Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1301: Chance encounter

Killing so many people, but not a few pieces of equipment, these people fall, the equipment will automatically return to the backpack.

Lu Chen thought for a while and said, "Stealing the sky, can I get the equipment?"

Stealth said, "Don't even think about the equipment. These people's equipment is definitely an artifact level. They must recognize the master, and you are just a pile of waste products."

"No, that's a shame."

"But... I can secretly look at other things."


Stealing the sky directly transforms into shape, busy for a while.

The medicine, materials, and spiritual tablets were thrown in front of Lu Chen...

"Lu Chen, do you want war pets and puppets, if you do, you may need to spend some time tame."

Lu Chen couldn't even raise the little beasts, and these people didn't seem to have any good pet puppets.

"Forget it, no more."

Lu Chen was busy counting the spoils.

There are three or four million spiritual tablets alone, and there are a lot of materials, and the quality is not low.

Not long after, Stealth finally returned to Lu Chen and put a stack of spiritual tablets in Lu Chen's hands. "That's it, they won't take all their wealth with them, and there are still some good things that can't be stolen. "

Lu Chen was already excited, "It's OK, it's a windfall to be able to get so much! Hahahaha, I have good luck recently!"

"It might be the reason to stay away from Ye Fan!"

Sure enough, it's still the most money to kill and sell goods.

"Don't you want to activate the altar?" Tooting asked.

Lu Chen glanced back, frowning suddenly, "A large force is coming! Hurry up!"


There are small groups of alien beasts searching the jungle everywhere, and there are also some fairy kings hiding somewhere.

Lu Chen didn't want to cause trouble, and walked carefully through the dense forest all the way.

During the period, Lu Chen also encountered some altars, but he didn't know if the alien beast was guided, and he actually started to arrange traps around the altars.

He saw with his own eyes three immortal kings being besieged!

Lu Chen could only abandon these small altars and rush to the center of the alien continent.

Half a month later, a large-scale battle took place at an altar in the distance. More than one hundred immortal kings were ambushed by the wild beast team. The two sides fought fiercely and gradually deviated from the altar.

This opportunity is not too good, but it is already very rare.

After seeing the situation clearly, Lu Chen cautiously leaned over and secretly put a few beast cores on it.

The altar failed to start.

100 is not enough, 200... Lu Chen simply retracted the beast core and directly put 10 fairy king spirit cores on it!

Finally, the surrounding spiritual fire began to flourish, and the altar was activated.

"Quickly, quickly!" Lu Chen urged anxiously. The altar movement was so loud, he would definitely be discovered.

Sure enough, after the altar was activated, a group of strange beasts slew over.

At the same time, the altar spirit appeared.

"You want..."

"I want to get guidance, what exactly is this alien world! What is the relationship with Jiutian!" Lu Chen said anxiously.

At this time, more than thirty different beasts had already been killed.

Lu Chen quickly summoned Xiao Yuan, and he started the symbiosis of gods and demons, wielding the sword heart of the holy lotus.

The elf behind him said, "You asked two questions..."

Lu Chen fended off the enemy while shouting, "I clearly asked a question! Well, what is the relationship between this other world and Jiu Tian!"

"Nine days swallowing the world, this is just one of the battlefields!"

"Quick Shadow Spear!" Lu Chen killed a strange beast with one move, and shouted back, "Speak louder, I can't hear you!"

The scene was extremely chaotic, and more and more strange beasts rushed over. Lu Chen and Xiao Yuan not only wanted to fend off the enemy, but they couldn't leave the altar.

The altar spirit was helpless, so he could only raise his voice and shouted, "I said, nine days swallowing the world, this is just one of the battlefields!" After that, he didn't forget Lu Chen's glance.

"Can't you say to believe it? What battlefield? One sword breaks the sky, kill me!"

The elf had a black line. If he hadn't seen him just killing an alien beast, he would have thought that kid would kill himself...

"I'm just the spirit of the fourth-level altar. I can only answer you so much. If you want to know the answer, you need to go to a higher altar. I have answered your question. I should go." After that, the altar disappeared quickly and flexibly. It went out a bit faster than usual.

With a black line, Lu Chen asked a question by himself, and asked such a result.

However, he could only use this altar once in a day, and he couldn't help it if he left.

"Xiao Yuan, hurry up!" Lu Chen hurried to the west with Xiao Yuan.

Not knowing how far he escaped, Lu Chen finally got rid of the strange beast behind him.

With nine stars, it is much easier to escape.

Lu Chen washed his face by the stream and leaned against Xiao Yuan to rest for a while. "Xiao Yuan, the elf said this is a battlefield against nine days of devouring..."

"Nine days swallow...what is it swallowing?!"

Lu Chen shook his head.

No matter how advanced the altar is, how many spiritual cores are needed? The point is that he doesn't have much time!

If he can't return when the alien beast opens the ninth-level altar, then he will never escape from under the nose of the millions of alien beasts!

When Lu Chen was worried about this matter, there was a slight noise in the forest, and seven or eight immortal kings walked out of the forest.

Lu Chen was also distracted and didn't notice them in advance.

After seeing the people coming, Lu Chen immediately stood up and looked at them warily.

After seeing these people clearly, Lu Chen was also taken aback.

These people are all human fairy kings, six men and two women! And there was one of them, Lu Chen recognized at a glance.


"Only I am crazy! Don't be nervous, your own person!" Mu Long said to his companion.

Afterwards, Mulong walked to Lu Chen, "Why are you here alone?"

Lu Chen still didn't completely put down his defenses, "I came to another world by myself, why are you here?"

"We are also here to explore the alien world," said Mu Long, "but I didn't expect this alien world to be so strong. As soon as a crack broke out, two of our ten were killed by those alien beasts."

"Now we can only hide in the forest temporarily. After half a month, we can return to the Seventh Heaven!"

Lu Chen also knew the news, and Mulong told Lu Chen himself, which also showed that he did not deceive himself.

Only then did Lu Chen let down his vigilance a little.

"Lone crazy, you go with us, you are too dangerous to be alone." Mu Long said.

One of Mulong’s teammates disdainfully said, “Mulong, ten of us are among the top five-star immortal kings. Even so, we were killed at the beginning. Now we can only hide from Tibet. Bring in one person, aren't you afraid of multiple burdens?"

"That is, now there are enemies all around, and a little carelessness will affect all of us!"

Mulong turned his head to look at his teammates, "Don't worry, he is much stronger than me, and he will not drag us down!"

"Much better than you? Are you kidding me! We are only among the first classmates, so much stronger than you, isn't it better than us?"

"We didn't even notice when we were close, where does his strength come from?!"

"Among the five-star fairy kings of the human race, there is only Xuanjian! You lied about his strength in order to get him into the group, Mu Long, you are afraid that you will kill us all!"

At this moment, a woman stepped forward and took a look at Lu Chen.

"When did you... enter the alien world?"

"For more than half a month," Lu Chen replied.

"For more than half a month, are you alone?"


The woman turned around and said to her companion, "This person can survive alone in another world for more than half a month, no matter what, there must be something extraordinary. I think I can take him."

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