The Sky Wrath Spear under a single attack directly collided with the Sword of Heaven, and between heaven and earth, one shot and one sword faced each other!

"Break for Laozi!" Lu Chen shouted angrily!

The Spiritual Power of the God of Extinguisher exploded, and the blessing of the ground fire caused the God of Extinguished Spear to burst out with red fire light, and the momentum became stronger and stronger!

With a loud bang, the center of the battlefield was broken into ashes, and the heat wave swept the audience!

Immediately afterwards, twenty five-star fairy kings shook back at the same time, bumping into the edge of the enchanting demon formation, vomiting blood and seriously injured!

Seeing this scene, others even forgot to continue attacking Lu Chen.

"This... how is this possible! He actually took over the sword of heaven?"

"It's only three days. Why can't he take it three days ago, but he can take it three days later? Why is that!"

The muscles of Chi Mana's eyes were beating, and he was still holding the winning ticket just now, but in a blink of an eye, they had already lost 21 people!

Lu Chen retracted the Destroyer Spear and looked at the other fifty or so immortal kings indifferently, "Your Heavenly Sword is still a bit short."

Naturally, Lu Chen didn't fabricate it out of thin air, but he had learned the magical sword of heaven.

The six-star strongest immortal king, the devil's sword of heaven, is more powerful than these twenty five-star immortal kings!

Lu Chen looked at these immortal kings with shocked faces and said calmly, "Don't worry, I said that none of you can run away! I don't have enough time, and the rest, let's go together."

"I'm the only one crazy, you might look down on us too much!" Chi Python exclaimed, "Everyone, be sure to kill this person!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Xiao Yuan!"

Xiaoyuan appeared next to Lu Chen, roared at the opposite side, and then rushed towards the enemy line with Lu Chen!

The auxiliary effect of Nine Heavens Stars was fully realized at this time, and it had completely offset the influence of the Sealed Demon and Entrapped Beast Formation on the body.

At the same time, Lu Chen's shots and the speed of his techniques have been further improved, while the enemy has dropped by 10%.

This slow spellcasting speed has allowed Lu Chen to walk among the immortal kings with ease.

What's more, only half of the opponent's number was left at this time, and Lu Chen's pressure dropped sharply by several times!

"Gunxu·One sword breaks the sky!"

With this shot, Lu Chen only severed Chi Python's arm, and his right arm fell to the ground with the long sword in his hand!

Chi Mang backed back again and again, and this stopped the castration!

Looking around, there are corpses everywhere. The one hundred immortal kings who were so mad were hunted and killed. After two besieges, he is now alone!

Lu Chen walked towards the seriously injured Chi Python step by step.

At this time, Lu Chen's gold armor had been stained red with blood, and his reddish eyes looked like a **** of death staring at Chi Python.

Looking at Lu Chen again, Chi Anaconda no longer had the calm and composure that he had been above all else. He stepped back step by step, but accidentally tripped over a corpse.

"Why, why, in just three days, why your strength has improved so much!"

"Sure enough, Qian Ji was right, you, you are a lunatic!"

"You, don't come over! Don't force my spiritual core to explode!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Qian Ji never told you, how did I escape from him?"

After a fierce battle, Xiao Yuan has become extremely terrifying at this time. Before it was able to receive the sword of the sky, it may not be able to receive the spiritual core of Chi Python and explode!

Lu Chen directly held the gun in one hand, and put the tip of the gun against Chi Mang's dantian, and said coldly, "Say, where is the Thousand Chance!"

Even the self-detonation of the spiritual core can't threaten the solo madness, Chi Anaconda is really helpless now.

"I, let me tell you, you just let me go!" Chi Anaconda is breathing fast, if he doesn't want to die, this is the only bargaining chip.

"If your information is valuable, you can consider it." Lu Chen closed the murderous look in his eyes and smiled slightly.

"Okay! I hope you believe it!"

"Qian Ji Xin is the adviser of the Red Moon Immortal Venerable. These days, he has been wandering around in the name of the Red Moon Immortal Venerable, persuading other races to launch an immortal war against the human race."

"Our Demon Clan Immortal Venerable has agreed to this matter, and a crack has just appeared at the border of the Demon Clan Immortal Territory. He expects that you will come to the crack to check, so he asked the Demon Immortal Venerable to send us to surround you!"

"But I don't know where the others are now, whether they have left the Demon Race Immortal Territory."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes, killing intently.

This Thousand Chance is really busy in order to kill himself!

At the sixth heaven, he had no chance to trouble himself, but at the seventh heaven, after he received the appreciation of the Red Moon Immortal, he did not stop for a moment.

Do everything possible to kill yourself!

"Do you know where he is going next?"

"He mentioned that his next stop is going to the Demon Race Immortal Territory! But I really don't know if he has left the Demon Race Immortal Territory now. We can't know about the Seventh Heaven in the other world."

Lu Chen nodded, and then asked again, "Now that several races have agreed to launch the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Wars against the Human Race?"

"When Qianji talked to us about this matter before, he said that his trip was very smooth, and the matter of launching the war of immortals against the human race has almost been finalized, but he still needs to notify some other races."

"Already finalized?" Lu Chen frowned, "Isn't he deliberately exaggerating to convince you?"

"Yes, as long as a certain number of Xianzun agree with Ten Thousand Clan Xianzhan, even if a few disagree, it is invalid. Besides, I only heard that Xianzun is not interested in this, but I haven't heard of anyone who explicitly opposes it."

"So this should be true." Chi Mang said.

Lu Chen frowned, "If this happens, when will the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War begin?"

"All races need to prepare for a period of time, about four to five years should start the battle of ten thousand immortals."

"At that time, the ten strongest immortals will be selected from the ten thousand races, and the ten strongest immortals will be selected by the human race, and the survival of the human race will be determined by the outcome of the final battle."

Lu Chen felt tight!

Only four or five years away!

Lu Chen really did not expect that after changing the timeline, the cause of the final battle this time was actually related to him!

His grievances with Qian Ji turned out to be a key factor in the final battle.

"The last question, why is it so important to get the red moon?"

"Qian Ji Gong is scheming and good at planning. Hongyue needs such a subordinate, but it is his strength that really makes him valued by Hongyue."

"Isn't he just a loose fairy?"

Chi Mang said, "The puppet master is the most special one among the nine major professions. Their combat power mainly comes from the puppet, and Thousand Chance is a genius puppet master who has never met in a thousand years! His puppet manufacturing and puppet control skills are extremely scary !"

"After he transformed a fairy king puppet in Hongyue's hand, not only was it more powerful, but he could also easily control it. Hongyue took his fancy to this point and gave the fairy king puppet to Thousand Chance on the spot. Is to respect him."

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly. Not only was his mortal enemy insidious, but he also seemed to be strong.

It is indeed the guy who was chosen to go to the BOSS of the day domain.

"Only I am crazy, I, I have already told you everything I know, you, you should keep your promise and let me go!"

Suddenly, the Mighty Gun pierced Chi Python's abdomen with a shot.

Chi Python looked at Lu Chen in horror, his eyes were angry and unwilling, "You, you have turned your back..."

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I just said that I would consider it, but I didn't say that I would definitely let you go."

"In fact, you are too naive, have you forgotten that I said enough at the beginning, you all are going to die?!"

After that, Lu Chen pierced Chi python's abdomen with a shot, and took out the spiritual core!

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