Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1289: Through the cracks

As long as you follow these teams, you can easily find the location of the crack.

A black lightning-like crack appeared in the valley, extending for thousands of meters.

At this time, both the demon and human immortals are entering the cracks. Those who can come here are all immortal king-class powerhouses, and they are all the masters who do not rub the sand, so friction and dispute are indispensable.

It's just that the people who enter the crack on both sides often have big forces behind them. These big forces often cross races, and everyone is here to explore the cracks, so no one really starts.

"Let's let the human rubbish, I really don't understand, you kind of **** dare to explore the cracks."

"What are you talking about!" A certain Human Race Immortal King said angrily, "Don't think you are a Demon Race, I am afraid of you!"

"Sorry, the demons are stronger than your human races. Even if you reach the immortal king, under the same realm, the three-dimensional will still crush you! You are born inferior races, and becoming immortals can't change this result!" The demons shouted, " Don't get out, be careful that this seat kills you in the crack!"

Immediately a few demons walked to the person, seeming to tell him not to be too public.

"Crazy demon, quickly enter the crack. It is important to explore the crack and don't make trouble."

That demon is actually a celestial demon.

The crazy demon snorted coldly, "I have nothing to do, but some weak dogs have taken my way. I let these dogs make way for us."

A few celebrity immortal kings glared, "Who do you say is a dog?! I warn you, if you speak madly, don't blame me Yaxiange for being rude to you."

"Oh, from Yaxian Pavilion, Yaxian Pavilion 72. I don’t know if your human division is the last or second from the bottom? Even if you belong to Yaxian Pavilion, then you are only the most in Yaxian Pavilion. The branch of garbage!"

In the quarrel between the two sides, a human man passed directly in front of both sides and walked directly towards the crack.

The mad demon suddenly violent, and one hand pressed the man's shoulder tightly, "Little beast, I have already said that the human race enters behind Laozi, are you deaf!"

Suddenly, a gun shadow shot directly from the man's hand, directly in front of the crazy demon's chest!

None of the people present had expected that this human race would actually do it directly, and doing it would be a killer move!

The mad demon was suddenly shocked, and hurriedly activated the shield, and a spiritual force exploded between the two. The mad demon was caught off guard and was directly hit hard, and the whole person flew backwards.

Another fairy king of the demon race hurriedly stopped the crazy demon, and after landing, he circled the spiritual power on his body a few times, and then stabilized the crazy demon.

At this time, a muzzle appeared on the mad demon's chest, almost piercing his chest!

"I'm so brave, I dare to do something here!" The crazy demon yelled angrily, holding on to the wound, "There is a kind of report!"

The human man turned around calmly and snorted coldly, "First, you did it first. Not anyone can slap my shoulder!"

It is true that not everyone can pat his shoulders. Ah Tie can hold his shoulders, one person can kneel on his shoulders in ten steps, and the little beast can even lie on his back... But, other irrelevant things People, that's another matter!

"Secondly, you guys are here for a long time, blocking in front of me and not going in. I advise you to either do it or shut up for me, don't waste my time!"

"Third, I have friends of the demon clan, but I don't like people who are defiant. You are called crazy demon, right? You will change your fairy name in the future."

"In front of me, you are not worthy of being mad!"

"Arrogant!" The mad demon was furious, broke free from the restraint of his companions, turned into a black mist, and rushed towards Lu Chen, "Black demon evil spirit, shadowless invasion! Give me death!"

"God and Demon Star!" The opponent obviously used the skill star, and Lu Chen decisively activated the second-order God and Demon star.

The second-order gods and demons are enough to suppress other types of fourth-order stars!

Suddenly the real body of the crazy demon was directly forced out!

"Reverse God Wandering Dragon!"

Without the astral state, the power of the Black Demon's evil spirit was already reduced sharply. After Lu Chen easily fended off the opponent's attack, he slammed a shot.

The opponent's Divine Mighty Five-Star Immortal King, the strength is not weak, quickly turned on the protection of the heavenly demon, but Lu Chen's attack still blasted the crazy demon!

With a bang, the crazy demon directly penetrated the mountain and fell into it!

In less than a minute, Lu Chen had already repelled the crazy demons twice, and everyone present was dumbfounded.

Although the battle between the two sides did not take place on the public screen, the mad demon was seriously injured by the human man when he had no defense at the beginning. After that, the second move was to fight with injuries, but there has always been no fairness in field operations.

As a five-star immortal king, he must have the strength to defend against sneak attacks, not to mention that he should take the initiative to keep people first.

And just now, the crazy demon didn't block this human race's sneak attack!

The rock fell, the crazy demon stood up from the ruins, his eyes were red, staring at Lu Chen.

After being hit by the Inverse God Wandering Dragon this time, the spiritual power in his body was chaotic and he had no power to fight.

"You, you dare to leave the celestial name, and my crazy demon will wash away today's humiliation with your blood!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, turned his head and walked towards the crack, and people just heard him speak when he was about to enter the crack.

"Your life, I left it on the face of the flame demon! Next time you come to provoke me, I will never show mercy!"

"Remember, my name is... I am the only one!"

After all, Lu Chen has directly entered the crack.

"Only I am crazy...well, wait, today's shame, my crazy demon will pay back a hundred times!" The crazy demon stared at the distant back, and said fiercely.


The crack is not a portal, it contains terrifying chaotic spiritual power.

As soon as he entered the crack, Lu Chen seemed to be in the starry sky, and at the same time he felt a powerful force, tearing his flesh crazily.

There are still many people in front of them, shuttled in the "starry sky", they should be the ones who entered the crack earlier.

At this time they are doing their best to resist the pulling force.

A hundred meters ahead, a demon fairy king exploded with terrifying spiritual power, but suddenly, his body exploded directly from the inside.

Suddenly the flesh flew wildly, even the spiritual core exploded!

Lu Chen was terrified to see this scene.

The strength of the Demon King Immortal King just now was quite powerful, stronger than many immortal kings who struggled to resist the pulling force, but in the end he fell?

wrong! Lu Chen suddenly remembered what Taihong said.

This crack is required for the upper limit of the level!

If the level is too low, it will not be able to withstand the pulling force. If the level is too high, it will explode directly from the inside!

The pulling force is still tearing Lu Chen's body. Lu Chen hurriedly transported his spiritual power to resist. He is also a little nervous now. The ten-three-star king state, shouldn't he also blew himself up...

Fortunately, Lu Chen didn't blew himself up, and he didn't need to resist the pulling force very hard.

"It seems that I meet the crack requirements." Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief, allowing his body to be pushed forward.

At this time, everyone is moving in one direction.

Just in the distance, there was a crack similar in shape to the crack at the entrance, and the person in the front entered the crack and disappeared.

"That place should be the exit..." Lu Chen thought.

Not long after, Lu Chen also came to the crack and entered it with the people in front.

The pulling force quickly disappeared, and at the same time as he passed through the portal for a while, a familiar feeling of dizziness came, and then, Lu Chen was enveloped in a golden light.

"There is an ambush!" Lu Chen's eyes widened.

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