Xianling Dongtian, Mulong was busy in the refining room.

Lu Chen supervised the work.

"Dragon, I have this weapon right now, you have to train me well."

Mulong paused and gave Lu Chen a blank look, "You have been reading it eight hundred times next to me! Can I train you as a five-star immortal refiner?"

Lu Chen propped his chin, "Dragon, you said that your fighting strength is also very strong, and there is still time to upgrade the refining tool to the immortal refining master, a bit strong."

"Cut, I'm a normal upgrade route for an immortal king! Alchemy and medicine are the most basic skills. Some people have also learned amulets, mining, planting..." After speaking, Mu Long glanced again. Lu Chen said angrily, "Who is like you, neither can pill or weapons! You will be a fisherman!"

"I have a little green for alchemy, I have you for refining... I have you! Besides fishing, I tell you that fishing is really interesting, and you can catch rare beasts when you level up!"

Mulong almost spit out blood, what a robber is this!

"Forget it, I don't want to discuss this with you anymore."

"Hey, just now you said that you have a weapon right now, do you have other weapons?" Mulong asked once again, injecting spiritual power and using the **** iron to repair the extinguishing gun.

"One more."

"Why can't it be used?" Mu Long asked, "This time you go to other fairyland to set up the arena. The intensity of the battle is unimaginable. Now no one knows what kind of opponent you encounter, even if the God and Demon Gun is indeed rare. Sacred weapon, but it does not rule out being disarmed or even damaged in battle, you should prepare a spare."

Mu Long said strangely, "I don't think your weapon can be higher than the Destroyer Spear, so I will treat it as free and voluntary labor, and I will help you repair that weapon later."

"Who said I don't need it anymore," Lu Chen said, "I didn't have the money to withdraw cash before."

"This time I went to the rift world to make some money. The Ten Thousand Clan Immortal Wars are about to start. I originally wanted to buy a more advanced cave before saving a little. In case... In case I die, Uncle Shang and the others will have a place. place."

Mulong's movements paused, don't look at Lu Chen's usual idiots, but he knew his situation better than anyone else.

"What nonsense, millions of alien beasts didn't kill you, and you have a hard life."

"I said in case." Lu Chen said, "But now that Xianzun has offered such generous terms, then I don't have to save money. I will withdraw the weapon later."

"No, how can you still make money in the cracked world? Why didn't I meet?"

"I killed a hundred demon kings." Lu Chen said lightly.

With a pop, Mulong vomited blood directly.

"You, you killed a hundred demon kings? In the rift world?! I only know that you killed Chi Python!"

Lu Chen didn't elaborate on what happened before, so Mulong heard this for the first time.

"Well, Chi Mana is their leader. If you don't kill everyone, Chi Mana can explain it so honestly." After that, Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, "Thousand Chance, I will kill this time. he!"

It would take a few days for Mulong to repair the Destroyer Spear, and Lu Chen didn't bother him anymore and found a training room by himself.

After receiving the Supreme Death Order, Lu Chen gave up the idea of ​​saving money to buy a high-level cave mansion, and directly brought up the God and Demon Promise Sword.

After smashing nearly 700,000 spiritual tablets, the God and Demon Promise Sword was finally successfully withdrawn.

As soon as he mentioned it, Lu Chen heard the sound of Promise Sword.

"Boss, are you using the Void Destroyer Spear smoothly recently?"

Lu Chen hurriedly laughed, "The main reason is that the price you withdraw is too high, more than 700,000 yuan. How can I get so many spiritual films before."

"You didn't buy the Dongfu first! You still have so many materials! You have changed the one sword to "one shot to break the sky"!"

Lu Chen held his forehead. It turned out that the Promise Sword was not idle either, and he knew everything about it!

"Ahem, that...oh, yes, Wuji, I got a dozen pieces of equipment the last time I went to the Palace of Gods and Demon Outside the Sky. I don't think you have swallowed it for a long time, so let's cushion your stomach."

Lu Chen quickly took out the equipment that he had packed out from Najie and placed it in front of the Promise Sword, "Look, I still think of you."

In the refining tool, the probability of real artifacts is extremely low, but these equipment levels are not low, at least they are semi-sacred artifacts, and there are also one or two artifacts.

Seeing that Lu Chen had left him so many advanced equipment, Promise Sword's heart was finally balanced...

"So many! It's a pity that the spirits of these divine artifacts are not there. They can only increase their attributes, but cannot increase their skills."

"Those spirits have become spirit puppets." Lu Chen also said regretfully, "but it's not bad to add attributes."

Seeing the Promise Sword happily swallowed, Lu Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, money can make ghosts go ahead!

After pulling out the Promise Sword, Lu Chen thought for a while, Mulong had a few days to go, and he had nothing else to prepare, so he took out the psychic fairy jade and the incomplete fire stick.

Lu Chen must come in person to wake the device spirit, and he carefully placed five psychic jade beside the magic staff.

Then the "burning stick" and the psychic fairy jade reacted, and strands of spiritual energy coiled around the incomplete magic scepter, and were finally sucked into the magic scepter.

Until the aura of the five psychic jade was completely emptied, the original crystal clear jade became a dull gray stone.

"Not yet?"

Lu Chen took out ten psychic jade again.


Two hours later, Lu Chen cried and said, "Qiu Ruo hasn't recovered yet! I only have the last 20!"

This time he placed twenty psychic fairy jade suits around the magic staff.

A wisp of spiritual energy wets the magic staff...

Suddenly a voice rang, "Did you wake me up?"

Lu Chen felt a force suddenly sucked himself into another space.

He looked left and right. It was surrounded by mountains and there was a large lake as calm as a mirror in the middle of the valley.

"The spirit vein of the Lord of the Gods and Demons Holy Court?" Lu Chen recognized it at a glance.

Not long after, a crystal coffin rose from the lake, the lid of the coffin opened automatically, and a pink figure came down from the crystal coffin.

"Qiu Ruo!"

Qiu Ruo watched Lu Chen and walked slowly from the surface of the lake to Lu Chen.

"No matter who you are, thank you." Qiu Ruo leaned slightly towards Lu Chen.

"Senior Qiu Ruo is being polite. I was also entrusted by Senior Stealing Heaven. Fortunately, I finally awakened you." Lu Chen said, "Senior Qiu Ruo feels better now?"

"Since I woke up, I am fine, but... I don't like it here!" Qiu Ruo looked around, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and with a wave of his arm, the surrounding environment instantly turned into a starry sky.

At this time, Lu Chen and Qiu Ruo were standing in the vast starry sky.

The Spirit Vessel of the Lord of the Gods and Demons Sacred Court was the place where Qiu Lao was imprisoned by no thoughts, and she naturally hated this place.

"Wu Nian has fallen..." Qiu Ruo sighed slightly, "All this is over after all."

Lu Chen knew that for Qiu Ruo, this was simply a nightmare that lasted for a thousand years, and waking up at this time, to her, it was like a lifetime.

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