Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1296: Battle of the strong

Lu Chen didn't rush to the tower. Firstly, his condition was too bad, and secondly, someone might be squatting on him outside.

After resting for two days outside the temple, Lu Chen walked into the Temple of Gods and Demon Outside the Sky on the third day.

The situation in the main hall is similar to that of Tongtian Tower, and the interior is extremely spacious.

At this time, a warrior was holding his hands behind his back and facing Lu Chen.

He turned around after Lu Chen approached.

This is a red-skinned demon, dressed in a gray robe, with cold eyes, looking at Lu Chen lightly.

"Unexpectedly, the Hall of Gods and Demons will be reopened one day..."

"The first three treasures of the Heavenly Gods and Demon Temple have been taken away, but the battle spirit has made a lot of miscellaneous things, so that after you defeat me, it is not without gain." The man said calmly, as if Talk about things that have nothing to do with yourself.

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Are you an ancient immortal? Why are you here?"

"I am the one who should have fallen on the first floor of the Hall of Gods and Demons. I was selected by the Hall of Gods and Demons. I signed the contract and stayed here forever."

Lu Chen frowned, "Eternal?"

"Yes, forever! Here I am not old or dead, and I can recover even from the serious injury. Unless someone can get through the Temple of Gods and Demons, I will never leave without authorization, upgrade my level, or neglect my duty."

"Isn't that painful?"

The man didn't answer directly, just said, "At least it's better than the dust."

Lu Chen nodded, maybe this is his choice.

"Are you ready? I won't be merciful," the man said.

Lu Chen nodded, "It's ready, but I still have a question."


"You are the strongest six-star immortal king of the ten thousand clan?"

"I don't know, but in my age, within the same level, I haven't met an opponent!"

Lu Chen took a deep breath, saying that the ancient immortal is stronger than the current immortal, and this guy is also the strongest among the ancient immortals, and his strength is beyond doubt.

This guy is probably stronger than the hundred five-star fairy kings outside!

Said he was rescued, in fact, it should be said that he had to pass a more difficult test.

Fortunately, this guy is only one person!

With a bang, the whole body of the Demon Race Immortal King's clothes were violently blown up by the surging spiritual power. Suddenly, Lu Chen felt the terrifying spiritual power hit his face.

Behind the Immortal King of the Demon Race, more than a hundred flying swords appeared, with the tip of the sword floating in the air towards Lu Chen.

"Yu Jian, Six-Star Immortal King, crazy." The man said indifferently, as if this was a habit he had formed when he didn't know how many times he worked with people.

Yujian is his main profession, and obsession is his fairy name!

These eight words, I don’t know how many people’s nightmare is!

Six-star fairy king, sword obsession!

Lu Chen took a deep breath and raised his hand. The Void Destruction Gun appeared in his hand, "Full-time Savage King... Lu Chen!"

After that, Lu Chen suddenly felt a little depressed. Not only was his name not loud at all, it was also somewhat ambiguous, making it seem like there was a "part-time Savage King".

Forget it, no matter, who made him be like this.

"Human King Realm? It's interesting!" Infatuation sneered.

"However, the trespassers...kill without mercy!"

"Sword Sovereign Body! Sword Sovereign! Fast Spirit Sword Sheath!"

Infatuation not only has its own amplification technique, but also has a special technique for increasing the flying sword! After the Xunling scabbard was activated, there was a haze of various colors around the body of the flying sword behind him, and the spiritual power suddenly doubled!

At this time, the Promise Sword would definitely be uncomfortable, but it was a pity that Lu Chen had not withdrew the Promise Sword.

Lu Chen didn't dare to hold it big, and activated the boosting skills such as the symbiosis of gods and demons, the form of dragon gods, and the heavenly power of gods and demons.

"God and devil are rebellious!" Crazy squinted his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on Lu Chen's left arm.

But the obsession was just taken aback, but his hands didn't stop.

With a move of his sword finger, among the hundreds of flying swords, the three flying swords suddenly turned into three golden streams and shot towards Lu Chen.

"Xianshu·Gongzi Jue·The Three Swords of Heaven, Earth and Human Return to Yuan!"

As soon as the obsession took action, Lu Chen had already noticed that he was different from the others. This guy's swordsmanship was faster than the swords he had encountered before.

It can even reach the level of a five-shot speed gun!

And when he himself was taking over the sword, he was clearly at ease!

Of the more than a hundred flying swords, only three were made, which shows how much strength this guy has left!

"The gods and demons view the eyes of the heavens!" Lu Chen relied on the spirits to be honest, quickly spreading his body to avoid, and at the same time, while moving at high speed, he did not forget to attack his opponent.

"The tiger is down! Sacred Lotus Jianxin!"

Lu Chen shot out thousands of sword energy, but the obsessed spirit remained motionless. With a finger pick, the three flying swords behind him had already flown in front of him.

"Xianshu·Royal Word Jue·Sanyuan Sword and Shield!"

The three flying swords spread out in front of him in the word "Pin" and quickly rotated until they formed three shields, like white, black, and gray shields.

Sacred Lotus Sword Heart blasted on the three-sided sword and shield, which was directly offset!

"This defense... is so strong!" Lu Chen couldn't help sighing. The other party only used three swords and didn't even move, so he blocked Sacred Lotus Jianxin?

The crazy demon stirred his hands again, and ten more flying swords flew out of the sword formation behind him.

"Xianshu·Waizi Jue·Ambush on all sides!"

After the ten flying swords flew out, they lost their tracks at the same time, even if Lu Chen looked at the spirit and didn't find them.

But when Lu Chen just showed up in Nine Void Steps, there was a cold light beside him, and a flying sword was already close at hand!

"Shou Xu!" Lu Chen hurriedly blocked with his virtual arm.

The attack was blocked by the Taixu Arm, but the brown flying sword has been piercing the Taixu Arm!

It was not a one-time attack, but a continuous attack!

Of course, a continuous attack can actually be regarded as an attack, just a matter of time-consuming.

If the time is long enough, too virtual arm may not be able to prevent this attack!

Lu Chen didn't have time to think of the cracking method, and the Three Swords Returning to Yuan came again behind him. He hurriedly jumped and dodged through the triple gate, but just as soon as he appeared, another flying sword appeared in front of him.

"Damn it, why can't I observe these flying swords!" Lu Chen scolded, and hurriedly tried to block him!

This time, he prevented an ambush on all sides and shot a shot!

The Sanyuan Sword and Shield suddenly merged into a three-color sword and shield, blocking the counterattack of the Dragon.

"Triple Door!" Lu Chen slammed and appeared in front of the obsessed demon, once again fending off the sudden appearance of ambush with the inverse stray dragon.

He can't always be attacked and not fight back, this time he succeeded in getting close to being crazy.

"Attack the Void, Gun Road, Broken Star!"

Facing Lu Chen's close body, the obsessed demon didn't panic at all, suddenly raised his hand, with a four-foot long sword in his hand, and instantly stabbed Lu Chen, "Xianshu·Jiyingzhang!"

This guy is not only a sword, but also a sword spirit! And the speed of the opponent's shots is simply incredible!

At this time, Lu Chen was either flashing, blocking, or stubborn.

This guy had too many methods, and just a few tricks he used had already made Lu Chen miserable. At this time, it was rare to get close, and Lu Chen would naturally not retreat easily.

The attack of the Rebellious Wandering Dragon can't hurt him, that can only be a strong attack!

Lu Chen shouted in a low voice, "Quick Shadow Spear!"

Seven speed guns, shoot straight at the obsession!

In an instant, Jiyingzhan and Sukage Spear collided head-on, and the first time they faced each other head-on, they had already caused a surge of spiritual power in the hall, and the whole hall was rumbling!

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