Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 132: Giant Que Sweep

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When the people of friendship saw Wuming come out alone, Brother Tao said angrily, "Wuming, you are simply defiant!"

"Stop talking nonsense, if you win me one, you will win." Lu Chen snorted coldly, "I don't want to waste time, let's go together."

Brother Tao flushed, let's go together, how arrogant is this guy!

"Well, this is what you said, it's not our friendship to bully the less! Brothers, the nameless is no longer the nameless before, don't be afraid, kill him!"

The hostility of the people in the Friendship Guild to Wuming can be traced back to Wuming's first time to break the tower. At this time, facing the opportunity of shame, everyone was passionate.

"Brother Tao is right. You can see from his equipment. He is outdated! He is no longer the **** of war!"

"Let Lao Tzu kill you, the God of War, and become famous in the first battle!"

"I've seen someone arrogant, I haven't seen him so arrogant, brothers, let the **** like Nameless and Crazy Wave disappear together, rush!"

The friendship guild is very passionate. Looking at the nameless is like a hungry beast seeing its prey. More than two hundred professional players are vying for the nameless, and the wind is coming!

"Head!" Kuang Lang witnessed this scene at the moment, their hearts were hanging in their throats.

It is not more than a week ago now, even if the team leader's physical defense is high, but now the major professions have developed, and many people attack with spiritual attack.

The captain's equipment only adds 24 spirit defenses in total.

No matter how strong it is, no matter how it moves, it will never be able to block the friendship of more than two hundred people.

Besides, they are still professional players!

Hua Luo tightly pulled the sleeves of the high-heeled shoes, her eyes widened, she was a little nervous and at a loss, "Sister Nuo, the head of the team..."

Leng Nuo was also very panicked. Did the head of the team have not been online for a long time, and did not expect that everyone in the national service has made great progress?

But this was the command of the regiment leader after all, and now she can only pray.

"Brother Wuming, don't lose..."

Seeing the influx of the enemy army, Lu Chen's mouth raised slightly.

To him, these more than 200 people are no different from three or two kittens.

He was in Shimen World, and a wave of elite spirits had to pull more than a thousand, which was several times that.

He does not have any mental defenses, but does it matter? Their spirit defense can still be higher than more than a thousand spirits?

The solution to the smart defense defense is very simple!

Lu Chen's eyes gradually became cold, and he slowly raised two tiger sobs in his hands and stood in front of him.

"Tiger Roar!" Turn on the full spirit attack state.


Three seconds have passed, but Lu Chen did not activate the skills.

People are not wild monsters. Although they can be hit at this distance, the reaction of a professional player may have a chance to avoid Lu Chen's attack!

He doesn't intend to give people of friendship a chance to react, so he must be patient, patient, patient!

"Look at it, Wuming will not take his position yet, he will not be trampled to death!"

"He doesn't move? He won't want frontal hard steel, right? Wuming can't tell that some of the opponent's equipment has surpassed him?"

"It seems that it hasn't been online for a long time, and I don't know much about the new equipment."

"It's over, the myth of God of War will be ended by friendship, hey..."

When handsome saw this scene, he glanced at Xiao Sha, the two were very tacitly in agreement, and at the same time shook his head helplessly.

Ten steps just happened to see this scene, and my heart was tight, "Handsome brother, do you think the team leader can win?"

The handsome man was depressed and shook his head, "Look now, I can't win!"

"The key to multiple hits lies in subtle positioning, distance control accurate to a millimeter, and perfect release of exercises. It is necessary to maintain a distance from the opponent's large forces to form a 1-on-1 situation locally and quickly resolve the opponent."

"However, Wuming wants to talk to so many people in front of him. Obviously, it is too big."

Handsome and unrestrained, but a former professional e-sports game player, even they say so, high heels, flowers, a few people suddenly feel cold.

Commander... is going to lose!

This battle also attracted many teams, including the TT Association.

Li Qiu Ning stared at the live broadcast, not knowing why, her heart had become a ball for this strange and familiar man.

Lin Xun and the others said Wuming was going to lose this time, and no one was optimistic about the **** of war anymore.

Li Qiuning looked sadly at the lonely figure, "Nameless...Are you going to lose? Impossible...right?"

The people of friendship have already rushed to Wuming not far, this distance is no longer easy to evade for some exercises!

However, the interesting thing is that the people of friendship are not satisfied yet, and they have to approach!

No one knows the name of the Unknown God of War. As a professional player, they will naturally take this factor into consideration, so they need to get closer to attack.

And this happened to be what Lu Chen wanted to see.

In the blink of an eye, the people of friendship were already close enough, the melee units were still fast approaching, trying to force the nameless position, and the remote units had already begun brewing exercises.

"Nameless, today I am going to blast you into scum, shamelessly!" Brother Tao roared.

And at this moment, Lu Chen, who had been motionless, said, "Sorry, you are not qualified!"

"The Great Que swept away!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge sword energy that was more than ten meters long swept out horizontally and shot out at the Guild of Friendship!

Juque Sweeping is a good yellow-level exercise, but the same is also a yellow-level exercise.

One is the skill of a super boss, and the other is a skill that can be learned by looking for a professional mentor with a little material. It is self-evident which is strong and weak!

When the sword gas appeared, the major live broadcast rooms instantly exploded.

"Nima! What is that!"

"Damn, what a fierce sword aura! With a sword aura of more than ten meters, the fairy sword shows the way in front of it like a joke!"

"Juque swept across? This is not the technique taught by the Xianshan professional teacher, is it...explosive?!"

All the spectators in the audience were shocked even more immersively!

This sword aura was thunderous and thunderous, overcoming obstacles, and shooting away. The power contained in it already felt chilling.

What's more terrifying is that a sword aura covers almost half of the battlefield!

"No... this, what about him, or the group attack technique?"

"My God, I can't describe it."

A player who looks like a high school student next to you said a poem, "That's because you are uneducated, you really have a sword spirit that stretches for 30,000 miles, and the spirit of a sword of 19 continents!"

Therefore, we still have to read more, otherwise, when seeing this kind of scene, some people can only come up with "fuck, awesome", some people can jump out a poem...

Brother Qingyi Tao is worthy of being a professional player, facing the sudden sword energy, he is not chaotic.

"Move to the right! With such a skill, he can use it once is the limit, and we will abuse him if he survives it!"

However, before the voice of Brother Tao finished, the purple tiger with his nameless hands cried, like flying purple light, waving again and again.

Second, half of the friendship was hit!

-1106! More than two hundred figures stunned everyone!

"This Nima, what kind of group attack technique is this? A sword passes over, and the attack is directly thousands!?"

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