Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1292: Heavenly Sword

"What did you say!" Lu Chen glared at the person who spoke.

"Did you not hear what I said? What, angry? But what about that?"

"I am the only one who is crazy, do you regret it? After all, it is difficult for mortals to walk on the road of immortality. These ties of dust should have been broken long ago, otherwise, how can people stir their hearts!"

"Now understand, mortals are mortals after all, and their seven emotions and desires will only become an obstacle to you! Oh, by the way, even if you understand it, it is too late, you can't do anything anymore."

Lu Chen looked at the hundred immortal kings coldly, with the Void Destruction Gun in his hand.

"I'm the only one crazy, you won't be naive to still have a chance for you."

Lu Chen said coldly, "I don't know if there is a chance of winning, but I know... everyone who wants to move Lu Yi will die!"

"Symbiosis between gods and demons! Dragon God form! God and demons Tianwei! God and demons too virtual arm!"

All of a sudden, Lu Chen burst into violent spiritual power, and his white hair was tumbling in the wind!

"Set up the formation, don't let the alien beasts trouble!"

The Demon Immortal King quickly deployed his formation, isolating the battlefield from the outside world.

"Don't underestimate the enemy. Although this person is a mortal, he has defeated the five-star fairy king of the human race!"

"Thousands of things say that this person is mysterious, so don't be careless!"

"Be polite to him, kill!"

Hundreds of immortal kings are in the open state at the same time.

"I am the only one who is crazy, I am a hundred immortal kings, and I will kill you here today! Immortal technique, the universe and the world!"

"Fairy Beast, Lingtong Nine Tails!"

"Xianshu·Ethereal Puppet!"

"Xianshu·Daofa everything·Fangtian talisman! Xianshu·daofa everything·smart and quick! Xianshu·daofa everything·dao power revive!"

Fighters, monks, sacred spirits, puppet masters, talisman masters, beast control masters, pharmacists, blasting experts, elemental punishments in the prophet, nine major professions, 100 fairy kings, and at the same time launched a fierce attack on Lu Chen!

"God and devil planet!" Lu Chen roared, "Xiao Yuan, fight with me!"

A huge white tiger suddenly appeared beside him.

Lu Chen is about to be besieged, Xiao Yuan will also be besieged by many pet puppets, but Xiao Yuan is not afraid, and roars up to the sky.


Xiaoyuan followed the boss, and died without regrets!

The triple gate cooperates with the Sacred Lotus Jianxin in the state of attack, and a large amount of sword aura shoots out!

However, the strength of the Immortal King of the Demon Race is much stronger than that of the Human Race. As one of the strongest races, their physical strength is not as strong as Lu Chen, but at least they have not been thrown ten times by Lu Chen.

What's more, there are a hundred immortal king experts here!

Sacred Lotus Jianxin can be suppressed against a fairy king, but after the moves are separated, these fairy kings can resist.

"I'm the only one crazy, do you dare to resist even to this degree? Kill him!"

"His attack is not weak, be careful not to fight him hard!"

A figure flashed behind Lu Chen at some unknown time, "Xianshu·Thorn God without a trace!"

A cold light shot towards the back of Lu Chen's neck.

"Fighting against the gods and dragons!" Lu Chen quickly blocked the counterattack, but after the man's moves were blocked, the whole person disappeared into a cloud of mist.

How could Lu Chen give him a chance to escape, and he caught up with the man with a single shot...

At this moment, a cloud of cold light exploded in an instant within the entire array, and suddenly the world was white!

In the distance, an Elemental Heaven Punishment's ice skill had already greeted Lu Chen.

Range attack! Covered the entire array!

Aiming at Lu Chen's speed and flexibility!

"Three Thousand Realms of Cold Ice!"

Lu Chen let out a low voice, "Triple Door!"

There is no way to avoid the formation, but there is another place that is safe. Lu Chen has arrived in front of the Elemental Mage in a blink of an eye.

Facing Lu Chen getting close, the man didn't panic, "Eternal Frozen Profound Ice Shield!"

With a click, Lu Chen's speed gun directly blasted onto a huge block of ice.

The ice cracked, but the element mage had already taken the opportunity to get away.

"Only I am crazy, we are not the trash of the human race! Want to kill me, dream!"

While talking, Lu Chen suddenly noticed that the ice crystals on the Eternal Frozen Profound Ice Shield had actually extended quickly up the Void Destruction Spear!

Lu Chen hurriedly poured his spiritual power, and the ground fire that was almost extinguished in the gun body of Mighty Gun reignited.

But after such a delay, hundreds of attacks have already fired from behind Lu Chen.

"Nine steps in the void!"

"The wind demon traps the beast!" The immortal king who was good at restraining the body, repeated his tricks, which greatly reduced the effect of Lu Chen's nine steps in the void.

With limited displacement, Lu Chen couldn't avoid a large number of attacks.

"Shou Xu!" Lu Chen had to use defense instead.

Boom boom boom boom! A series of intensive attacks, including nine professional skills, all hit Lu Chen's Taixu arm.

Now Lu Chen's spiritual power has reached 130 million, and the defensive power of the Tai Xu Arm has soared, directly blocking all attacks!

"How is this possible, is this the imaginary arm of the gods and demons? It is indestructible?"

"It's not indestructible, it's because our attacks are too scattered! We should use a powerful single attack technique! Those who have combined skills use combined skills. His current body skills are just a living target!"

The 20 imperial sword immortal kings here are accumulating energy at the same time for three seconds.

While accumulating energy, the entire defensive formation rumbling, the earth and rocks on the ground slowly floated up, and the trees were uprooted and slowly rose!

The power of this trick has reached such a terrifying level! It makes everything violate the laws of nature!

Three seconds later, 20 people drank at the same time, "Joint Skills·Tianmin!"

Twenty people completed the charge, and the long sword shot out sword energy. They merged into one halfway and shot Lu Chen directly!

The sword of the sky came in a blast, and wherever it passed, the surrounding soil, rocks, and trees decomposed on their own, and even the air was changed in density by the ultra-highly concentrated spiritual power, making the sword aura become uncertain!

Lu Chen just avoided the attack of the two assassins, and saw the fierce sword as soon as he turned his head.

However, at this time, he was unable to use the displacement skill, and the sword of Tianming had already caused time and space compression!

At this time, Lu Chen even felt that his body could not move, and he was suppressed by a tremendous amount of pressure, and he didn't even have the strength to lift the Gunslinger.

Once this sword takes shape, it is inevitable!

"Only I'm crazy, don't struggle anymore. One sword from the sky is the most powerful technique for my demons. When the sky is out, the sky and the earth are wiped out! What's more, you are a mere mortal!"

"Only I am crazy, you are dead! It's a pity that you can't see the destruction of the human race with your own eyes! You can't see with your own eyes a thousand machines torturing and killing tens of billions of people, making your sister's family a puppet!"

A sword from the sky, not only gathered the spiritual power of 20 five-star fairy kings, but also absorbed the spiritual aura of heaven and earth, and its power was naturally extraordinary.

Even Lu Chen couldn't resist!

However, there is still one person who can resist the sword transformed by the aura of heaven and earth.

"Roar!" With a roar, the world shook.

Immediately afterwards, a white shadow shot out from a dozen of the pet puppets.


In an instant, Xiao Yuan was already in front of Lu Chen...

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