When Lu Chen put his hand on the Tianyuan Orb, everyone immediately fell silent.

One second, two seconds, ten seconds... In the Heavenly Ingot Orb, there is no spiritual thread produced!

Someone in the audience was already whispering, "This, shouldn't it be... born with a wasteful vein?!"

"Impossible, the probability of being born with a dead vein is about the same as that of a nine-star spirit vein, that is extremely rare!"

However, before the voice fell, the crystal ball about the size of Lu Chen's whole body began to vibrate!

To be precise, it was the Tian Yuanzhu that vibrated from the very beginning, but the amplitude of the vibration was very small, but now, it is already vibrating at an amplitude visible to the naked eye!

"What the **** is going on, why is Tian Yuanzhu shaking?"

"It's the kid who made it, right? But such a big kid can't even move the Tian Yuanzhu, let alone such a weird shock!"

Ah Tie suddenly thought of something and hurriedly roared, "Chen'er, get out of the way!" After that, the whole person shot into the court like a sharp arrow.

Lu Chen ran back quickly, Ah Tie stood in front of Lu Chen for the first time, and at the same time offered a shield on all sides.

Ah Tie had just set up his defenses, only hearing a loud bang, the Tian Yuanzhu exploded directly!

In the entire viewing area, everyone was stunned!

"What is going on, who can tell me what is going on?"

"Even if there are a few nine-star spiritual veins, it is impossible to smash the Tian Yuanzhu. This is the best Tian Yuanzhu!"

"This dragon-level Sky Yuan Orb was just sent here. It can't exceed its useful life. Why did it explode?! What level is Lu Chen's spirit vein?"

Su Ling'er and Si Kongyan held hands and were equally shocked.

They had never heard of anyone who could blast the Tian Yuanzhu!

"It's... Chaos Spirit Vessel!" Suddenly, someone said, "Only the Chaos Spirit Vessel can make the Tian Yuanzhu not show any spiritual silk, because the chaos spiritual pulse leads to all the spiritual energy in the entire Tian Yuan Pearl!"

"Only in this case will the Tian Yuanzhu burst from the inside!"

"Then Lu Chen is unexpectedly rare in a million years... Chaos Spirit Vessel!"

After Yueqin heard it, she felt that the sky was spinning, and she passed out suddenly.


Lu Chen hadn't gone out to play in these two days, and was kept in his room.

Lu Chen stayed in the room bored. Actually, he didn't know that he was the Chaos Spirit Vessel. After all, Uncle Tie had never mentioned this spirit vein to him, and Tian Yuanzhu could actually detect it...

Most importantly, Lu Chen didn't even know what the chaotic spirit pulse meant, and why the family put him under house arrest after the chaotic spirit pulse was measured.

At night, the paper window was secretly stabbed open, and a figure crawled in from the window.

"Lu Chen!" Lu Gui raised his head to look at Lu Chen, "Take me a hand, I'm stuck!"

With a black line, Lu Chen used to help Lu Gui pull in, "Brother, you have already started practicing anyway, can you get stuck by climbing a window?"

"I'm not afraid of being seen! Hey, I've been to see the second aunt, she's all right."

Hearing that his mother was okay, Lu Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, but soon he became sad, "Hey, brother, why did they lock me up? What is wrong with me?"

Lu Gui shook his head, "Third brother, do you know what the Chaos Spirit Vessel represents?"

"Know that I still ask you?"

"Chaotic Spirit Vessel means..." Lu Gui said to his lips, but he couldn't say it.

"You mean it!" Lu Chen said anxiously.

"Don't tell others, I told you!"

"Of course, I can still betray you?"

"Hey... I watched you grow up, and I changed your diapers for this at the beginning. I know you won't betray me, it's just me..." Lu Gui hesitated, his expression unsuitable for his age.

"If you don't tell me, I just called!" Lu Chen said weakly, "I said you want to take me away!"

"Hey, don't call! I just said you won't betray me!" Lu Gui covered Lu Chen's mouth, "I said I said!"

"The third brother, actually... the Lu family is united, we rarely fight, and you are still young and don't understand how terrible the outside world is!"

"You are not only a chaotic spiritual vein, but also a nine-star chaotic spiritual vein. You know, this is the best spiritual vein!"

Lu Chen was not surprised, "Then what? If that's the case, then you shouldn't lock me up!"

"Because!" Lu Gui gritted his teeth, "because the spirit vein can be grabbed!"


Lu Gui leaned over and whispered, "Not only can you grab it, you can also transplant it!"

"Uncle Tie told you that spiritual veins are equivalent to a river bed, to a valley. Before the spiritual core is formed, if the river bed and valley are changed to another place, a torrent and mountain breeze can still form!"

"There is no one in your spiritual vein! And you have not yet formed a spiritual core. This is the best time to move to a spiritual vein!"

Next, there is no need for Lu Gui to continue. Lu Chen can walk to the seventh heaven, he still doesn't understand these principles!

In short, guilty of Bi!

Seeing Lu Chen sinking into thought, Lu Gui also blamed himself a little, and shouldn't tell him such cruel news.

"Hey, don't worry. Grandpa has cleared all the guests present and told them to keep secrets. The second uncle also hurried to home in 800 miles."

Lu Chen sighed, as if he was in great trouble.

I had known that I would not go to the test. For so many years, he did not have a surviving test stone... he should have expected it a long time ago.

The Lu Family has a certain strength in Tian Select City, but it can be placed in Tian Yuan Continent, then it is not worth mentioning, and he has the best spirit vein in the entire Tian Yuan Continent!

Even if Grandpa wants to shut the guests' mouths, with so many people, the news will definitely leak out.

"Brother, if my spiritual vein is robbed, what will happen to me?"

Lu Gui froze for a moment. Sometimes this younger brother looked normal, but sometimes he showed a mentality that was inconsistent with his peers.

"Brother, you just said, I'm not that vulnerable." Lu Chen saw Lu Gui's mind and said.

Lu Gui sighed, "It's extremely likely...to die..."

Lu Chen took a deep breath. If he died, his body would not be damaged, but this time the ancient world was over.

What's more, now, Lu Chen is a little reluctant to let his parents, family...

"Lu Chen, everyone in the family is discussing countermeasures. Now you are waiting for your father. You are here to stay honestly now. What you want, brother will steal it for you... No, go get it!" Lu Gui was afraid to shoot Lu. Chen's shoulders.

Lu Chen looked at Lu Gui and smiled slightly, "It's nice to have a brother like you..."

"Fool, start talking nonsense again, we are brothers, why are you talking about this!"

Lu Chen nodded heavily, now he can only wait for the family's decision.


One late night two days later, Lu Chen, who was asleep, suddenly heard a noise outside the door.

He hurriedly got up and found that the fire was blazing outside the door, and the sounds of soldiers and screams were mixed everywhere.

Suddenly, his door was kicked open!

A man covered in blood, holding a saber, stood at the door, "Chen'er, Chen'er!"

"Father!" Lu Chen looked at the man in horror.

"Quickly follow me!"

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