Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1287: Mysterious crack

Ye Fan and the others saw Lu Chen leaving the ring with a few true immortals. When the three of them were surprised, Lu Chen had already followed them and left from the entrance where the treasure was sent to the stage.

The three of them didn't know why the people from Tianbao Pavilion were looking for Lu Chen, and were about to leave their seats to chase.

A staff member came to the three of them and said politely, "Three, Mr. Du Kuang asked me to ask them to wait for him for a while."


The three real immortals led the way. Lu Chen and the others walked through the long corridor and came to a spacious room.

A true immortal knocked on the door and whispered outside the door, "Pavilion Master, only Mr. Kuang is here."

A voice came from inside, "Please come in, sir, you are waiting outside."

"Yes!" The man opened the door, "Sir, please."

The door was only half open, and Lu Chen glanced at the room. It looked like an ancient study room with a lot of potted stones.

As soon as Lu Chen stepped into the house, he saw an old man getting up from the front of the case.

The old man had gray and long hair, but he was burly in shape, his height was almost the same as that of Lu Chen, and his body was even stronger. At this time, he was wearing a white robe. He was somewhat immortal and powerful.

"Mr. Du Kuang, you are here." The old man greeted him with a smile, and asked Lu Chen to sit on the fragrant wood chair used to meet the guests. "Introduce myself first, under the title of Xia Xian Taihong, which was my mortal real name , Is the deputy head of Tianbao Pavilion, and is in charge of the auction house of the Immortal Domain of the Human Race. The current level is Seven Star Immortal King."

Lu Chen clasped his fists, "The Immortal King Taihong is disrespectful."

Taihong smiled slightly and replied, "You are polite."

Lu Chen was polite, but he had nothing to do with Taihong, so he didn't want to chat with him, and went straight to the subject, "I wonder if Immortal King Taihong is looking for me, what's the matter?"

Taihong smiled slightly, "Diling City is very close to the Xianzu site, so during this time, the auction house here has been busy with business, so I came to inspect."

"I just saw the wonderful performance of Mr. Du Kuang, and I was amazed."

"Using the Savage King Realm to defeat the Immortal King Realm, this matter has never been heard before, and I have never seen a character like Mr. Du Kuang."

Lu Chen said faintly, "Immortal King Taihong, these words are forgiven, what's the matter with you?"

"Mister is really quick to talk." Taihong smiled unchanged, "Since Mr. is in a hurry, then I will also say the important point."

"Our Tianbao Pavilion found a gap in time and space at the boundary between the Human Race and the Demon Race Immortal Territory. At present, all major forces are rushing to explore here, and our Tianbao Pavilion naturally cannot lag behind others."

Lu Chen frowned. Normally, this kind of thing should be kept secret. This guy told himself directly, it must not be that simple.

"What does this matter to me?"

"I just said, I hope that Mr. can go to the crack to check and bring us back the information in the crack."

Lu Chen picked up his teacup and took a sip, the tea smelled pleasant...

"Your Heavenly Treasure Pavilion is so powerful, so naturally there are so many talents, so you don't need to come to me." Lu Chen said casually.

Taihong smiled, "Sir, this crack has a characteristic, but anyone who exceeds the five-star of the fairy king will pass through the crack directly and cannot enter at all, and the true fairy cannot withstand the tearing force of the crack. There have been several The true celestial enters and disappears directly..."

"Then you send someone from the Immortal King Five Stars."

"All races are indeed sending immortal kings five-star powerhouses, but even if they are of the same level, there are strong and weak points, right? I originally wanted to invite Mu Long to go, but now it seems that there are better candidates." After Hong finished speaking, he looked at Lu Chen meaningfully.

Obviously, Lu Chen was the better choice.

Taihong made tea for Lu Chen as he spoke, and then placed a cave mansion contract and a teleportation talisman in front of Lu Chen, "This is the fairy cave sky photographed by your Excellency."

"If the husband agrees to help Tianbao Pavilion this favor, the 3.3 million spiritual tablets can be eliminated, and we will double the reward after the incident is completed!"

In other words, Tianbao Pavilion is willing to offer a sky-high price of 6.6 million spiritual tablets!

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, 6.6 million! This is not a small sum.

Who knows that Lu Chen picked up the contract and the teleportation talisman, took out the spiritual tablet and placed it on the table, "This is 3.3 million spiritual tablets, as for exploring the cracks, you should look for someone else."

"Mr. Du Kuang, don't you really think about it? You know, the remuneration of 6.6 million spiritual films is already quite high. If Mulong takes this task, we will only open up to 5 million!"

"What's more, the most important thing is that from now on, Mr. can be attached to Tianbao Pavilion. I dare say that under the Immortal Venerable, no one dares to provoke him."

Lu Chen stood up and smiled slightly, "Sorry, Immortal King Taihong, I am the only one who is crazy, and I don't need to rely on any forces!"

"Thank you, the tea from the fairy king, it's delicious!" After that, Lu Chen turned and left.

Not long after, the true fairy waiting at the door entered the room, and one of them looked at Taihong in surprise, "Pavilion Master, what? He didn't agree?"

Taihong snorted coldly, "This so-called madness is really crazy enough! Doesn't rely on any forces?"

"He doesn't know how terrifying the power of the Seventh Heaven is!"

"Forget it, if he doesn't want to, let him go and find that person... It's just that the remuneration may have to be paid up to 10 million to get that guy out!"


After Lu Chen hurriedly left, he found the three of Ye Fan and the four left Diling City together.

"Master, why are they looking for you?" Ye Fan asked.

Lu Chen told his companions what Taihong had said to him.

"6.6 million? Did they actually give this high reward?" Ye Fan said in shock, "These spiritual tablets have been used for a long time."

Jiu'er shook his head, "Ye Fan, don't you see the money and you won't be able to walk. They are willing to give 6.6 million, which shows that the value of the crack is definitely more than this number!"

Lu Chen looked at Linglong, "Linglong, do you know about the crack? Why did Tianbao Pavilion spend so much money to find someone to explore."

Linglong frowned, "Actually, I don't know."

"Don't even know you?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

Linglong said, “In fact, there have been no fewer than dozens of cracks recorded in ancient books. Although each crack has a detailed description, the previous records are not of much reference value because of the different cracks.”

"Furthermore, what caused the cracks, when they will appear, and where the powerful world opposite the cracks is, no ancient book mentions them."

Lu Chen frowned, so that even those immortals didn't know the cause of the cracks!

"Linglong, you said that the world opposite the crack is very powerful?"

"Well, every crack has a level limit, but the world opposite has a large number of monsters, and the strength of those monsters is stronger than the level limit required by the crack."

"Because of this, crack exploration is a very dangerous thing."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, the world of unknown origin, powerful monster... He seemed to be interested in the crack...

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