Lu Chen poured the decoction and hurried to the training room.

Xiao Yuan changed back to Bai Hu's Mo Yang.

Little Beast Xiao Mao Tuan was fighting with Xiao Yuan, but this time it looked like it was not an ordinary fight. Little Beast attacked Xiao Yuan directly with the beast **** flame.

However, Xiaoyuan had nothing to do!

Lu Chen walked up quickly, "Xiao Yuan!"

"Dad, Xiao Yuan is not afraid of elemental attacks now!" Little Beast said happily when he saw Lu Chen coming over.

"Huh?" Lu Chen looked at Xiao Yuan incredulously.


Xiao Yuan told Lu Chen that it was not that it was not afraid of elemental attacks, but that it had higher elemental resistance than before!

After discussing with Xiao Beast Xiao Mao Tuan, Xiao Yuan has mastered his current situation.

Its basic attributes are comprehensively and permanently improved! Not only that, several skills have been enhanced.

Attack absorption, spiritual attack can absorb about 10%, physical attack can absorb about 3%, and elemental attack can also absorb 1%!

Although the ratio is not too high, you must know that in a battle, this can be infinitely stacked!

In addition, in this evolution, some of the attacks absorbed by Xiaoyuan can be directly converted into permanent attacks of itself!

The ratio is around 1%.

"I'm going, Xiao Yuan, you are too fierce after you evolve!" Lu Chen looked shocked.

In this way, Lu Chen's four battle pets have another "Eater", and Xiao Yuan directly attacked...


"What? Your offensive attributes and elemental affinity can generate bonuses for the owner and teammates?!" Lu Chen's eyes widened.

This seems to be Xiaoyuan’s new skill, and this new skill is absolutely perverted, and it suddenly improved the combat effectiveness of the entire team!

Things are free from spirits, and now there is another high element defense, and at the same time it provides the team with an attack bonus, and it also has strong growth...

This evolution of Xiaoyuan is simply a qualitative change!

No wonder the little beasts are "beating" Xiaoyuan, they are attacking it!

Lu Chen saw that Xiao Yuan had become so strong, he was in a good mood, holding Xiao Yuan’s big head, "Hahaha, Xiao Yuan, we must be lucky if we survive a catastrophe, I have been upgraded by one star, and you will evolve directly. Up!"

"Dad, you are partial! Next time you have to take me!" Xiao Beast and Xiao Mao Tuan both ran to Lu Chen, "I and Xiao Mao Tuan are bored recently."


My little hairball hasn't eaten for a long time!

Lu Chen frowned slightly, the materials that these two guys need to's hard to get in the world of Seven Gods.

"You two, don't worry, I will find a way." Lu Chen looked at the rhubarb lying in the rest area in the distance and walked over.

Rhubarb slept peacefully, not even screaming, and I don't know if this guy is evolving or is really sleeping.

"This guy, why haven't you woken up for so long..." Lu Chen shook his head, lacking rhubarb's cheers and taunts, and the fight felt a little less motivated.

After touching the rhubarb lightly, Lu Chen stood up and said, "Little Beast, if I go out this time, you still have to stay here. You must ensure the safety of the rhubarb!"

Although the little beast is not reconciled, but seeing the sleeping rhubarb, in the end he can only honestly accept the task, "I know Dad...but if you go to see Yao'er brother, you must call us!"

"Got it! It's okay to accompany Xiao Yuan to practice more."

Not only had Xiao Yuan replied, but his strength had greatly increased, and a huge rock in Lu Chen's heart finally landed.

In the past two days, he took out all the materials from Na Jie and gave them to Li Shang for sorting.

There are a lot of rare medicinal materials in this large batch of materials, and Xiao Lv is happily dancing when he looks at the large amount of medicinal materials.

Among so many treasures, Lu Chen was surprised to find a fishing skill book about "Fishing the Heavens"!

This is a fairy-level fishing skill. Lu Chen learned the skill after he had nothing to do. He fished at the waterfall outside the cave all day long...

Three days later, Mulong arrived as scheduled, just in time to see Li Shang and the others sorting out the treasures, and he was shocked.

"Is this guy robbing Xianzun Dongfu!"

"Mulong fairy king, are you here? Chen'er is fishing next to him." Jin Luan greeted Mulong.

Mulong nodded, and went out to find Lu Chen.

In the deep pool where the waterfall fell, on a rock protruding from the water, Lu Chen was fishing alone in his lone shadow.

"It's quite leisurely?" Mu Long jumped to the stone platform, stood behind Lu Chen, and looked at Lu Chen's fish basket. There were two or three small fishes in it.

"Just caught these ordinary fish?"

Lu Chen raised his head and glanced at Mu Long, "The big one has asked Uncle Lishang to take it back to cook vegetables, what do you know, I'm fishing for my friend."

"Fishing friends?" Mu Long asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's a golden carp. It should be in the Seventh Heaven, but the Seventh Heaven is so big and there are many small worlds. It's too difficult to encounter it." Lu Chen said, putting away his fishing rod and standing up. "Pangu Immortal Venerable is willing to give me a visiting order?"

Mulong smiled slightly, "Xianzun said, Ten Thousand Clan is already preparing for Ten Thousand Clan Immortal War, this matter should be unstoppable, and the visit is meaningless."

Lu Chen frowned, "He doesn't want to give it?"

"He said that you just want to find a thousand opportunities. This is your personal business. He won't give you a visiting order..."

Lu Chen sighed.

"Don't sigh, even though Xianzun won't give you a visit order, it is not without a chance. He asked me to ask if you dare to ask!"

"What opportunity?" Lu Chen asked strangely.

"I can't tell you now, the time is almost there, if you are interested, now follow me to Pangu Immortal Venerable! Oh, first change your clothes..."

Lu Chen said, "No need to change, let's go!"


Kaitian City, one of the three immortal-level cities in the human immortal domain, and the master here is Pangu Immortal!

The cave of Pangu Immortal Venerable is in the center of Kaitian City. Although the city is prosperous, the surrounding of Pangu Cave is surrounded by mountains and rivers, with birds and flowers.

The Pangu cave sky is extremely large, far exceeding Lu Chen's fairy spirit cave sky. Mulong said, this is a first-level cave sky!

At this time, four to five hundred people gathered outside Pangu Cave.

These people are all immortal king class powerhouses!

They were facing a tall cave entrance with three immortal kings guarding the entrance, seeming to be waiting for someone.

Lu Chen said to Mu Long next to him, "Isn't Pangu Immortal Venerable yet?"

"The time has not arrived, the people have not arrived yet, do you expect Xianzun to wait for the fairy king?"

Lu Chen nodded, "By the way, Immortal Venerable's cave mansion is in Kaitian City, isn't it exposed?"

Mulong smiled slightly, "What about exposure, other Immortal Venerables dare not expose, but Pangu Immortal Venerable doesn't care. In other words, Human Immortal Domain, who dares to move Pangu Immortal Venerable's cave?"

Lu Chen couldn't help but sigh secretly that this ancient immortal statue was domineering sideways.

With the effort of speaking, dozens of immortal kings came at the entrance of the cave, respectfully waiting here.

Not long after, a deep voice came from the cave.

"let's start."

An immortal king at the door held his fist to lead the order, and then shouted to everyone, "You are all here, then let's make a long story short."

"I don't need to introduce more about the death order. There are three in total. The order winner must go to the foreign immortal domain to participate in the immortal battle and set the stage. At least three games must be played before returning to receive the reward. You decide which race you choose."

"But the immortal kings should also know what the result of a foreign race's arena in their own race will be."

"My human race is very weak. In the past, almost no one was able to be killed by a foreigner in three games. Therefore, this inter-ethnic immortal battle order is called the death order."

"Once in ten years, the Death Order, now it is our turn to Pangu Immortal Venerable."

"Now, under my seat of Pangu Immortal Venerable, can anyone receive the Death Order?!"

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