Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1291: Greetings from old friends

Lu Chen asked the question he most wanted to know the answer, where is the godless!

The elf man phantom was silent for a moment, and Lu Chen looked at him longingly, whether he could get the answer that had always troubled him.

For a long time, the elf man said, "I can't answer your question, but I can tell you where you can find the answer. If you don't agree to accept my guidance, you can retrieve the beast core."

There seemed to be movement in the forest, Lu Chen couldn't think about it, "Tell me where I can find the answer!"

"The ninth-level altar in the center of Famar continent!"

As soon as the elf man finished speaking, Lu Chen had already flashed into the forest.

Sure enough, a group of people quickly walked out of the forest, but they were not alien beasts, but about ten demon kings.

An immortal king looked at the altar whose energy had just weakened, and squinted his eyes slightly, "Everyone, be careful, those strange beasts may not have gone far."

They don't seem to know, but Lu Chen just used the altar.

A fairy king stepped onto the altar, took out a beast core and placed it on the altar, and quickly summoned the elves.

"I want to guide!" The Immortal King said directly, "Tell me where I am alone!"

Lu Chen, who was hiding in the forest, was shocked. What these people asked about was his position!

"Far away in the sky, right in front of you!" The elf man gave the answer.

In an instant, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became tense.

There was a soft noise in the forest not far away, and the fairy king immediately shouted, "Quick, chase!"


These people are all immortal kings, they are extremely fast, and they also bring fast running symbols!

Lu Chen didn't get rid of them at half past.

Obviously, this group of people shouldn't want to catch up with Lu Chen and have tea and chat with him!

"Damn, what do these people want to do, run to another world to chase me?" Lu Chen quickly shuttled through the jungle.

Ten five-star fairy kings, big arms!

Maybe more!

Now Lu Chen's situation is very dangerous. There are chasing soldiers behind him, and the distance is constantly shortening. There are also a large number of alien beasts around him. There are really wolves and tigers behind.

"Only I am crazy, don't run, you can't run away!" The voice of the fairy king came from behind, and they were shortening the distance between Lu Chen.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, aren't you crazy? Why do you turn into a tortoise when you see us!"

"Hahaha, the legendary solipsism is nothing but that! It's a coward, a coward, a turtle!"

The other party was agitating himself, but Lu Chen didn't reply. Now the other party only knew where he was, but he shouldn't be able to see him yet.

They are not even sure that they are chasing solipsism!

If he answers, then the only trace of advantage is gone.

Suddenly, Lu Chen used the Buddha clone, the devil clone!

The clone is cloned again.

Suddenly more than 30 clones appeared next to Lu Chen, and they quickly fled in different directions.

At this moment, the chasing soldiers behind him had already sensed the change of spiritual power in front of him, and suddenly they gained several spiritual powers.

"It's a clone!" one person whispered.

"36 phantom clones, but there are two entity clones!"

The leader said, "That's his avatar of the Buddha body, he ran away after one run, and we chased separately!"

"We chased separately. Although the Buddha body clone is not as strong as the main body, we can't be careless. He can come to one of the clones at any time. Everyone just keeps him from running, and waits for the others to arrive and then join forces to kill!"

"Thousand Chance said to destroy the human race, this person is the key, this time, this person must be killed!"

"it is good!"

The number of people behind Lu Chen has decreased, there are only three, and the others have been led away by the clone.

It's just that Lu Chen suddenly noticed that the speed of the pursuers behind him had slowed down. They seemed to keep a fixed distance from him on purpose.

When Lu Chen ran fast, they speeded up, and when Lu Chen slowed down, they slowed down.

"These guys are so cautious!" Lu Chen had already noticed something wrong.

Why are they so cautious? It means that they are bound to win and don't want to make any mistakes!

"They besieged instead of attacking, it seems that there are reinforcements!" Lu Chen moved quickly all the way, his mind turned sharply.

If a large number of reinforcements arrive, I am afraid it will be difficult to escape.

If you attack reflexively, can you kill three people in seconds?

Even if the opponent is a human race, if the opponent only avoids its edge, Lu Chen can't kill three people at the same time, let alone demons.

Once the enemy's reinforcements arrived, Lu Chen fell into danger.

"Would you like to take the risk? Otherwise, the more you drag it back, the more disadvantaged it will be for me!"

However, when Lu Chen wanted to fight, suddenly there were more than two dozen figures behind him!

Reinforcements come so quickly? !

Lu Chen now has no idea of ​​turning back to fight!

At the same time, another bad news came, that Lu Chen's two Buddha body clones had been killed!

The opponent's number instantly doubled, and suddenly about a hundred immortal kings were chasing Lu Chen frantically!

Moreover, their speed has suddenly increased, and it seems that they are about to do something.

"Damn it!" Lu Chen scolded, "Nine Steps to the Void!" Lu Chen could not care about so much, and tried to flee.

"Hahaha, I'm the only one crazy, you can't escape this time!"

"Still running? Really when you can run? The wind demon traps the beast formation!"

Suddenly, there was a violent wind around him, and Lu Chen felt a huge resistance, and even the speed of the displacement skills such as Nine Steps in the Void and Rapid Moving decreased significantly.

At the moment when Lu Chen slowed down, several figures quickly surpassed Lu Chen, and everyone immediately surrounded Lu Chen!

100 five-star fairy kings surrounded Lu Chen!

"Run? Run again!" A white-clothed demon man sneered, "My wind demon trapped beast specializes in restraint!"

Lu Chen looked at the fairy kings around him, fully guarded, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"What are you doing? Of course it killed you!"

"Why did you kill me? Who instructed you!"

"Instigation? It's not an instigation, but he gave us a reason to kill you." A fairy king replied.

"A great celestial master has calculated that if you want to launch a battle against the human race, you are an indeterminate factor. Since the human race is to be eliminated, we don't allow any uncertain factors to exist, so you must die!"

Lu Chen's eyes widened, "A war of thousands of immortals against the human race?"

Could it be... the final battle? !

"When will the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War begin?" Lu Chen asked in a deep voice.

"It doesn't matter what you started, because before that, you were already a dead person!"

"It is said that you broke into the Seventh Heaven as a Human King Realm. Tsk tsk tsk, it is a miracle that has never been heard of. Today, you can finally see what you mortal can do to live so long in the seventh heaven!"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to tell you that your old friend missed you very much. He said, if possible, before you die, take him to talk to you alone."

Lu Chen glared wide, "What you said, but a thousand opportunities?"

"Yes, it is him. He said that when the human race is destroyed, the entire earth will become his puppets!"

"Oh, yes, he also emphasized that he will make your sister, her husband, and his two children into a set of dolls that will never be born and die! Be enslaved by him forever!"

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