After a long time, Qingya opened her eyes slightly, and Bai Xing suddenly found that there were faint tears in the corner of Qingya's eyes!

Qingya took a deep breath, silently went to pick up another chopstick...

Everyone is quite embarrassed now, is it to clip or not? Dean Qingya was the same. She was the first to try it. It was delicious or not, but she gave a word.

At the entrance of the second piece of black python meat, Dean Qingya's expression was even more exaggerated. The feeling of extreme enjoyment was simply reflected by the twisting of his body.

"Uh... Dean Qingya..." Bai Xing had to interrupt the woman, "How does it taste?"

Qingya reacted and hurriedly said, "A well-deserved reputation...oh no, no, this is the chef's own dishes. It is a great honor for Sansheng to taste such delicious food!"

"Dean Qingya, is it too exaggerated? It's just a dish." Someone next to him tentatively asked.

"It's not an exaggeration! The snake meat is charred on the outside and tender on the inside. It is very tasty. Just in the mouth, it is full of fragrant mouth. After biting the crispy skin, the fresh juice gushes out. The snake meat inside is not only smooth, but also chewy. With every bite, it's like flying through the clouds...that feels...really satisfying!"

After Qingya finished speaking, she saw a group of people staring at her dumbfounded.

If Lu Chen were here, I would probably wonder why this woman did not go to a food show and become a professional food critic!

"Ah...oh, everyone, try it out, just listen to me, don't wait for the dishes to cool!"

At this time, everyone can finally pick up chopsticks and pick up dishes.

However, after a while, the sound of intoxication and admiration came one after another at the dinner table!

"Fragrant and juicy, the taste must not be more, must not be less, just right!"

"My God, it's so delicious! How can there be such a delicious food in this world!"

"The old man traveled to hundreds of cities in the Three Kingdoms, and he thought he had tasted the delicious food in the world, but today I discovered that in front of this black dragon pan and phoenix, there is no food at all! Ah, it's so delicious!"

Not only are these big guys full of praise, there are already a circle of people standing next to their dinner table.

You can't eat it, but the smell of the fragrant and delicious, and the intoxication of the deans, can be regarded as a solution to greedy.

The portion of a dish is quite substantial, and it is definitely considered a hard dish. As a result, within two minutes, the dish has bottomed out and only some soup remains.

"Oh, no matter how full I am, I still have to eat some staple food." A middle-aged man made someone hold a bowl of rice, picked up a spoon, and poured the remaining soup over. In the meal.

This action was seen by the crowd, both envy and regret.

"Brother Murong, can you give me some leftovers, I will also have a bowl of rice!"

"Then, then I have a bowl too! Oh, as the deans of the academy, we must lead by example and not waste it. I think there is still some soup here, so I will simply take a plate to serve the meal, hahaha Don’t laugh, everyone..."

Surprisingly, today’s rice sales are particularly good...

Although the deans said that they shouldn't be wasted, most of the dishes on the table were left. Only the black dragon pan and phoenix, the plates were gone.

"Ah, it's delicious! It's delicious! Hey, Dean Bai Xing, you said before that you want to fire the chef. Look, our Xiyuan Lingyuan is going to host the Spring Sword Conference recently. No, Dean Bai Xing took me to see the chef?"

"Brother Murong, what you said, no one is short of people in the room. Our Jin Pin Ling Academy undertakes the Sword Conference in the summer and autumn. The staff in the room must at least double. I think we should let the chef come to Jin Pin. Holy house."

"Oh, let's say that, recently there have been frequent wars with Tianwu and Tianwei. Our Xizhou City has transferred a large number of men. Now, I have to do it myself. Can you still lack people than me?" Lian Xizhou City City Lord Fang Mubai spoke up.

"Huh?" Bai Xing woke up suddenly, thinking about countermeasures.

"Hahahaha, everyone was joking. Well, I, I didn't say to fire this chef."

"President of the People, you just said it clearly, we have been persuading you for a long time!"

"No, no, no, my, haha, haha, I, cough cough, you have misunderstood what I mean. I mean, how can such a talent be just a small chef? I want him to be the chef. of!"

"This... Dean Bai Xing, I am very curious now, I want to meet this wonderful chef, is it convenient for you?"

"You, what do you want to do?"

"Nothing, just go and see him..."

Bai Xing couldn't help it either. He had been fooled by him just now, and now it seems a bit unreasonable to not take them to see people.

"Okay, Xiaowu, lead the way."


"Lu Chen, Ding Hu will definitely not let us go this time. I don't care. The most is to be beaten and expelled from the spiritual courtyard, but you...hey, that guy will spread all his hatred towards Chen Zhangshi. You are on you." Yan Zhu said with a sigh.

"Lu Chen, you are still young, I advise you not to be in the spiritual house, or I will take you away now! We can't be a chef, we can just go to a small place and have a meal."

When Lu Chen was finished, he sat beside Yan Zhu and said with a smile, "Why are you so pessimistic, maybe you can't die this time?"

"Grandpa Chen is kind to me, I must cure his illness!"

"I'm still getting medical treatment, my life is almost gone!"

The two were chatting, only to see a group of people rushing over in a hurry.

Xiao Wu walked in the forefront and pointed to Yan Zhu and said, "Masters, it is their dishes."

Yan Zhu was so frightened when he saw this posture, the other party actually killed him angrily?

"Lu Chen, we are dead now!"

As soon as Bai Xing came over, she held Yan Zhu's hand with both hands, and said to him, "I didn't expect you to be able to cook such an immortal dish at a young age. From now on, you will be the head chef of Fang Fang!"

Yan Zhu's whole body was petrified.

Chef? What do you mean? why?

what happened?

who am I?

Xiao Wu hurriedly pulled Bai Xing's clothes, "Dean, the chef is not Yan Zhu, it is him! That little one, Lu Chen!"

Bai Xing turned to look at the child with a faint smile, with a blank face.

"That black dragon and pan phoenix, yes, you burned it?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "Sorry, Lu Chen was also in danger, so I didn't have the time to prepare in advance, so the adults waited for another 20 minutes."

The crowd surrounded Lu Chen with a splash.

"Little friend, who did you learn this cooking art from? Just this black dragon pan and phoenix, let alone make me wait 20 minutes, even if I'm on board for 10 days and a half month, I am willing!"

"You turned out to cook it, how old are you? How can you have such a shocking cooking skill?"

"Little friend, what's your monthly salary here? How much Xisheng opens for you, I will pay ten times!"

Bai Xing said anxiously, "Isn't it just to see God of Cooking?"

"Lao Bai, what you were talking about was that young man, didn't you have promoted him to chef, if I were this, no conflict, no conflict."

"Yes, no conflicts, little friends, come to us, as long as you come, you can open the conditions!"

"Come to us, don't worry about anything else, you only need to be a chef five times a, three times! Monthly money will give you the highest treatment!"

Bai Xing was almost mad, and she cursed fiercely in her heart!

I don't conflict with your ass! A group of old foxes!

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