Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1342: Tianyuan Continent

Lu Chen had already learned a little about Tianyuan Continent during these years.

Tianyuan Continent is a human world, respected by martial arts and respected by the strong.

Their martial arts level is completely different from that of Jiutian. From low to high, they are "spiritualists", "spiritualists", "spiritualists", "spiritual masters", "spiritual kings", "spiritual emperors", and "sages". "Spirit", "God Spirit", "Heaven Spirit" have nine levels, and each level is divided into nine stars.

Whether it is using swords, guns and sticks, or formation of runes, or other side sects, strength is divided by this level.

Of course, there are also some other auxiliary skills, such as medicine refining refining talisman, and they have different levels.

It's just that the number of these professions is very small, it can be described as rare, and the things are rare. The number of these people and the huge demand have made special professions extremely popular.

There are only three countries in Tianyuan Continent, Tianwu, Tiansheng, and Tianwei Kingdom.

The strength of the three countries is not equal, and they have been fighting all the year round, dividing the Tianyuan Continent into three, forming a strong momentum.

Lu Chen didn't expect that he would be reborn in a big family.

The Lu family is one of the three families of the Tianze City, a small town on the border of the Tianwu Kingdom. The old man of the Lu family is the right arm of Yanbei, the lord of the Tiancho city. He is very powerful and has reached the two-star spirits.

Lu Xuan ranks second in the family, not as good as his elder brother Lu Xian and his third brother Lu Wu.

However, under the supervision of Mr. Lu, the Lu family was not allowed to fight inwardly. The three brothers were born and died together many times. They have deep feelings. There are no other big names in the Lu Family. The atmosphere is harmonious.

Even in such a relaxed environment, Lu Chen's "childhood" had a carefree life.

Although the family is harmonious, after all, the mainland is respected by martial arts, so Lu Chen's spiritual pulse test is still very important.

"Chen'er, your father goes out to do errands, and he can't keep up with your test." Atie took the little Lu Chen to the martial arts ground in the backyard of Lu Mansion.

Ah Tie squatted and touched Lu Chen's head, "But you can't be careless. By then, the Great Family of Tiancho City will come to see you. There will be a few boys from other families who will test with you this time. If the test results are outstanding, maybe I can trick a little wife to come back."

Lu Chen was shocked. Even if he didn't count the time and space training time, he was forty years old, and he is single!

Could it be said that in this ancient world, you can get out of the singles at the age of six?

Ah Tie smiled smirkly, "Hey, has your heart moved? I think about it, among the little girls about your age, oh, Sikongyan from the Sikong family, Su Ling from the Su family, well, that's a small age. They are all raw waters and spirits, iron and beautiful embryos."

Lu Chen frowned slightly, "Uncle Tie, why are you staring at someone's little girl all day, don't you know when you started in three years?"

"What started in three years...you little guy, what are you talking about, I don't have to help you pay attention!" A Tie glared at Lu Chen, "I said you were precocious since I was a child, and there is nothing wrong with it."

"Uncle Tie, didn't you start this topic? I just went to test my spiritual pulse, and I didn't even think about finding a wife. Didn't you tell me to lie to a little wife to come back?"

"I, didn't I make you a little bit prepared!"

Lu Chen looked at A Tie's panic and couldn't help laughing.

"Uncle Tie, why did you let me come to the martial arts training ground?" Lu Chen stopped teasing Ah Tie, and finally got back to business.

After finally skipping the topic just now, Ah Tie breathed a sigh of relief and suddenly became serious again.

"Before you were young, and the master didn't let you touch spiritual knowledge before, but you are now six years old. It's time to learn some basic knowledge."

"Furthermore, although your spiritual pulse has not been opened before the spiritual pulse test, there are already some signs."

Ah Tie seems to have changed, becoming Lu Chen's enlightenment teacher, "Today I will teach you some basic knowledge first, you must pay attention to it."

Lu Chen nodded.

"Lingmai test is about to be done, so let's start with Lingmai first."

"The so-called spiritual channel is the spiritual channel formed in the body by absorbing the essence of heaven, earth, sun and moon, and it is a vital condition in future battles!"

"We can't directly absorb the original aura, but after tens of thousands of years, the aura blends with everything, such as mountains, rivers, hurricanes, flames... Auras exist in different forms and flow through different channels."

"And our martial artist's spiritual veins are affected by nature, and they will exist in different situations."

"Why do you need to form spiritual veins first, because with spiritual veins, after you absorb spiritual energy, these spiritual energy will have a channel, and then form spiritual core."

"Chen'er, there are thousands of spiritual vein attributes, even if the attributes are the same, the strength is divided into many levels, such as... Your uncle Tie will show you a demonstration." As he said, Ah Tie took out a transparent bead.

"This is the Heavenly Ingot Orb, when you test it, you will use the Heavenly Ingot Orb to test."

Ah Tie put his hand on the bead, and the transparent bead quickly poured out four yellow filaments from the bottom, rushing to the palm of Ah Tie's palm, but because of the bead's imprisonment, the yellow silk was still trapped in the orb.

"Uncle Tie, what do you mean?" Lu Chen asked.

"The Heavenly Yuan Orb contains Chaos Aura, which is the aura when the world first opened. It contains all the elements, and can also be transformed into the elements of the universe."

"These auras are like a water stain. If you draw a channel beside the water stain, will the water stain flow along the channel? This is also the function of our spirit veins."

"My spiritual veins are four-star earth spiritual veins. After the chaotic spiritual energy perceives my spiritual veins, part of the spiritual energy aggregates into the earth attribute spiritual energy. It is these four spiritual energy filaments. They want to flow along the spiritual veins, but are Confined within the Heavenly Ingot Orb, it cannot be really absorbed by me."

Lu Chen suddenly understood that those filaments were the spiritual silks that he could see in real time!

"Come on, Chen'er, although your spirit veins will not be fully opened until a month later, there are some signs now. Let me see what attributes your spirit veins are."

According to Ah Tie's request, Lu Chen gently placed his hand on the Tianyuan Orb.

One second, no response, two seconds, no response... For thirty seconds, the Heavenly Ingot Orb did not move.

As soon as Lu Chen looked up, he saw Ah Tie's eyebrows curled into a ball.

"Uncle Tie, does my spirit vein have no elemental attributes?"

Ah Tie was stunned. After being awakened by Lu Chen, he said vaguely, "Uh...how could it be possible, hahaha, I was too impatient, it must be early for you to test it now."

"Well, Chen'er, come here today. If you are too greedy, you can't chew it. Put the Tianyuan Orb there, you can go play first."

Lu Chen didn't know what was interesting about him, but he just ran away very happily... He still can't get rid of the child's character now!

After Lu Chen left, Ah Tie fell into deep thought again.

After the age of six, the exact star rating of the Lingmai cannot be measured, but the Lingmai is definitely looming!

Even if the spiritual veins are not formed, as long as it can affect the chaotic aura, the element attributes can definitely be measured.

In fact, many people can measure element properties before they are six years old.

But Chen'er... don't have any element attributes?

At this time, there was always a thought in his mind that lingered... he was born with a broken pulse!

"No, it's impossible... Chen'er has been smart since childhood, far beyond ordinary people, he can't... What am I thinking about!" Ah Tie picked up the Heavenly Ingot Pearl with great heart.

When he just picked up the orb, he suddenly found something wrong with the orb.

The whole orb is shaking!

"This is..." Ah Tie stood there in shock.

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