Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 131: My people, you can't move!

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When Leng Nuo saw this person, Leng Nuo's eyes suddenly became dim.

If there is one person in the wild waves that can let her stay, then only that person!

The head is unnamed!

Without the consent of the group leader, the deputy leader wants to leave the guild? That's resignation without permission!

Even though his blue equipment and purple weapons are not so conspicuous now, when he appeared, the entire main city of Xianshan almost exploded.

"Yes, it is Wuming! He is back! Wuming is back!"

"What? Is he nameless? It's the nameless who killed Dahanbok begging for mercy?" Some newcomers have only heard the legend, but haven't seen themselves.

"Nonsense, of course it's him. There are many people who hide IDs, but are there anyone else who dare to call "nameless"?"

Anonymous no longer means "no name", but has become a unique ID, no one can imitate, and no one dares to imitate!

In front of Lu Chen, the players spontaneously gave way.

Lu Chen walked slowly into the center of the duel arena, his gaze only glanced at Friendship, before walking to the red high heels.

"Don't bully?"

The simple four words suddenly flooded Leng Nuo's grievances.

This guy is so annoying, he immediately said that he was wronged in his heart. During this time, his leader knew that he was a hand-off shopkeeper, and Kuang Lang was forced to ignore it!

He raises the beast for himself, but the resources needed to raise a beast are too terrifying, and he doesn't care...

If he is his boyfriend, he must be fixed!

It's a pity that after all, she and Wuming are... not very familiar.

When Leng Nuo continued to trim her hair, she turned her face and wiped her eyes, "Head, you are back."

This little movement did not escape Lu Chen's eyes.

This girl is also quite stubborn.

"Well, I plan to come back and build a Zhu Xian Tower." Lu Chen said, "I just saw..."

"Head, I'm sorry, I'm ashamed of the guild."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I should be said to be sorry. I have brought you all these troubles, but you are solely responsible for these responsibilities..."

"Head..." Leng Nuo couldn't hold back the tears in his eyes. This **** game, whether to make it so realistic, after the brain nerves are connected, even the emotions can be expressed so clearly.

Lu Chen looked at Leng Nuo with red eyes, and smiled softly, "Don't worry, I will let them pay back the grievances you have suffered."

Turning his head slowly, the tenderness in Lu Chen's eyes had disappeared, leaving only the shocking coldness.

Lu Chen spoke slowly, paused, and announced loudly, "Today, the Friendship Guild will either get out of this server, or I will level your guild!"

With a bang, the whole scene was completely blown up, and all the major live broadcast rooms, but those who were broadcasting this friendship rush to the tower were suddenly overwhelmed by barrage!

"Fuck, this is too crazy! Is it true that the Stepping Guild said?"

"Let the friendship get out of this server? Stepping on the guild! Nima, arrogance!"

"Is this going to advance the guild battle? Or is Wuming going to single out the entire friendship guild?"

"What about the people who say that the namelessness is not enough? The God of War is the God of War, a stroke of the bull!"

Of course, not everyone worships namelessness that much.

"What is it called, who can't talk about it? Look at the equipment of your God of War. It's not top-notch!"

"I thought I was the former nameless? One step behind, step by step, he no longer has this strength."

In the field, the fellows were furious.

"Anonymous, don't be too crazy!"

"Let us retreat, it's impossible! How many of your mad waves can fight is not bad, do you think we will be afraid of you with just one sentence?"

Brother Qingyitao looked at Wuming coldly. Now Wuming's equipment is still the original set, which has not been updated at all.

The Internet rumors that the namelessness has not been online for more than a week, it is a business trip or something, it may be true.

Otherwise, he can't change a piece of equipment.

More than a week ago, Brother Tao didn't dare to provoke namelessness, but for more than a week, they have been leveling, playing dungeons, brushing equipment, and upgrading their professional levels. Now he is no longer the same.

The eighth floor of Zhuxian Tower is the best proof. If Wuming is still so powerful, can he watch him occupy the first position of Zhuxian Tower for so long?

Thinking of this, Brother Tao became more and more confident, "No name, don't pretend, do you think it was ten days ago? Let's just quit with a few words?"

"You really helped the Huaxia players, but we haven't grabbed your beasts so far. Our friendship has given you face. But after all, the game is a game. Watch you."

"Now you are riding on our necks. It is only natural for us to resist in friendship!"

Brother Tao is also cunning. A few words will take away Wuming's previous contributions, and he will be against the guest.

In this way, friendship is truly famous and saves some players from saying that they are treachery.

Wuming sneered, "You are right, it is indeed not ten days ago."

Friendship is not the old friendship, why is Lu Chen still the old Lu Chen?

"You said I rode to your neck, so what you mean is that it is right for you to bully my deputy commander, you should bully an amateur player as a professional player? And, you are not allowed I, the leader, helped my people find a place? Why, persimmons are accustomed to finding a soft pinch, right? You really have the ability to reverse the right and wrong, just play a game, can you have a face?"

"Why don't you go to the novice zone to find someone to fight, and then tell everyone that your friendship is the strongest?"

"Also, you said to give me face? First, I didn't tell you to give me face. Don't be affectionate. Secondly, what you did did not seem to give me face."

"Mythical beasts, you are robbing them, aren't you afraid of being scolded by you ungrateful gangsters? Even so, didn't you already have an idea to beat the mythical beasts? If I don't come, I guess your next step is to grab the mythical beasts, right? ."

"Your Friendship Association is also worthy to say "Friendship" two sons. You should really change your name to the Ingrate and Mental Retarded Guild.

After all, Lu Chen was beaten up by the society. How could this lipstick be a fuel-efficient lamp? A machine gun shot directly cursed the friendship.

Brother Qingyitao's face was red and purple, and it took him a long time to say angrily, "No name, stop talking nonsense, aren't you awesome? Let me see how awesome your junk equipment is!"

"Dare you take my duel challenge!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, "Sorry, you really can't get into my eyes, I have already said, either quit your service or I will level your guild!"

"Arrogant! Okay, level our guild, I will smash your mouth with my own hands today!"

"All the members of the friendship gather, the plain outside the main city of Xianshan, let's teach Kuanglang to be a man!"

Twenty minutes later, the two major guilds in District 122 faced each other in the main city of Xianshan, and the number of surrounding players was even more terrifying, encircling the entire battlefield.

The major live broadcast rooms quickly discovered this subject matter and logged in to the 122 districts to broadcast the battle live.

Nine days has not yet opened a formal guild battle, but the two sides of this battle have already signed a heavy contract, whoever loses will get out!

This was a fierce battle than a guild battle, and it was a decisive battle between two famous domestic guilds. All of a sudden, the number of viewers soared.

The two armies are facing each other, and it seems that the upper and lower sides can be separated at a glance.

On the friendship side, the equipment is obviously superior, and the team is neat, and at first glance it is an experienced professional team.

On the other hand, in the wild wave, the players stand together randomly, and there seems to be no organization.

"Crazy waves, get out of this zone if you lose!" Brother Tao sneered, "Our friendship lets you take the lead!"

High-heeled shoes, ten steps, floral, handsome, and chic, the main guild force was about to step forward, but Wuming waved.

"What are you doing?"

"A team?" Shibu asked strangely, "Anonymous brother, don't worry, we will do our best no matter if we win or lose!"

Lu Chen smiled and shook his head. He didn't seem to say clearly. This is the reason why Fangjiajia has misunderstood.

No wonder they had been informing the group members just now. These people were all members of Kuang Lang, and Lu Chen had no good letting them come to see it. Turns out they thought they wanted to join the group.

"Just look at it, I'm enough." Wuming said lightly, "Today, I just want them to figure out one thing!"

As Lu Chen spoke, he pulled out two Tiger Weeping hands and held a sword flower in his hand.

"My people, can't move!"

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