a chance to breathe.

Using spiritual power to resist the physical attack of the Dao Ancestor Sanqing Sword, the spiritual power consumed was too terrifying after all, even if his peak state was 130 million spiritual power, it would not last long.

If he hadn't been careless, he would never do it.

Now that he has bought enough time, naturally he will not continue to contend.

"Triple door!" Lu Chen took the opportunity to flash away.

The Sandao Jianqi was no longer blocked, and shot out instantly.

Mulong hurriedly controlled the sword, and only then did he preserve the spiritual power of three elements into one.

"I don't care what you do, I can still beat you!" Mu Long yelled angrily.

Lu Chen just took a breath, and San Yuan Guiyi had already shot again.

"Sword Spirit is really annoying!" Lu Chen said angrily, and then nine steps in the void several times, avoiding three yuan and returning to one.

Jiu'er looked at the stage nervously, "That Mulong seemed to be extra cautious after the first battle. He has a bipolar body to protect him, and he still doesn't let Brother Wuming get close!"

Mulong now completely regarded Lu Chen as a well-matched opponent. Because of this, as a long-range sword master, he not only had to control the flying sword to chase Lu Chen, but also ensure that Lu Chen was not given a chance to get close.

"Ligger, tiger and rabbit are doing their best. From the very beginning, this animal husbandry was not careless." Linglong said, "It's just that Lu Chen's strength is too unexpected."

"The Daozu Sanqing Swords can be divided and combined, and some restrained against the dragon, and Mulong is so cautious, it can be said that the movement control is exerted to the extreme. I dare to say, as long as the strength is not enough to crush the dragon, I dare say It is not easy for anyone to win against Mulong."

"Now, it depends on whether Lu Chen can break Mulong's three-dimensional unity and bipolar combat body!"

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