"Unexpectedly, I, the six-star fairy king, would be defeated by a king of people!" There was loneliness in the crazy smile.

Lu Chen looked at the obsession and raised his hand to remove the fog in front of the badge.

The obsession finally saw Lu Chen's level.

Ten three star Savage King Realm!

"Ten three stars? How is this possible!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "So the one who defeated you is not an ordinary king."

The devil wanted to ask, but suddenly he was relieved.

He is a person who has been trapped here forever, so what does he care about.

"No matter what realm you are in, you can use your luck to the extreme under that situation, and I am convinced that I lose."

"Behind the main hall is your reward this time, maybe there are things you can use. Next time you can pass directly from me."

Lu Chen walked over and stretched out his hand to the obsession, "That's great, I don't want to fight you again."

Obsessively saw Lu Chen's hand in a daze, I am afraid this is the first time someone has reached out to him.

In the end, as soon as the obsessed grasped Lu Chen's hand, the two of them limped towards the back hall of the hall.

The Immortal Venerable Battle Spirit was here, and Lu Chen shouted as soon as he saw him, "Old Back, you came fast enough."

"Old back?"

"Well, if you keep your back to me all day, I will tell you to keep your back."

Immortal Venerable Battle Soul was silent for a long time...

There are a lot of refining materials here, including psychic jade and **** iron!

Lu Chen held the obsession aside and looked at the boxes of treasures piled up here in surprise, and felt like he was dreaming.

"This, these are all mine?"

"Whose is it not yours?" Old Back shook his head and said, "There are a lot of things. I don't know if your backpack can be put down. I have prepared a ring for you. Do you want to put it directly in? in."

"Good, good!" Lu Chen's head nodded like a rattle.

Lu Chen has always had no resistance to things like wealth, not to mention that there are so many treasures, you can slowly search for treasures when you have time.

"Then wait a moment, oh, by the way, I helped you find a few Immortal Regeneration Pills from these things, and eat them." Old Back threw a few pills over.

Lu Chen took the pill, and his injury was improving rapidly.

The old man took the treasures of the ten big boxes one by one into a small gift.

Then he handed Najie to Lu Chen.

The size of the ring was just right for the ring finger, and Lu Chen carried it on.

"Haha, got rich!"

Lao Bei said, "The Immortal Body Regenerating Pill is the best pill, and your injury is no longer serious."

"Time is almost here, you have to go. If you come next time, you have to wait for the nine-day star to upgrade again."

Lu Chen looked at the obsessed resting on the side, and shook his head, "If all opponents like obsessed, I still hope to come back later..."

Obsessed holding his lower abdomen, looking at Lu Chen, he rarely smiled, "You fellow, it's a pity to kill...cough cough..."

"Funny, when can you recover?"

"This time the injury is a bit serious, and the spiritual core has been severely damaged, probably for more than ten days." The demon said.

Lu Chen nodded. He admired the obsession. The two had no feud, and he was relieved to see that he was not dead.

"I'm the only one who is crazy, the time for you to come to the Heavenly Demon Temple is almost up..." Lao Bei urged from the side.

"Old back, can you tell me what is the next level of difficulty?"


Lu Chen frowned, not even revealing the difficulty, this guy is really stingy.

But in any case, this time is finally a surprise, not only has he obtained a large number of resources, but also his luck has been improved. The most important thing is that he has realized a different sky rage gun!

The single attacking sky fury spear is more powerful than the sky wrath sword!

It's been three days since Lu Chen came here. I don't know if the group of people outside is still there or if anyone is squatting on him.

However, Lu Chen is going to leave after all, and there are very important things waiting for him to do in the other world!

Lao Bei pointed to a portal in the apse and signaled that Lu Chen should leave. Lu Chen took a deep breath. He didn't even withdraw from the symbiosis of the gods and demons, holding the Void Destruction Gun, and stepped directly into the portal.

Seeing that Lu Chen's back disappeared into the portal, the obsessed half leaned back on the chair, and said weakly, "Hey, you said it's impossible for that guy..."

"Infatuation, don't be whimsical, you know better than anyone else where the Heavenly Demon Temple is."

"Throughout the ages, no one has ever been able to get through the Temple of Gods and Demons!"

Old Back turned and looked at the demented demon, "Heal your wounds. Although you have no chance to get free, at least you can go outside the temple while he is alive."

After listening to the obsession, he sighed.

For him, walking outside the hall is already a luxury.


Lu Chen had just left the teleportation formation and found that there was a huge deep pit beside him, which was not bottomless!

This big pit was left by those demon kings back then!

Seeing this big pit, Lu Chen was full of anger, "You want to kill me! Very good! Next, I will accompany you to have fun!"

"And you, Thousand Chance! I, Lu Chen, will not kill you, I will not be a man!"

Speaking of Qian Ji, green mist appeared in Lu Chen's eyes.

This guy has almost killed himself several times, since this time he knew that he was behind the scenes, then it is absolutely impossible for him to let him go!

There was no one around, but Lu Chen couldn't stay here for long, and hurriedly disappeared into the forest.


It has been three days since he left another world, and Lu Chen didn't know what's going on here now. It took him some time to quietly rush to the crack.

At this time, there are still a large number of fairy kings passing through the cracks, and a large number of alien beasts are killing the fairy kings that have just been transmitted.

Lu Chen felt a little relieved, at least the crack was effective.

"Find a way to find the ninth-level altar, and then find a way to go back!"

Lu Chen sank into the jungle again.

It is not difficult to find the altar, because Lu Chen can always see a beam of light rushing into the sky in some places, and someone should have summoned the spirit of the altar.

Later, Lu Chen found a slightly larger altar, and hurried forward to activate the altar while no one was there.

It was just that when his own stock of beast cores were put on, the altar lightened slightly and then dimmed again.

"Not enough spiritual power?" Lu Chen thought for a while before adding ten more beast cores.

This time the four weeks were more flexible than before, but the altar was still not activated.

Lu Chen increased the price again, and this time put 100 pieces on it, and finally activated the altar.

What came out was a female elf, bathed in the holy light, looking particularly holy.

"Do you want strength, or do you want guidance?"

"I want to get guidance and tell me where Chi Python is!" There was a faint murder in Lu Chen's eyes.

"Fifteen li to the west, there is a ** altar, they are activating the altar!"

Without saying anything, Lu Chen quickly flashed to the west of the altar!

"Chi python, you didn't kill me, so sorry, this time, I want you all to die here!"

Lu Chen drove directly to the death ground, moved all the way, and went straight to the west.

Ten minutes later, Lu Chen arrived in front of the ** altar. At this moment, Chi Mang and his team had just intercepted and killed a 10-person team of strange animals, and they were replacing them to activate the altar.

Perhaps it was because there had just been a fight here, they didn't know the big formation, so Lu Chen didn't see the sky-reaching beam of light here.

At this time, Cang Yan had already summoned the spirit of the altar.

"Do you want strength, or do you want guidance?" the elf asked.

"I think……"

At this moment, one person walked out of the forest.

He pulled a gun in front of him, and said in a lazy tone, "I think you'd better choose power! Maybe you get power, you can live a few more seconds."

Everyone looked at the speaker in shock.

"Only I am crazy!"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and looked at the immortals indifferently, "Yes, it's me."

"This time, all of you are going to die!"

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