Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1299: I got a shot

Chi Mana frowned, as if he couldn't believe his eyes.

"It's really nowhere to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to get it! I am the only one who is crazy, and you sent it to the door by yourself?!"

"Ending! Demon Sealing Great Array!"

With an order, more than 70 immortal kings quickly surrounded Lu Chen Tuantuan and set up a large formation of isolation.

Seeing that Lu Chen was trapped, Chi Anaconda looked particularly relaxed, standing on the altar and pacing leisurely, "I have seen stupid people, but I have never seen you so stupid. Actually sent them to the door by myself... and such a good thing. ?!"

"Before you actually escaped into the strange space, but this time, I'm sorry, you can't teleport in the Confinement Array!"

It seems that Chi Mang had used the teleportation array to find Lu Chen before, but they only knew that Lu Chen had teleported away, but they didn't know about the Heavenly Demon Temple.

"I admit, your strength is beyond my expectation. Maybe you have three hundred years. You might find revenge from us. But now it's only three days. What can you do in three days? Even if you have room for practice, you will change. Nothing!" Chi Mana was very calm, even if they were missing more than 20 people, it was still more than enough to kill Lu Chen.

At this moment, the spirit of the altar urged on the side, "Do you want strength or guidance? If you don't say your demands, you will be regarded as giving up this opportunity."

Cang Yan looked at Lu Chen, thought for a while, still couldn't let this kid delay their affairs, and said, "I want guidance."

"I want to know when is the most suitable time for us to return for nine days."

This was originally something that everyone had discussed. There was an army of alien beasts in front of the crack. They were powerful. They could not fight against less than a hundred people and could only seek guidance.

"You can't go back."

"Go back, can't go back? What do you mean? You mean that all of us who sent you can't go back?"

"No, as long as the crack exists, others will have a chance to return. I just said you can't go back." The elf said calmly, "The army of alien beasts will go to open the ninth-level altar in a month. Inside is the best time to leave."

"Since there is a chance in a month, why can't we go back?" Cang Yan was puzzled.

"Because of him!" The elf raised his hand and pointed at Lu Chen who was looking here.

After all, the altar gradually weakened and the spirit disappeared.

Suddenly, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly changed.

These people are not fools, the guidance of the elves is already obvious, they can't go back because I'm alone!

However, they couldn't think of what the soloist could do, which prevented them from returning to the seventh heaven.

"Only I am crazy, you insidious villain, what despicable tactics did you use!" Cang Yan yelled at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen shrugged his shoulders with an innocent look, "I walked out so openly, but you were called a sinister villain? Did your brains be stupid when you crossed the robbery?!"

Of course, Lu Chen knew what they were thinking now, nothing more than not believing that in just three days, he was completely different from before.

"Don't you understand what the elves said? Didn't I just say that, I will kill you all, then you naturally can't go back."

Lu Chen sneered, "By the way, I would also like to thank you for asking me a question of interest... What kind of Cang Yan, I will give you a good time later."

Cang Yan was trembling with anger, but I was the only one who was mad, really making people mad!

"It's so quick to talk to me? When we kill you, we have to see if you can speak such a wild talk!"

Having said that, Cang Yan directly exploded his spiritual power, instantly activated the increase, the Buddha body protects, and at the same time a pair of golden descending wands in his hand, shooting towards Lu Chen.

"Xianshu·Fumojingang·Buddha descending and eliminating demons!"

Chi Anaconda also shouted in a low voice, "Don't underestimate that kid, others are covering Cangyan! Chasing the wind, you prepare a sword from the sky, pay attention to the additional spiritual power and the attack of the sky!"

The last time Xiaoyuan rescued Lu Chen, they would naturally not repeat the same mistakes!

At this moment, Cang Yan had flashed in front of Lu Chen, and just as he was about to attack Lu Chen, Lu Chen suddenly put away the smile on his face, his eyes filled with killing intent!

"Good job!"

"Nine-day stars!"

Lu Chen had hidden the function of the nine-day star before, but it has not been activated until now.

At present, the biggest use of the nine-day star in actual combat is to widen the gap in the speed of spiritual power between the two sides.

Cang Yan dropped by 10%, Lu Chen increased by 10%, and the gap between the two sides was already huge!

Cang Yan clearly felt that his spiritual power was operating, and he felt a little frustrated. At this critical moment, Lu Chen had already made a move, "Missing Spear·Speed ​​Shadow Spear!"

In just a few tenths of a second, Lu Chen had added six more shots, reaching a seven-shot quick shadow gun!

"This guy is faster than before?!" Some fairy kings have already discovered the clues.

"How could it be possible that he was already fighting back then, it is impossible to hide his strength!"

"Could it be that in these short three days, his strength has improved again?"

"No, Cangyan is dangerous!"

If there is no difference of 20%, Cang Yan will definitely have time to react, but if a master moves, the victory or defeat can be determined by a small amount, let alone the time difference of 20%!

With a loud bang, the God of Extinction Spear blasted directly on Cang Yan's Golden Buddha's body, and a wave of spiritual power instantly exploded.

Before Lu Chen could not penetrate their shields, it was because of the assistance of other people. There were often seven or eight layers of shield protection, but now Cang Yan only has one shield.

In the face of the Seven Speed ​​Shadow Spear, Cang Yan's shield lasted less than half a second and was directly penetrated!

The black light flashed, and the God of Extinction Spear passed through the body!

Lu Chen's low voice came from behind, "I told you a happy one!"

Cang Yan looked at the huge wound in his lower abdomen inconceivably, his internal organs were being melted by magma, and his spiritual core had been dug away...

"You, you...can't...you can't be so strong..." Cang Yan's eyes widened. Before he died, he couldn't believe that he was killed by the so-called madness!

Cang Yan fell, and more attacks had hit Lu Chen!

"Nine steps in the void!" Lu Chen moved quickly.

Thanks to the blessing of the nine-day stars, even the movement speed has increased by 10%!

After dodge several times, twenty immortal kings shouted at the same time, "I am the only one crazy, this time you can't escape with your wings!"

"A sword from the sky!"

Twenty powerful and unmatched spiritual powers gathered to form a giant sword afterimage, the spiritual power rolled, and the surrounding earth and rocks floated by themselves.

In this enchanting demon formation, it seems that they are all filled with this terrifying spiritual power!

"The sky will be wiped out with a sword! I am the only one who is crazy, die for me!"

Lu Chen turned and narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the scary sword shadow.

Hold the magic gun with both hands.

This is the sword of heaven again!

"You have the sword of heaven and obliteration..." Lu Chen snorted and turned on his whole body at the same time, "but you don't know yet..."

"I have a shot that can break nine days!"

"Conquer the Void, Destroyer Spear, Sky Fury Gun!"

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