Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1314: Embark on a journey

"Is it okay to steal the sky?" Qiu Ruo calmed down the mixed feelings in his heart, and looked at Lu Chen.

"Very good, my friend is repairing his Dharmakaya body."

"He wants you to save me, so he recognizes you as the master?"

Lu Chen thought for a while. The relationship between him and Tooting was not a transaction, and he had to explain it.

"This is a long story. To put it simply, I didn't know each other and I didn't get acquainted with the predecessors. After that, I got married, and it happened that I had a magic scepter, so he asked me to help wake you up.

Qiu Ruo frowned slightly, "I didn't expect that stealing the sky would recognize the Lord..." After that, Qiu Ruo looked at Lu Chen, "I think he didn't want to recognize the Lord without thinking, but I want to recognize the Lord now..." …He recognized the Lord, but my heart is dead."

Qiu Ruo's implication, Lu Chen understood as soon as she heard it, she did not want to recognize the Lord!

"If your Excellency feels that Qiu Ruo doesn't know good or bad, I can return my spiritual power." Qiu Ruo quietly watched Lu Chen.

Who knows that Lu Chen just smiled, "Senior Qiu Ruo is serious, and I promised to awaken you without any additional conditions. Now that Senior has woken up, I also have a worry, waiting for my friend to fix it. I will let Di Tian come to see you."

"Well, can Senior Qiu Ruo send me back? How can I get out of this place..."

Lu Chen withdrew from the spirit space. At this time, the magic scepter looked slightly better than before, but it was still ashamed.

It's hard to imagine that such an ugly weapon, but the weapon spirit is that beautiful woman.

Although it's a pity that Qiu Ruo didn't want to recognize the Lord, Lu Chen didn't care. Fortunately, Qiu Ruo had already regained consciousness, but he had a worry.

Three days later, Mulong finally completed the task assigned to him by the Immortal Venerable Pangu and repaired the Goddessist.

After being completely repaired, the Extinction Gun had a great change in appearance. The whole body was pitch black but with metallic luster, and the gun body had dark lines, which seemed to be a certain formation.

At the same time, the attributes of the God Spear have been greatly improved.

The most important thing is that Stealth said that the last five layers of the Godslayer Spear can already be cultivated!

"Lu Chen, although you can practice, your "gun intent" is not up to the requirements. It seems that you need to wait until you understand the intent of the gun to learn."

Lu Chen nodded. He didn't have time to learn new skills anyway.

Then Lu Chen told Tootian about Qiu Ruo's awakening.

"Qiu Ruo is awake!"

"Yes, go see her."

"I... forget it, don't go."

"Huh? Why?"

"When I was in the Temple of Wu Nian, I looked at her every day, she just lay there, beautiful and dark golden, but when she woke up, I didn't know how to face her..."

Lu Chen furrowed his brows, and said something else. He said, "Lu Chen, there is no future between the spirits and the spirits. Our duty is to protect the master... She wakes up is my greatest wish."

Lu Chen took a deep breath, "Stealing the sky, you know I won't ask you to stay by my side."

"Boss, you still have a lot of things to do. Although you have the Promise Sword, sometimes you don't need him to act. I can still share some of it for you."

"This journey will follow you in all directions, so I can see what an incredible challenge you are facing. I will follow my master to the death!"

"The war is coming soon, and I don't want to be distracted..."

Lu Chen was silent for a long time, and finally nodded. There were some things he could not do. Since it was a decision made by himself, he couldn't change it.

What's more, he will always wear the magic scepter, as long as he does not die, Steal Heaven and Qiu Ruo will meet one day.


Lu Chen was ready to leave the same day. Before leaving, Lu Chen went to see rhubarb again.

Rhubarb is still sleeping, according to this posture, I don’t know if he will sleep until Lu Chen goes to Eighth Heaven...

The little beasts, the little hair balls, the little source three beasts, and Lu Yiyi stood in a row spontaneously.

"What are you doing?" Lu Chen looked at the four guys in surprise, "Little Green, why are you with them too?"

"Boss, I don't worry about you going alone. I heard that you are going to stand in the ring this time. You must take me with you."

"Dad, who are you taking us this time? You took Xiaoyuan last time, but you can't take it this time!"


Lu Chen couldn't help but want to laugh, and these guys were also suffocated.

"I received the Death Order. Our cave is protected by Immortal Pangu, and Ye Fan and the others are also at home, so let's go with me!"

"Oye!" Little Beast pounced on Lu Chen, Xiao Mao Tuan jumped on Lu Chen's shoulder, dancing happily, Xiao Yuan was happy, and accidentally stepped on the rhubarb...


Later, Lu Chen bid farewell to Li Shang and the others, and embarked on the journey to the fairyland of the demon clan.

"Ten Wings!" With the Death Order, Lu Chen directly called out Shi Wings.

With a long chant, ten wings were suspended in the air.

Lu Chen leaped, jumped onto his ten wings, and stood on the dragon's head with both hands down.

"Go, Demon Race Immortal Domain!"

"Roar!" With a roar, Shiyi dived into the clouds!

Looking at Lu Chen who was going away, Li Shang took a deep breath, "Chen'er, you must be careful..."

Ye Fan sighed, "Master, this mount is too domineering... Don't worry, Master, we will take good care of our family!"

Linglong only felt that time was passing fast by Lu Chen's side. They were still trapped in the Maze of Ten Thousand Realms a few months ago, and at this moment, the man who was walking with her had already left to fight the tens of thousands of races!


There was a huge defensive formation around Yaozu Xianyu, but the defensive formation did not stop Lu Chen.

It seems to be because of the death order.

Not long after, Lu Chen entered the Demon Race Immortal Territory.

"Ten Wings, go down first when you see a city, Mu Long said that as long as you show the Death Order, someone will send us to the big city to participate in the fairy fight."

Ten minutes later, Shiyi dived down, and it had discovered a small city.

Over the city, no one was flying at this time, and everyone looked up at the dragon.

"Ten Winged Heavenly Dragon? Isn't it, this thing really exists?"

"How can my Kunpeng be forced to land?!"

"I haven't heard of any immortal of the monster race that uses the Ten Winged Heavenly Dragon mount, which power is it?"

Not long after, the dragon instantly disappeared in the air, and a figure fell directly from the sky.

"Human?! What's going on?"

"Those who can cross the Immortal Territory defensive array either have a visit order or participate in an inter-ethnic immortal battle."

At this time, Lu Chen stood in front of the city gate and looked up. The city gate read "Hundred Demons City".

Lu Chen immediately walked towards the city gate.

"Stop! The mere human race, dare to enter my Hundred Monster City?!" Suddenly, a team of guards in front of the city gate blocked Lu Chen's path.

Lu Chen said calmly, "I'm here to participate in the inter-ethnic immortal fight, so please make it easy."

"Inter-ethnic fairy fighting?" Several guards glanced at each other and suddenly laughed, "It turned out to be here to die."

"It's okay to enter the City of Hundred Demons. We have reserved an entrance for your human race people, right there!" After that, a guard turned around and pointed to a hole in the front of the city wall.

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