Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1349: Wait twenty minutes more

"Okay! Lu Chen, let me tell you, if you make any mistakes, I'll take your skin off!" Ding Hu has no way out, so he can only threaten Lu Chen like this.

Lu Chen smiled slightly, and his eyes flashed with killing intent.

Ding Hu and others were also distracted by other things. Lu Chen walked to the boy and said, "What is your name, and how many years have you been with Lao Huang?"

"I, my name is Yan Zhu, and I have been with Master for three years."

Lu Chen nodded. The young man saw that Master was in trouble, and knew that to help Master speak, at least he had some conscience.

"All right, give me a hand."

"But, you don't seem to be older than me... Lu Chen, thank you just now for helping me out, but no one can cook a chef. At your age, I'm afraid that I can't even hold a spoon!"

"Ding Hu will definitely use this to deal with you!"

"Let's do it, I'm going to fight it out, I won't talk about it, let's go to the back kitchen, I will take the lead, and you will help me!" Yan Zhu gritted his teeth and said, as if he had made some major decision.

Lu Chen looked at the boy and smiled, "Forget it, I don't want to be beaten to death by Ding Hu."

"Let's go, I'm in charge, you are in charge of the guests ordering and serving dishes!" After that, Lu Chen walked directly to the back kitchen under the charge of Master Huang.

The chefs of the various chefs have already brought out one dish after another, but the back cook has not moved yet.

Yan Zhu didn't feel more anxious, but he didn't dare to go in and disturb Lu Chen.

A handyman ran up to Yan Zhu in a panic, "Is your black python going over the river yet? The guests are already urging!"

Yan Zhuzheng didn't know how to answer, and only heard a voice from the back kitchen, "Tell them, to wait another twenty minutes!"

"Twenty minutes? This is one of the main dishes. It should be served now. How could it be possible to wait for twenty minutes!" The man said excitedly, but suddenly paused, "Huh? No, it's not Huang... "

The person inside said, "Don't care if I am old yellow, just tell them to wait another twenty minutes and tell them that they need to be patient if they want to taste delicious!"

"This..." The man hesitated for a moment and looked at Yan Zhu embarrassedly.

Yan Zhu could only say, "Just tell them like that, hey, it's dead anyway... Just leave the responsibility to us."

The man thought for a while, this matter had nothing to do with him, he was just a messenger, and left in a hurry.

There are at least hundreds of people in the dining hall.

At the main table, a beautiful woman in her thirties is asking the white-bearded elderly man next to her, "Senior Baixing, I have long heard that you have a very famous dish in Xizhou City. The dish is called Heimeng Fanjiang, I, I wanted to taste it early."

A person next to him said, "Yes, the Black Mountain Rock Python is very poisonous, but after special treatment, it suddenly becomes a delicious dish, it is really amazing."

"Dean Bai Xing, why do you think this dish is called Heimeng Fanjiang?"

Bai Xing is the dean of the West Holy Spirit Academy. He smiled slightly, stroked his beard, and said quite contentedly, "Everyone, speaking of this black python going over the river, it is indeed a must in Xizhou City!"

"The snake meat is not only delicious, but also chewy. When it is fused with the sauce, it is even more memorable. It rolls between the tongue, like turning the river to the sea, hence the name Heimangfanjiang."

"This time, we also prepared this dish specially for you. I urged it just now, and it should almost be served."

At this time, the handyman in charge of passing vegetables came empty-handed.

"Little Five, what are you?" Dean Bai Xing looked at the handyman strangely.

"Head, that...cough cough..." Xiao Wu stopped talking.

The white apricot noodles were unhappy, put the chopsticks down, "what's the matter, why don't you serve it?"

Xiao Wu felt that the pressure had never been greater than ever, and that would be fine at ordinary times. Today is the big day of the West Holy Spirit Hospital, and the dean has long warned that there should be no problems...

As soon as the dean stared, Xiao Wu immediately told the truth.

"The chef in charge of Heimeng Fanjiang said, he said that if you want to taste the food, you need to wait another twenty minutes!"

Bai Xing immediately slapped the table, "What are you talking about? My West Holy Spirit Hospital entertains guests. How can it make the guests wait for a long time! It's just one dish. Which cook has such a big shelf? Long, the city lord has been waiting?!"

Xiao Wu was so scared that she shivered, "Dean, I, I..."

At this time, the woman next to Bai Xing hurriedly came to complete the game, "Senior Bai Xing calmed down and calmed down his anger. I think the staff in that group is also nervous, isn't it just waiting for a while before the banquet begins, let's not rush it for a while."

"Yes, yes, why should Dean Bai Xing be angry about such small things."

Many people persuaded Bai Xing to continue to get angry, but said violently, "When the meal is over, no matter who is in charge, I will dismiss him!"

Xiao Wu stepped back, and he sighed. It seemed that Yan Zhu and the chef were going to be unlucky.

After this episode, everyone continued to dine, and they were arrogantly discussing the test results of the West Holy Spirit Institute at this time.

But no one is ignorant of mentioning the black python turning over the river.

After a while, everyone has tasted a lot of top foods, and their stomachs are getting fuller and fuller.

At this moment, there was a sudden commotion at the table of the students in the distance.

"Wow, it smells good! What kind of dish is this?"

"I'm already full, how come I smell this scent and I have my appetite again?"

"Hey, hello, what kind of dish is this dish, the aroma is so delicious, it's just mouthwatering! Is it our table?"

Xiao Wu said embarrassedly, "Sorry, this is for the main table."

Wherever Xiao Wu passes by, someone must stand up and make an effort!

"You can smell this scent with the lid. Is this dish only available at the main table? Me, we are all tutors here, why don't we have this dish?"

Xiao Wu was overwhelmed by these people, and quickly quickened his pace.

After finally coming to the main table, Xiao Wu placed the dinner plate in the middle of the table, "Masters, Black Dragon Panfeng, please use it slowly."

With that said, Xiao Wu suddenly opened the cover.

"Today I see that disciple of the Seven-Star Golden Vessel in your hospital..." Someone was talking about the test situation, and suddenly stopped.

In fact, no one else continued to listen to him. Everyone's eyes were fixed on the dish in the middle of the table.

Especially the moment the lid was opened, a fragrant smell suddenly dispersed...

"Okay... so fragrant... almost into the spleen and lungs..."

"This, what kind of dish is this..." Someone swallowed, his eyes fixed on the dish, "The fragrance alone has already increased the appetite!"

"This dish is really like a fight between a black dragon and a red phoenix, with a lofty artistic conception... By the way, that Xiao Wu is right, you just said that this dish is called Heilong Panfeng?"

Xiao Wu hurriedly replied, "Yes, my lord, this dish is also cooked with Black Mountain Rock Python. The chef said that this is an upgraded version of Black Python Fanjiang..."

"Upgraded version?" City Master Xizhou frowned, "I have eaten Black Python Fanjiang many times, but I haven't heard of this upgraded version."

Although everyone was swallowing, due to their status, no one moved their chopsticks.

Bai Xing suddenly reacted, "Come on, everyone taste it first to see how this black dragon pan phoenix tastes. Dean Qingya, come on, you taste it first."

The woman next to Bai Xing picked up a piece of black python and put it in her mouth.

Everyone looked at Qingya.

When the black python entered the meat, Qingya's eyes suddenly widened. Then, she closed her eyes again, taking deep breaths again and again, her expressions changing and she was very intoxicated.

Everyone was surprised.

All of you here are at least dean-level figures. The food you have eaten is countless. Qingya always pays attention to appearance. This is the first time that you have lost your way like today!

This black dragon and pan phoenix can make Dean Qingya so intoxicated and forget his image? !

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