Mulong brought new information, and after communicating with Lu Chen's information obtained at the ninth-level altar, he concluded that it was a shocking secret.

Within nine days, there was constant fighting, and beyond nine days, the same was surging!

Lu Chen asked, "Are the cracks still there?"

Mulong shook his head, "It was closed two days ago."

Lu Chen frowned. This time the crack opened, it should be the strange beast setting up an ambush to open the ninth-level altar. The ninth-level altar had failed, so they naturally closed the crack.

"Regardless of whether our guess is correct or not, in the past 20 years, everyone will improve their strength as soon as possible to deal with the devil who may come." Mu Long said to Ye Fan and others.

Lu Chen interrupted him suddenly, "It's right to improve your strength, but I'm afraid there is one more urgent thing."

Afterwards, Lu Chen told everyone about Qianji's plan for the battle of thousands of tribes.

"What, there is such a thing?" Mu Long and Feng Wu were shocked, "Are you sure? This is a big deal!"

Lu Chen said, "This is what Chi Anaconda said before his death. I think the credibility is more than 70%, but it is still not completely certain, so I plan to find Qian Ji in a few days."

"Chi Mang is not saying that Thousand Chance is in the Immortal Territory of the Demon Race. If you don't have a visit order, I am afraid you will be considered to be trespassing into the Immortal Territory." Mu Long said.

If you trespass into the fairyland of the demon clan, it will be attacked by groups.

Lu Chen frowned, "I can't manage that much anymore. I have an account with Qian Ji and I have to make a clear calculation!"

Feng Wu suddenly said, "Don't be impulsive. The monster race is very strong. There are at least 40 immortals sitting in town, plus some reclusive immortals. I'm afraid there will be 70 or 80 immortals, plus the fairy king. Break!"

"In this way, I will go to Pangu Immortal Venerable to see if he can give you a visit order. It is much more convenient for you to act with the token."

"Pangu Immortal Venerable?" Lu Chen seemed to have an impression of this Immortal Venerable.

Recalling carefully, Lu Chen remembered that in the whirlpool world, Pangu Immortal Venerable was one of the ten immortal Venerables who participated in the final battle.

"Isn't Pangu Immortal Venerable's real name Li Yuan?" Lu Chen asked, because the name resembled the name of a person on earth, Lu Chen was deeply impressed.

Feng Wu replied, "Yes, he is one of the few immortals who have not cut off the dust, and his strength is also the top existence of the immortals. With his own strength, he can compete with the three human beings. Both me and Mulong are him. One of many customers."

Lu Chen thought for a while, "Okay, then, I have work."

Feng Wu nodded, "By the way, do you still have any extra teleportation charms from the fairy cave?"

Linglong took out two teleportation charms and handed them to Mulong and Fengwu. After they received them, Mulong said, "Lonely crazy, wait for me for three days, there will be news within three days!" Dongfu.

"Master, you are okay, then I will go to the third floor of the cultivation tower." Ye Fan said, "If the third floor is opened, then whether it is the Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War or the Void Chaos Demon God, we have more time. ready."

Lu Chen nodded, "Go."

Linglong and the others also went to practice, and only Jiuer remained in the room and did not leave.

Lu Chen suddenly thought of something and looked at Jiu'er strangely, "Jiu'er, I just have a question to ask you, are you the nine calamities or the ten calamities? You told me it was the nine calamities, why did Ye Fan just say yes again? Ten Tribulations."

Jiu'er smiled slightly, "Ye Fan exaggerated it. I have experienced the ninth-level tribulation three times. To be precise, it is nine and a half tribulations."

Lu Chen nodded. It turns out that Jiuer has a complete eclipse package, and his treatment is indeed different.

"Brother Wuming..." Jiuer stopped talking.

"what's happenin?"

"I want to fight a fairy fight."

Lu Chen frowned, "Xiandou?"

Jiu'er nodded heavily, "The characteristic of the eclipse is that every time I experience a deadly battle, my strength will increase. This way of improving my strength is even faster than I can practice in the training room."

"Moreover, my world still has more than ten years of protection. When my grandfather and father let me conceive the eclipse, they were also protecting our world. Now I counteract the eclipse and naturally have to take the responsibility."

Lu Chen walked up to Jiu'er and looked at Jiu'er worriedly, "Jiu'er, life and death in the Fairy Arena is unpredictable, and you will definitely choose a strong opponent to stimulate the eclipse. This is too dangerous."

Jiu'er raised a pair of clear eyes, looking at Lu Chen in front of him, his eyes flickering.

Brother Wuming is worried about himself, that's enough...

"Brother Wuming, you spared your life in order to protect your world, and so do I!"

Lu Chen still felt uneasy, and said, "I know, but... it's better to be like this. Let's fight, I think, I should be able to exhaust you..."

Lu Chen's wording was a bit ambiguous. Jiu'er gave Lu Chen a blank look, "What exhaustion, that is to stimulate potential!"

"But this doesn't work either. The closer I get to death, the eclipse will stimulate the potential of my body, and if we fight, I know you will not hurt me, and that will have no effect."

"Brother Wuming, don't worry, I have improved my strength this way along the way, and the eclipse won't let me die easily."

Lu Chen said, "I will help you when the time comes to guard the coordinates of your world!"

Jiu'er tilted his head, watching Lu Chen intently, "Will you help me forever?"

Lu Chen was taken aback for a moment.

If he can survive, he will definitely help Jiu'er, but the question is, how long can he live, and how long can his "life" be?

If you don't have yourself, who will protect Jiu'er's world?


A trace of disappointment flashed in Jiu'er's eyes. She didn't know Wuming's thoughts at this time, but thought that Wuming was not willing to promise her.

"Brother Wuming, I'm joking, don't worry, I won't die so easily, I also have a lot of things to guard."

"And Sister Linglong will also go with me, Ye Fan will also participate in the fairy fight after opening the third floor training room."

Lu Chen wanted to say something, but he also knew that Jiu'er's potential couldn't be realized in Xianling Dongtian. To become stronger, she must take the most dangerous path!

Thinking of this, Lu Chen took out some medicinal materials from Na Jie and stuffed them into Jiu'er's hands, "Prepare these, I will let Xiao Lu refine more when I look back."

Jiu'er did not refuse, accepting the pill, and turned around to leave.

Just as Jiu'er was about to leave, Lu Chen suddenly grabbed Jiu'er's hand, and Jiu'er looked back in surprise.

With the warm fragrance of nephrite in his hand, Lu Chen took a deep breath, plucked up his courage, and said...

Jiu'er's eyes are full of expectation, could it be that Brother Wuming...

"Be careful..." Lu Chen said forcefully.

Jiu'er smiled slightly, "Brother Wuming, I know...I'll be back when I finish playing..."

Jiu'er left, Xiaolu came in from outside the house with a bowl of medicine, looking back at the door, "Boss, why did you make Jiu'er cry?"

"Huh?" Lu Chen looked confused, "I...I don't know! I didn't do anything!"

Little Green was already quite familiar, and said casually, "I think it's because you didn't do anything...well, come take the medicine, and go to the Zhan Pet training room after taking the medicine."

"What's wrong with the pet training room?"

"Xiao Yuan woke up."

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