Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1341: Ancient world

When Lu Chen opened his eyes, the whole person was in a state of shock!

Perhaps stunned is not enough to describe Lu Chen's feelings at this time. When watching an old woman with a pleated smile lift her naked, in fact, Lu Chen's mind is in a state of downtime!

"Master, master, gave birth! Boy!" the old woman yelled with excitement, "Madam, madam, it's a boy!"

A pale, haggard woman glanced at Lu Chen, showing a smile of relief.

"Oh, why doesn't this kid cry?" The midwife suddenly found the problem.

Another old woman said hurriedly, "Hurry up and don't choke on amniotic fluid."

Lu Chen felt at a loss that he was being lifted up, and soon his **** was slapped severely.

The pain is very painful, I don't know why, now Lu Chen can't activate the symbiosis between gods and demons, the dragon god's body protection and so on, even the physical strength is weak to the extreme.

But Lu Chen felt that he could still bear it...

"Why don't you cry? You won't be a dumb man!"

"Be a little harder, you have to cry!"

There were a few extremely crisp sounds again, and Lu Chen only felt that his **** was about to be opened.

I fought against the Nine Star Immortal King for hundreds of rounds without frowning, but now in front of a midwife, there is no way to fight back? !

And to make matters worse, should we cry now?

I am a sixteen-star king at any rate. It's a bit too embarrassing to cry. Don't cry. It seems that as long as you don't cry, you have to suffer a few more times...

Seeing that the child did not cry, the haggard mother raised her heart when she just let go, "Isn't it really ten dumb?"

The midwife's action was lightning fast, Lu Chen couldn't see the opponent's tactics at all, and the attack was extremely fast. Lu Chen only felt that the opponent's attack was far above Lianhua!

Lu Chen was shocked. Isn't this midwife an immortal? So strong? !

After holding back a few waves, Lu Chen couldn't help it...wow and cried.

Everyone was relieved.

"Fortunately, it's not a dumb, not a dumb!" The midwife yelled outside the door, "Master, I will take the baby out immediately. Wait a moment."

After finishing speaking, I didn't forget to tease the baby in my arms, "I haven't seen such a stubborn child. This little guy has such a strong temper, he almost thought you were a little dumb."

"Look at the little eyes, like a little adult, he must be a clever ghost in the future!"

The midwife handed Lu Chen's rigorous package to a middle-aged man. When the man saw Lu Chen, his beard trembled with a smile.

"Atie, hold your baby, I'll go see your wife." The man hadn't forgotten the wife who had just given birth, and handed the baby to his confidant.

Atie? This name made Lu Chen feel more cordial, because he met an aboriginal named Ah Tie in the fifth heaven, and it was Ah Tie who handed the original order to Lu Chen.

It's just that Ah Tie's fate was very miserable, and he was eventually killed by the Lion King, one of the Seven Gods...

This Ah Tie is obviously not that Ah Tie, his movements in holding the baby are a bit blunt, and he is also five big and three thick, and some are sturdy.

It's just that the gaze he looked at Lu Chen at this time was as tender as an iron man.

"Little master, haha, how come you are so ugly."

The midwife on the side waited for Ah Tie to give him a look, "What are you talking about? The child is just like this when he was born. This child has been born well enough."

Ah Tie smiled and said, "Mr. Li, what do you know, what's the use of a man who wants to be so good-looking? A man should be all around, like a master, and make contributions."

No matter what other people's reactions are, Lu Chen still hasn't reacted anyway.

He has figured it out now. Now he is a baby, being carried around by a group of people. Isn't there someone who has lifted his quilt to verify his body...

Anyway, he was powerless to resist. Since he couldn't resist, he could only accept it safely.

Just look at it, anyway, I have nothing to lose!

In other words, did he enter the ancient world? It seems that there is only one possibility.

Unexpectedly, in the last year, he finally encountered an ancient world.

In this world, he will grow up from a baby. Since his memory has not been lost, it also means that he can practice for 100 years here!

At present, he still can't feel the richness of the aura around him, maybe he is too young.

He can't control his own hands and feet now, and grabbing people everywhere, how can he enter the cultivation state...

"Yeah, the young master seems to be hungry, call the nanny to come over!"

Lu Chen's face turned dark, nanny? This... But I am really hungry.

There is nothing in lust, only appetite...

Assi, when will I pass my infancy...


Lu Chen had a new name, and he was also called Lu Chen.

It's just that his father is not Lu Yuan, his name is Lu Xuan, and his mother is Yueqin.

Lu Chen had no feelings for these cheap parents.

In the ancient world, these memories are useless, and the more you remember them, they may also have a negative effect on your Dao Heart.

However, Lu Chen didn't want to remember them, but after a long time, his father followed his teachings, his mother's careful care, and his parents cared for him, so that Lu Chen gradually had some affection for the parents.

Not only the parents, the guard A Tie, the nurse Xu's mother, the up and down in the Lu Mansion, after getting along day and night, Lu Chen could not avoid them, they have all remembered them.

In a blink of an eye, Lu Chen has reached the age of five or six, and he has finally survived his babbling and toddler babyhood.

Now running around in the yard all day, doing some weird things.

For example, chasing butterflies, or seeing flowers, birds and birds, can't help but look curiously for a long time.

"My dignified Sixteen Star Savage King, I don't even see the flowers and plants? Why should I do this?" Lu Chen didn't understand at all.

It's just that his brain is full of curiosity about the new things here, just like a normal child.

Lu Chen remembered Gu Ying's words.

Your memory will indeed be preserved, but every time you reincarnate, you seem to experience a new life...

Yes, if you are not interested in anything, then there is still a five or six year old child.

When Lu Chen was six years old, his father announced two major events.

The first thing, the mother was pregnant with another child, and the second thing, a month later, Lu Chen would take part in the Tianyuan Continent's spiritual pulse test.

"Chen'er, father is going to travel a long way during this time. You are already six years old. We, Tianyuan people, opened the spiritual channel at the age of six and performed the first spiritual channel test. This month, your Uncle Atie will teach you about it. You have to learn more."

Lu Chen asked, "Father, but I still don't feel spiritual power yet."

Lu Xuan couldn't help but smiled, "Of course you can't perceive spiritual power. You have just opened the spiritual channel at the age of six. It takes ten years to be able to truly sense the spiritual channel."

"This test is mainly to test your spiritual pulse level, you don't need to do anything, just test it."

Lu Chen nodded blankly.

It seems that when you are ten years old, you can start real cultivation...At that time, it should also be when the ontology began to cultivate!

This is his only opportunity to enter the ancient world, and he must seize this opportunity!

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