Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1297: Another "Heaven and Earth Crazy Gun"

Both the Extreme Shadow Slash and the Speed ​​Shadow Spear follow a rapid and high burst route. The collision of their spiritual powers instantly produces a terrifying spiritual power ball, and it explodes instantly.

Lu Chen was immediately shaken back. Lu Chen spit out a mouthful of blood, and looking at the obsession, the sword formation behind him turned into a pair of wings, attached to the obsession, dissipating most of the impact.

Under such a strong collision, the obsession did not take a step back!

"So strong..." Lu Chen was shocked.

His sword has reached its peak, and the melee sword spirit is equally terrifying!

Long-range melee, impeccable!

Although the stupid demon is not tall in the demons, nor is it crazy like the old ghost of Tianyin, but it is like a high mountain standing quietly there, which is daunting.

"You can even take my Jiyingzhan..." The crazy demon narrowed his eyes slightly.

For a strong man like him, being able to take over his Extreme Shadow Slash is already worthy of his admiration.

The devil didn't intend to give Lu Chen a chance to breathe, and instantly flashed in front of Lu Chen, "Don't you want to get close? I want to see if your gun is fast enough!"

The obsession changed from Yujian to melee, and the long sword in his hand was so fast that there was no trace of it!

Not only that, while the demented demon was attacking, he sometimes attacked with a long sword, and sometimes with a move of his sword, several flying swords immediately shot at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen has never encountered a double repair sword spirit, can use the melee sword spirit and the long-range imperial sword to such an extent, long-range like melee, melee like long-range, unpredictable, and seamless in coordination!

The close combat between the two is almost indistinguishable to the naked eye, and the position changes extremely rapidly, leaving only two phantoms jumping fiercely in the space.

You know, this is after the activation of the nine-day star, Lu Chen has the advantage of the speed of the exercise, and can barely resist it.

Lu Chen fought against the gods and wandered the dragon with one move, struggling to repel the obsession. The obsession leaped back, but at the same time controlled twenty flying swords to pour towards Lu Chen.

"This guy, really don't give me a chance to breathe!"

Lu Chen avoided Feijian with the triple door, but in an instant the obsession had already caught up with him.

In this melee attack, Lu Chen could no longer keep up with the speed of the obsession.

With a puff, the tip of the Devil's sword just touched Lu Chen's shoulder lightly, and the sharp sword aura had penetrated Lu Chen's body. If it weren't for Lu Chen's strong body, this arm would be exploded by spiritual power.

Lu Chen hurriedly shot the universe, and then added another move to destroy the stardust, which forced the demon to repel.

The obsession hurriedly backed away, "Destroy Stardust? It's an artistic conception skill!"

"Unfortunately, your artistic conception skills can't hit me!"

Lu Chen didn't have time to bother about the devil's words. He knew that after this guy adjusted his breath for a while, a new round of attacks was about to come.

How to beat this guy?

Suddenly, Lu Chen thought of Xianzun Battle Soul's words.

When he was besieged by a hundred immortal kings, he entered the state of demon for a long time, but the state of demon used his luck to the extreme that he could currently achieve.

In other words, in the state of demons, he can better exert his physical advantages.

Lu Chen thought that it was said that the heart demon made people confusing, in fact, in the state of the heart demon, there was only killing in his eyes, but it was also an extreme!

"You can't use your right arm anymore, and I won't waste time!"

"You, as a mortal, can fight such a situation with my demon fairy king, and I really admire it."

"You are qualified to meet my trick!"

The flying swords scattered around, the long swords in the hands of the obsessed all converged into a giant sword, and the obsessed hands pinched the fingers of the sword, already accumulating power.

"This is one of my demon clan's unique knowledge, the Sword of Heaven, using it to kill you is not considered as insulting to you."

Lu Chen's eyes widened, and it was the sword of the sky, and the demon could be activated by one person!

Not only that, but the devil's charge is that the giant sword has a variety of colors, which is the integration of elemental attacks and heavenly power attacks.

Xiaoyuan couldn't stop it!

Lu Chen has already seen the power of the Sword of Heaven, and the silly sword of Heaven is even more terrifying than the combined skills of Chi Mana!

Never wait for the Sword of Heaven to take shape before making a move.

At the juncture of life and death, Lu Chen could not think too much, holding the gun in his left hand while accumulating energy.

"God and devil star body! God and devil lotus heart·heart demon! Void Attack·Exterminating Spear·Sky Fury Spear!"

The obsessed squinted his eyes slightly, "Use the group attack technique against my single technique, you have already lost!"

Lu Chen naturally knew this, but he had no way out now!

The skills of the two were less than a few tenths of a second apart, and they were activated at the same time.

The sword of the sky rages against the sky, and the two strong moves collide instantly!

Boom boom boom boom, the spiritual power of the two sides rushed wildly, and the sword of the sky was like a broken bamboo, breaking the spiritual power of the sky rage spear all the way, pointing directly at Lu Chen!

This is the strongest strength of the Ten Thousand Clan!


At this moment, the obsession suddenly saw his opponent and closed his eyes!

Focus! Focus! Focus!

If you can do whatever you want, you should be able to do whatever you want!

The spiritual power of group attack skills is surging, and the spiritual power of individual skills is extremely restrained...

Tooting said that everyone's understanding is different, and the effect of the actual combat of the ultimate gun is different.

Sky Wrath Spear is a group attack technique, but if you change the way of spiritual power operation, why can't it become a single attack technique? !

However, to control such a ferocious spiritual power, how terrible is the control of spiritual power required?

Is it the only way to achieve the ultimate concentration by being obsessed with everything and forgetting everything like a demon?

But Lu Chen has too much concern, he can't do anything superficial!

Heaven and earth disappear with one sword...

If you die, Yaoer, Lu Yi, Xiao Yi... If you die, the entire planet, so many friends, so many human races... If you die, the father trapped in the Heavenly Hell...

Although the inner demon can perform to the extreme, it is an obsession with killing, and doesn't he also have his own obsession? !

Lu Chen opened his eyes!

Tianming's sword was already so sharp that Lu Chen's eyes were about to split, and he roared, "No! I can't die!"

This is his obsession.

He...can't die!

Suddenly, the spiritual power of the Skywrath Spear, which was originally in a small dispersed state, instantly gathered to the center. The fire column with a diameter of one thousand meters attacked, quickly condensed and condensed, until it turned into a long spear shadow!

The Sky Fury Spear, which was originally a range attack, was surprisingly restrained in spirit.

Although the range of the spear shadow was a thousand times smaller, the flames blazed into the sky, like the light of the sun and the moon, more terrifying than the sword of heaven.

The endless surging spiritual power was compressed into the afterimage of this long spear.

The Sword of Heaven was still like a broken bamboo before, but it was suddenly stopped.

The sword of the sky and the spear of the sky fury, sharply pointed to the Maimang, facing each other!

Just a few seconds later, a group of spiritual energy burst into the field, like a star explosion, setting off a fierce spiritual energy storm!

As strong as Lu Chen, he was lifted off and hit a wall 10,000 meters away!

With a puff, Lu Chen vomited a big mouthful of blood, but he ignored the injury and quickly got up to look for the obsessed figure, that guy would not give himself a chance to breathe!


After a few minutes, Lu Chen finally found the obsession at the other end of the Temple of Gods and Demons.

He was dying when he was lying on the ground, and when he saw Lu Chen coming, he tried to get up but couldn't get up.

After struggling for a while, the obsession finally gave up the struggle. He raised his eyes feebly and looked at Lu Chen, "Your heaven and earth spear... is stronger than that person!"

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