Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1288: Go to another world crack

Just bought a new Dongfu, the cracks were temporarily put aside.

Out of the suburbs, the four talents of Lu Chen used the teleportation charm to go to the fairy cave. Linglong also said that some strong people can track the teleportation charm, so it is better to be more cautious.

As soon as he entered the fairy cave sky, Lu Chen discovered that there was a stream formed by a mountain spring in the cave.

There is plenty of light throughout the cave, dozens of lounges are spacious, with lush flowers and plants outside the door, and the environment is elegant.

The training rooms are arranged in an orderly manner, distributed according to low, medium and high **, which is clear at a glance.

There are also special refining medicine, refining room, battle pet training room, and medicine garden.

The most important thing is that special training tower, not too high, it has three floors in total, and the overall building fits perfectly with the rock wall, and it is natural.

"Good guy, this place is too comfortable." Ye Fan sighed, "The second-level cave is different!"

Lu Chen said to Linglong, "Linglong, or you move here too."

"Of course, I also paid for it!" Linglong was not at all polite.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Go, take Li Shang and the others!"


Li Shang and they just moved once, and they moved again soon after.

"Hahaha, after Chen'er came, our cave houses were changed one after another, and we are now living in second-level cave houses!" Gu Yan said excitedly, "Look at the concentration of spiritual power, I regret it. It's a real fairy."

Gu Yan and the others had already lost the motivation to cultivate, but living in the fairy cave sky really made people tempted.

"The real fairy doesn't expect it. What else can we use for these old things? Let's help Chen'er take care of the Dongfu Medicine Garden." Li Shang said with a smile, "The days to come will grow."

Lu Chen smiled and said, "Who said that you are useless? If it weren't for you, the earth would have been gone. Everyone first find the lounge. For the time being, this is our new home."

"Ah? For the time being? Chen'er, don't you still want to change the cave, right?" Jin Luan said.

Lu Chen laughed, "That's not impossible. When my strength improves, I will give you a better cave residence!"

Although there are only eight people on Earth, plus Ye Fan, Jiu'er, and Linglong, a total of eleven, but they are extremely lively.

Li Shang and the others were busy building a pavilion next to the stream. Linglong and Jiu'er went to experience the advanced training room. Ye Fan was very interested in the special training tower and was already rushing to the tower.

They came out of the training room in the evening.

"Lu Chen, the effect of the advanced training room is better than I expected!" Linglong said.

"Yes, compared with our previous Dongfu, it is not of the same grade at all." Jiu'er also said.

Ye Fan shook his head, "Master, that special cultivation tower is very difficult to break through. The second floor is actually in the Immortal King Realm, Master, or you can get through the second floor."

Lu Chen nodded, "Wait first, I want to tell you something."

The three said almost in unison, "Are you going to the crack?"

Lu Chen looked at these three in amazement. Good fellow, are they all roundworms in his stomach? They know what they think.

"Master, I'm afraid we can't accompany you this time. Our current level is too low. Didn't you say that the true immortal simply cannot withstand the tearing force of the crack." Ye Fan said.

Lu Chen nodded, their potential is high, and they also have extremely strong leapfrog fighting ability, but their level is indeed low.

"In that case, I will get through the cultivation tower first. You will cultivate in the cave mansion. I will go to the cracks and see."

After the agreement was reached, Lu Chen entered the training tower.

Not long after, Lu Chen came out of cultivating him, "I can't make it through this cultivation tower..."

"Ah? Master, you can't make it through?" Ye Fan asked in surprise.

Lu Chen shook his head helplessly, "The test said that I hadn't opened the fairy road and I couldn't enter. I can't force it. After all, this is our own cave. It would be a shame if it broke."

"So, the cultivation tower depends on you to open it."

The three looked at each other, and Ye Fan said firmly, "Master, don't worry, we will open the second and third floors as soon as possible!"

Lu Chen nodded, "Then I will go first, and I will leave it to you in the cave."

"Master, be careful yourself..."

Before leaving, Lu Chen went to check the condition of the rhubarb.

Rhubarb has no attributes yet, and the little beast is bored with Xiaoyuan, playing around. In such an environment, Rhubarb still "sleeps" very well.

"Little beast, where's Rhubarb's mirror, let me take a look."

Little Beast ran to Lu Chen, "Dad, here it is."

Lu Chen took a look at the Golden Crow Mirror, and the text on it changed again.

【Second Turn Haotian Mirror】

"Damn, what magic weapon is this, why has it changed again?" Lu Chen looked confused. Before, the Golden Crow Mirror changed from nine to one turn, and now it has changed from one to two turns, and the name has changed to Haotian Mirror... …

"Couldn't it be that the Rhubarb will wake up until the Rank 9 Haotian Mirror..." Lu Chen checked the Rhubarb.

Rhubarb looked like it was sleeping, and there was nothing unusual.

Lu Chen shook his head and handed the mirror to Little Beast, "There is a training room, Xiao Yuan, you go with me, Little Beast, look at Rhubarb, there is a training room over there, you can practice if you have nothing to do."

Little Beast hugged Xiao Yuan, "Dad, don't, Xiao Maotuan hangs out with Sister Green all day long, I'm already bored, don't take Xiao Yuan away from me!"

Xiao Yuan arched Xiao Yuan mercilessly with his head, and happily ran to Lu Chen's side.

"Xiaoyuan, you ruthless fellow, you have to abandon me!" Xiao Beast said anxiously.

Lu Chen said with a black line, "I'll just go out for a few days. Last time I asked you to go out with Stealth for a few years, and I didn't see you so reluctant! You should be honest at home and practice hard! Rhubarb can't be watched. Very important task!"

The little beast looked at Rhubarb. Dad was right. Someone must watch Rhubarb like this.

Finally, Xiao Beast nodded helplessly, "Okay, but Xiao Yuan, I remember you!"

Xiao Yuan completely ignored Xiao Beast's warning and left with Lu Chen swaggeringly.


On the border of Terran Immortal Territory, a huge mountain range meanders thousands of miles, and the fairy mist in the mountains makes it difficult to see the true face of the mountains.

In the distance, there is a mountain range that echoes the mountain range on this side, and that side is the border of the Demon Race Immortal Territory.

The narrow and long valley between the two huge mountains is the junction of the so-called fairyland.

At this time, there are a large number of people and horses from the immortal territory of the human race and the immortal territory of the demon race.

On a huge wooden ancestral dragon puppet, Thousand Chance, Heiyan is sitting on the puppet, and is following an army of fairy kings to the crack.

"Black Rock, what's going on with me alone?"

"He already knows the news of the crack." Hei Yan said, "Taihong told him, but I alone rejected Taihong's offer."

"Well, it's normal, that kid wants to explore by himself." Qian Ji smiled slightly, "He will definitely come with his so-called mad personality!"

"Why are you so sure?"

Qianji looked confident, "On his way, he must have heard about Gods and Demons Wutian. Gods and Demons Wutian does not exist in this world, and the cracks lead to other worlds. Would you say if you were him? Go and see?"

"Unfortunately, what he doesn't know is that what is waiting for him in the crack is not God and Demon Wutian, but...fall!"

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