Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 133: Ten swords to clear the field, thirty-six swords to stand up

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The second sword qi directly wiped out a large amount of blood from the friendship half of them, and everyone was shocked in cold sweat.

However, the Juque sweep is not over yet!

The third sword energy swept the audience! Friendship everyone's blood volume collapsed a lot.

The fourth, fifth, and sixth sword auras followed, covering the entire battlefield!

Six sword auras, the total damage has reached 7000! Most of the friendship has fallen!

Only a few dozen people with luxurious equipment and excellent skills remain.

At this moment, the eighth sword energy turned out!

"Fuck! It's not over! No, I can't hide it!"

Ten more people will die!

When he saw the ninth sword qi, Brother Tao, the lingering friendship, was suddenly stunned, no longer desperately evading.

Looking at this stunning sword sweeping infatuatedly, Qing Yitao's gaze passed through Jian Qi and looked at the man.

"Wrong, it turns out we were all wrong, Wuming didn't disappear, he just... went to a stronger world..."

For more than a week when the nameless disappeared, the first few days were okay. In the next few days, people could not see the nameless for a long time, and their own strength improved by leaps and bounds. Someone gradually thought that they had caught up with the **** of war.

However, when Wuming returned, he used more exaggerated strength to tell everyone that not only did they not catch up with Wuming, they were even pushed farther.

"The God of War of China... The God of War of China..." Brother Tao smiled sullenly, how envious of this title, and even jealous, but at this moment, he had to admit it.

Not everyone is worthy of this title.

Sword Qi passed through the body, and Brother Tao fell to the ground without any surprise.

Perhaps, he fell down with his body, and his fighting spirit...

The tenth sword qi, clear the field!

After the ten sword auras, there was only one person standing in the field, and that was nameless!

Is the clearing over? wrong!

The eleventh sword aura, the twelfth sword aura, the thirteenth sword aura...until the thirty-sixth sword aura was emitted, Wuming revolved the tiger weeping and put it away.

The battle was over, Lu Chen was a little strange.

What about cheers? Where's the shout? How about shouting?

Although he doesn't care about this, the people who are crazy wave should be happy, right? There are so many people in the audience, there is no sound at all?

He turned his head strangely, only to find that all the players on the scene, including the crowd of Kuang Lang, were all petrified.

The person of friendship is very strong, four or five thousand blood, it took Wu Ming ten sword qi to clean it up.

But what about that, Wuming told everyone that the ten sword auras were far from his limit!

He can destroy friendship three and a half times!

Haishi, Lin Xun looked up at his comrades unbelievably after a long time.

"This guy can actually emit thirty-six such powerful sword auras! Is this a corpse whip?"

Lao Peng took a deep breath and shook his head, "With the nameless character, he should have no interest in whip corpses, and apart from the first ten sword auras, the other 26 sword auras are all hacking into the air, and there is no existence at all. The argument of whip the corpse."

Lin Xun asked incomprehensibly, "Then why does he have to develop the remaining 26 sword auras?"

After all, Lao Peng's age is there, and the game level is not high, but he can become the team management of TT, so it is natural to see people and things more transparently.

"Lin Xun, don't you understand?"

"show off?"

"Does he need to show off? For him, showing off is the easiest thing."


Lao Peng took a deep breath and said, "Nine days of opportunities are endless, Wuming obviously encountered some great opportunities, but what I want to tell you is that the most terrifying thing about this person is not how strong he is."

"What he really scares me is that his mind is too careful."

"Before facing the charge of more than two hundred people, he was not ready to take off. This requires concentration beyond ordinary people."

"During the decisive battle, the distribution of each sword sword aura is very particular, otherwise the ten sword auras can clear the entire friendship? Take you as an example, if an amateur player sweeps you against this huge problem in actual combat, it will damage the same situation. Next, I estimate that the probability of your survival will exceed 80%! I believe the friendship will not be much worse than yours. So his prediction, timing, and psychological quality are all first-rate."

"Finally, why do you wield the extra 26 sword auras? The reason is very simple, I will summarize it in one sentence." Lao Peng paused deliberately and looked at everyone.

The reason for selling this point and raising everyone's curiosity, Lao Peng wants to tell everyone that this person must attract everyone's attention!

Everyone was looking at Old Peng curiously.

Then Lao Peng said, "Ten sword auras clear the field, thirty-six sword auras...Li Wei!"

"From now on, people who want to make waves must at least figure out whether they really want to mess with such a monster!"


Lu Chen was a little disappointed, there were no cheers or screams, and he didn't know if the 36 sword auras made some people understand that Kuang Lang could not move casually.

However, he had no intention of standing here in a daze with this group of people, he still had important things.

Shaking his head, Lu Chen walked towards the Twin Towers alone.

Anyway, I've come here today. When the time comes, I'll also hit the Fumo Tower. Give Nuonuo the spirit-gathering pills.

I didn't expect that such a guild that I hadn't taken seriously would develop quite well.

Crazy Wave was just built by Lu Chen to deal with NPCs, but for others, Crazy Wave means more things. He, the leader, has to do something anyway.

After Lu Chen walked for a few minutes, thousands of players woke up in front of the main city gate of Xianshan.

"My god! Just now, just now...what the **** happened!"

"It's incredible, it's incredible! Thirty-six sword auras, I didn't count it wrong? A sword aura of 1100 damage, a total of 37,600 spiritual attack damage! The most terrible thing is that this special is still a group attack technique!"

"Is this the real strength of Brother Wuming? This is too terrifying!"

"Take one hundred as a hundred, unscathed, directly kill... As expected of the No. 1 God of War in China, Lao Tzu is convinced this time!"

"Where is the nameless brother? The nameless brother is gone again? Are the masters so deeply concealed?"

Leng Nuo shook his head to make sure that the scene just now was not an illusion.

Judging from the similar expressions of everyone around, it seems that they were not dreaming just now...

So, the head did not lie? he made it!

With one person's strength, step down the friendship guild!

When he came, he asked softly, "Are you bullied?"

Gentle like a couple, like a elder brother and a father, people have the urge to rush into his arms and cry.

And the fight against the enemy is ruthless and fearful.

In the battle, he was so calm that he was unimaginable. His sword was extremely accurate, his sword aura was vertical and horizontal, and he blocked the way of retreat. Even professional players were inevitable.

And the horrible sight of the 36 sword-qis left at the end made all the disrespectful people shut up!

It's really terrible, I don't know why, my heart beats so hard... That guy...

"Huh? Where's the captain?" The red high heels looked around strangely, but the person's shadow was missing.

"Leaving again?" Leng Nuo frowned, why is this guy like this!

At this moment, some people in the crowd exclaimed, "I rely on, everyone, look, the nameless brother is going to the twin towers! He will definitely break the record of friendship!"

Ten steps raised his head, looked at the challenge record on the big screen, and took a deep breath. The depression in my heart was already gone.

Smiling slightly, Shibu said proudly, "Of course, it's just that you all said it wrong. He didn't break anyone's record."

"The head is just going to get back what should belong to him!"

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