"Father!" Lu Chen said anxiously, "What happened?"

"It's from the Dongfang family in the imperial capital! It's too late to explain now, go!"

Lu Xuan pulled Lu Chen and walked out.

Suddenly a spiritual sword energy shot directly from outside the courtyard, and Lu Xuan slashed his saber in his hand, trying to block the blow.

It's just that the sword qi is too strong. As soon as Lu Xuan's sword slasher touched the sword qi, he flew out directly, piercing the wall of Lu Chen's room!

Lu Xuan defended Lu Chen tightly, breathing a little shortly, "Yes, Spirit King!"

The old man of the Lu family is only the two-star Lingzun, and this person actually reaches the level of the spirit king, it is not an exaggeration to say that even if he is alone, it is enough to smooth the Lu family!

"Father!" Lu Chen looked at the shocking wound on Lu Xuan's shoulder, and only hated that he didn't have an Immortal Pill in his hand.

"Chen'er!" Lu Xuan grabbed Lu Chen's shoulder while his opponent was not chasing him, and said anxiously, "Listen to me, this time our Lu family is afraid it will be hard to escape bad luck."

"Father, they want spiritual veins, I can give them!"

"Stupid boy, you are too naive, you think you give them spiritual veins, they will let us go? Cut the grass and roots, they will not let anyone go!"

"Where's that mother! She is still pregnant with her sister!"

"Your mother, I let her go out to avoid the wind, but other people...Chen'er, now you don't care about other people. Listen to Dad, that person didn't seem to find you just now. I will try to block that person for a while, you Find a way to slip away!"

"I know you are always alert, you can do it, right?!"

"Father, I...I..."

"Chen'er! Answer me!" His always kind father yelled, his blood-red eyes staring at Lu Chen.

Lu Chen couldn't bear it, gritted his teeth and said, "Father, I, I will definitely live..."

"Okay, this dagger is for self-defense..." Lu Xuan touched Lu Chen's hair with a heartache, and barely squeezed out a smile, "My Chen'er is already so old... It's a pity, Dad can't watch you marry a wife and have children... …"

"You find your grandfather, find your mother, and they will give it to you in the future!" After that, Lu Xuan stuffed a dagger into Lu Chen's hand, turned his head, and slammed directly out of the wall.

Lu Chen hid in the dark, holding back his grief.

At the corner in the distance, a middle-aged man in a white robe walked out with a calm expression.

A golden dragon is painted on his chest.

"Lu Xuan, I stabbed your father with 200 swords, and your father would not tell the whereabouts of that kid! It's really a bit spine!"

"And your brothers, I really can't figure it out. Lu Xian is not his own son. He would rather die than tell the whereabouts of Lu Chen. Hahaha, the three of you brothers are really brothers."

Lu Xuan yelled violently, "Dongfang family, my Lu family has no grievances and no grudges against you, but you have even killed my father and brother with this assassin! You, you are crazy!"

"Crazy?" The man turned his long sword in his hand and walked leisurely into the courtyard. "Lu Xuan, you are also a big boss, why are you so naive?"

"The Chaos Spirit Vessel is not something your Lu family is qualified to own, so if you hand over Lu Chen, I will forgive you not to die!"

"You are dreaming!" Lu Xuan shouted angrily, holding the saber knife in his hand to kill him.

Lu Chen's feet seemed to be filled with lead and couldn't move at all.

However, there is another voice repeatedly admonishing Lu Chen to protect his mother...

With just two moves, Lu Xuan's body wounds increased by two more.

"Father!" Lu Chen's eyes were torn apart, his eyes were tearful, and he endured grief, turned his head, and quietly jumped out of the window...

Although Lu Chen moved swiftly, after all, he didn't have the slightest cultivation base, and his body was only six years old. Seeing him in a hurry, he was hit by a man in white.

The man frowned and looked at Lu Chen, slightly narrowing his eyes. There seemed to be only one six-year-old boy in the Lu family!

"Lu Chen! Hahahaha, I've got a chance to fly to the sky! Come on, kid, don't run away, I'll take you to a safe place."

At this moment, a figure suddenly came out of the dark and stood in front of Lu Chen.


The other party reacted quickly, and when someone killed him, he stabbed him directly.

Lu Gui is no more than a twelve-year-old boy who has only cultivated for two years, and his strength has just reached a spiritualist!

Even if the white-clothed man is not high-level, there is no doubt that Lu Gui is not the opponent's opponent at all.

However, what the opponent did not expect was that Lu Gui did not evade at all, and directly blocked the sword with his body. Not only that, after hitting the sword, he did not hesitate to let the long sword penetrate his body, and rushed to the person with two. The dagger stabbed that man's temple fiercely!

"You little bastard... well, so cruel..." That person was actually killed by Lu Gui like this!

Lu Chen cried and dragged Lu Gui to the corner, plugging his wound with his little hand, "Brother..."

Lu Gui gasped hard and looked at Lu Chen feebly, "Lu Chen, don't cry, our Lu family man will not cry in front of the enemy."

"Brother...you, there will be nothing wrong with you...I, I want to save you, I have a way, I, I should have a way!"

"Little Green..." Lu Chen cried and called out the name, but it was a pity that Little Green, who always appeared the first time in the past, could not have appeared at this time.

"Look at you, I'm faint again, what little green, I am still a little flower and grass..." Lu Gui forced a smile, "third brother, your life is more precious than mine, you have the nine-star chaos spirit vein!"

"When I reach the top, I will be an immortal, and you, you have infinite possibilities...so, I want to beg you."

"Brother, you, you said..."

"Cultivate hard, and don't give up, no matter how hard or tired you are, until one day you are strong enough to help grandpa, help my father, my mother..." Lu Gui said, already crying, "Help the Lu family... revenge !"

"Promise me...or else, I won't look down!"

"Brother, I promise you!" Lu Chen burst into tears, holding Lu Gui firmly.

"Ah, great... Hahaha, my third brother, I can't steal something for you... Why is it getting a little cold... Third, leave me alone, run..."

No matter how patient Lu Chen endured, tears still couldn't help streaming down at this time.

The original happy life, just like this, suddenly...it disappeared...

"Brother, I swear, I want Dongfang Family to give back your hatred a thousand times, ten thousand times!" Lu Chen tearfully opened his eyes, took off his clothes and covered Lu Gui.

He turned his head and quickly dived into the darkness.

The night breeze blew, and it was icy.

Lu Chen told himself time and time again that this is not his world, and he didn't belong here originally.

The reincarnation of the ancient world will be the most complete subversion of Dao Xin! He can even commit suicide directly and leave this world!

However, such comfort does not make him feel better.

He does not belong here, but the care and care of his grandfather, father, uncle, Xu Ma, Tie Uncle, and Lu Gui over the years has made him clearly feel that this is also his home.

He belongs here too!

His father desperately protected him to escape, and Lu Gui saved his life in exchange for his life.

The flames of the Lu Family are like the anger in Lu Chen's heart, burning blazingly, burning more and more!

There were chasing soldiers behind him, and Lu Chen quickened his pace.

A dark shadow quickly passed by, hugged Lu Chen directly, and hid in the jungle beside the road.

Lu Chen looked up and saw that this person was Uncle Tie.

"Shhh, don't make any noise!" Uncle Tie's eyes widened, blood red, and the strength in his hands became stronger because of his tension!

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