Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1351: My spiritual veins are very poor

Yan Zhu's whole person is already dumbfounded. This group of chiefs are going to fight for a Lu Chen?

But having said that, Ding Hu has been targeting Lu Chen, and now is the best time for Lu Chen to leave!

Lu Chen looked at these deans indifferently, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you all for showing your love, but I still decided to stay in Xisheng. Grandpa Chen took me to Xisheng and asked me to do good things here. Lu Chen didn't dare to teach Old Chen. ."

Hearing Lu Chen's reply, the others couldn't help but sigh and regret.

Bai Xing watched Lu Chen secretly, almost tears in her eyes with excitement.

It turns out that this child was brought by Lao Chen, and the most important thing is to know how to return to Entu, which is really gratifying...

After dinner, Ding Hu came to Lu Chen's back kitchen aggressively, "Lu Chen, I have found a new chef. You can go back to the wood room and chop wood. If you don't do it today, you can't sleep!"

Yan Zhu couldn't stand it, so he ran to the firewood room to help Lu Chen chop firewood.

At the end of the month, the two teenagers split section after section of firewood, and there were countless firewood beside them.

Lu Chen looked at Yan Zhu, who was sweating profusely, and said, "Brother Yan Zhu, go back, I'll be fine."

Yan Zhu snorted coldly, "I'm okay! Then Ding Hu, I knew he would come to kill the donkey, Lu Chen, I really don't understand, today is such a good opportunity, why don't you go!"

Lu Chen shook his head and smiled slightly, "I haven't worked out the accounts here yet, how could I leave!"

"Hey, I can't control your decision, but to be honest, many people said you were a fool before, I think it makes sense."

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, "Isn't there a thin line between a fool and a genius."

While talking, Ding Hu, Yang Yong and the others hurried over.

Upon seeing these people, Yan Zhu stood in front of Lu Chen subconsciously.

Lu Chen was also quite surprised by this small move, and he could see that Yan Zhu was indeed good.

But Ding Hu didn't care about so much, he savagely pulled Yan Zhu away and slammed directly into the firewood beside him.

"Lu Chen, follow me!"

Yan Zhu got up from the ground, "Ding Hu, Lu Chen has been busy all day, are you still torturing him?! You are too much!"

Ding Hu directly slapped Yan Zhu to the ground. After Yan Zhu was beaten into the air, he vomited a few mouthfuls of blood and couldn't stand up.

Ding Hu squinted his eyes and looked at Yan Zhu, "Dog stuff, do you dare to take care of things I do? Boy, I'll take care of you later!"

"Lu Chen, follow me! The guests call you to make pastries! Hurry up!"

Lu Chen stood still.

"Let’s go! Why? Give Lao Tzu a stall, don’t think you will be deceived when you cook a dish. I tell you, fortunately, you didn’t choose to leave Xisheng today, otherwise Lao Tzu would turn around and kill you!"

Lu Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, Ding Hu had some foundation in cultivation, and with his current strength, he might not be able to beat him.

"You can go, I want to take him!"

"Whatever you, Yang Yong, drag Yan Zhu over!"

After finally returning to the back kitchen, Lu Chen checked Yan Zhu's injuries, and it seemed that he was seriously injured.

"Lu Chen, the reason why you didn't leave was that you were afraid that Ding Hu would attack behind his back? I didn't expect that, but now if we stay again, Ding Hu will still be killed sooner or later!"

Lu Chen snorted coldly, a trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes, "You are wrong, I stayed to kill him!"

"Well, you have a good rest here, and I will deliver food in a while."

After a busy period, Lu Chen brought a few plates of pastries to the dining hall.

After tasting Lu Chen's pastries, everyone was full of praise. In the spirit of not wasting food, the deans were completely emptied of pastry plates, and they looked like they were not full.

The assessment of the West Holy Spirit Institute has also ended. Bai Xing feels relaxed, and seeing the deans conquered by the food, they also have face and a good mood. The more they look, the more they like this child...

Before leaving, the deans stuffed a lot of small notes to Lu Chen, it seemed that they didn't give up on Lu Chen.

Later, after Bai Xing and other college leaders sent away the guests, Bai Xing returned to the dining hall and stopped Lu Chen who was clearing the dishes.

"Xiaochen, since you are a chef, why are you responsible for cleaning up the dishes? Come on, sit here and let them work."

Lu Chen Yiyan sat beside the dean.

"Xiaochen, I think your child is very spiritual, and I knew it at a very young age. This time, you guys have done a great job, especially you. Look at those people. I want to be under my nose. Robber! Hahahaha!"

"Oh, by the way, that, those old guys stuffed you with the paper, hahaha, I just throw it away."

Lu Chen smiled slightly and took out the notes, but did not tear them up.

Lu Chen had a difficult time, "Dean, my sires have increased the fare again at night, the conditions are..."

Bai Xing suddenly became nervous.

These old foxes have increased their prices again?

Before Lu Chen stayed in Xisheng, it was all sentimental. People increased the price several times, and Lu Chen was already a little moved.

"Xiaochen, listen to me, don't worry, can you tell me what price they have given?"

Lu Chen read the notes one by one, "The condition given by the City Lord of Xizhou is that he will be a chef once a month, and he will pay ten silver leaves each month."

"This one is, as the chef, three times a month, fifty silver leaves a month."

"This...this is the Xiwei Lingyuan. I went to work as the housekeeper directly, with a gold leaf each month, and...you can learn the mentality of the college and listen to the courses."

Bai Xing became excited, and patted the table, causing the tableware to almost fall off.

"Murong, an old fox, I've seen it a long time ago, he just wants to grab you! It's no wonder that you will be moved by such generous terms."

Lu Chen sighed, "Dean, I only have 80 copper leaves a month here. Grandpa Chen is now seriously ill and has no money for treatment. My family also needs money..."

"Xiaochen, I understand. It is really not easy for you to go out to earn money at a young age. Don't worry, I Xisheng will not lose to anyone!" Bai Xing said hurriedly, "By the way, you stay in Xisheng, yes. It's because of Old Chen, why, he is sick now?"

Lu Chen nodded, "I haven't had time to visit him yet."

"Xiaochen, don’t worry about this. Old Chen has worked for me in the West Holy Spirit Institute for half a lifetime. I didn’t know before. Now that I know it now, there is no reason to stand by. Even without you, his illness, I He must be healed personally!"

"Thank you dean!"

Bai Xing nodded, "Then let's talk about your business now!"

Bai Xing looked at Lu Chen and smiled kindly, "I know that everyone wants to practice, and Xiwei's conditions are really attractive. To be honest, I didn't expect Murong old fox to offer such conditions."

"There is still daytime. If you negotiate with me in person at that time, I think you are too snobbish and may not keep you."

"But you just didn't. You still think of Mr. Chen who brought you to Xisheng and his teachings. This is the most surprising and comforting point for me."

"So, that guy Murong can make an exception for you, and so can Bai Xing!"

"Have you participated in the Lingmai Test?"

Lu Chen said, "I have participated, but my spiritual vein is very poor, it is a one-star spiritual vein."

Bai Xing didn't doubt that if Lingmai was good, he wouldn't be a handyman.

"One-star Lingmai, to be honest, the future development is indeed limited, but it is still possible to practice martial arts to strengthen the body."

"Well, your spirit pulse cannot meet our enrollment requirements, but I can make an exception to give you a registered disciple token, so that you can practice the College Mind Method and listen to courses. As for how far you can practice, It depends on your own effort."

"In addition, if there are no important guests, you don't need to stay in the room all the time."

"Monthly money, I will give you one gold leaf a month, but you can cook at least three times a month, do you think it is okay?"

Lu Chen asked strangely, "Dean, didn't you just say that there are no important guests and I don't need to be in the room?"

"This silly boy, there are no important guests, don't you, the dean, don't want three meals a day? You make me two meals anyway!"

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