Evolve and Upgrade from Wild Monsters

Chapter 1352: No one can practice shooting

"Well, I'll go to see Mr. Chen first, I'm afraid it will take a long time, I forgot. He is also really, he won't tell me when he is sick..." Bai Xing finished speaking, feeling comfortable and left the food. hall.

Looking at Bai Xing's back, Lu Chen breathed a sigh of relief. In fact, the director of Bai Xing was pretty good.

With him taking the shot himself, Grandpa Chen's illness can definitely be cured.

A big rock in Lu Chen's heart finally fell.

Looking at the registered disciple token in his hand, Lu Chen held the token tightly. This is his chance to comeback!

He looked at the note in his hand again and checked it carefully. Most of it was the same as what he had just read, only one.

Among the conditions set by West Welling Academy, there is no condition for attending the course!

Lu Chen shook his head, "Dean, I'm really sorry to lie to you, but I must seize this opportunity!" After all, Lu Chen tore up all the notes...

Ding Hu didn't come in the evening.

Yan Zhu was puzzled and asked, "Lu Chen, the guests are gone. According to Ding Hu's character, why didn't he come to trouble us?"

Lu Chen smiled slightly and took out a token, "He doesn't dare to move me now."

"Named disciple Ling?!" Yan Zhu widened his eyes, "You, are you a named disciple?"

"You, how did you do it? If there is no one on it, you won't be able to get this thing even if you do it in Xisheng for a long time!"

Lu Chen put away the token and smiled mysteriously, "Because the dishes I cook are delicious."

Even if it is a registered disciple, even if Lu Chen only has such a token, he is not really a registered disciple, and his status is higher than Ding Hu.

"Yan Zhu, I have already asked the handyman in the study to ask you to come over. From now on, you will be my exclusive target. Ding Hu dare not move you.

"Really, that's great! Hahaha, Lu Chen, I said earlier that you are not an ordinary person, and you changed a registered disciple with two dishes. That's amazing!"

Lu Chen smiled and said, "You, don't be too happy too early. The dean said that I only need to be a chef three times a month, but I decided to take you for a few months. Later, you will be responsible for the three meals a day at the dean’s house. But take this opportunity well!"

"Would you like to teach me? This, this...really? That's your ability to eat!"

Lu Chen couldn't help laughing, "You really make me a cook? Okay, take a break today, and I will teach you a few dishes first tomorrow morning!"

"Okay, okay! I'm going to sleep now!" Yan Zhu was excited.

Early the next morning, Lu Chen prepared breakfast for the dean and taught Yan Zhu by the way. Yan Zhu learned very seriously on the side.

After breakfast, Lu Chen went directly to the library.

With the registered disciple order, Lu Chen could finally get in touch with cultivation.

First of all, you can go to the Cangshu Pavilion to choose minds and exercises, weapons, but because he is only a temporary disciple, his choice is not as good as a formal disciple. He can only choose some of the lowest levels on the first floor of the Cangshu Pavilion and the first level of the Tibetan Pavilion Gongfa weapons.

In the library, almost no one came to the first floor, unless some newcomers, otherwise the academy would try to go to the upper level to select advanced techniques.

Lu Chen was not in a hurry, flipping through the bookshelf.

There are only two or three kinds of mental methods here, and Lu Chen randomly selected a copy of "The Basic Mind Methods of Yuqing".

Then go to the exercise area to choose.

What Lu Chen wants to learn most now is swordsmanship and marksmanship, especially marksmanship. He wants to learn the fourth level of Extinction Spear. Practice more marksmanship, and it is essential to understand the intent of the spear.

After struggling, Lu Chen finally decided to choose marksmanship.

"These marksmanships are different from the ones you would learn in the first nine days..." Lu Chen flipped through the basic marksmanship. They all need constant practice to improve.

While Lu Chen was concentrating on choosing marksmanship, a sweet voice suddenly rang beside him, "Huh? You are also a newcomer who just entered the West Holy Spirit Academy, right?"

Lu Chen turned his head and saw a little girl of his own age, looking at him curiously.

The girl's big eyes are quite agile, carved and jade, a typical beauty embryo.

"Strange, I haven't seen you in the new recruit test."

Lu Chen smiled slightly, "I am a temporary disciple, but I'm actually a guy in the house."

"Oh... But I heard that a handyman can't be a disciple. Hey, are you particularly good at cooking? What level of your spiritual vein?"

"It's okay." Lu Chen replied, "I am a one-star spirit vein."

"One star, it's a bit worse, but don't care too much. My father said that hard work is the most important thing."

Lu Chen couldn't help looking at the girl curiously.

The students here didn't bother to talk to herself when they saw their registered disciple token, but the girl didn't look down on herself, but she was still encouraging herself.

Funny girl.

"Thank you."

"Hey, what exercise do you choose, I'll help you choose." The girl said, "I have a lot of exercises in my family, which are much more advanced than the ones here, but it is really annoying for the master to choose a basic swordsmanship."

Lu Chen thought for a while. He doesn't have much time. It's not bad to have someone help, so he didn't refuse the girl's kindness. "Can you help me find that marksmanship that is the most difficult to practice?"

"The hardest to practice? You are really interesting. Others choose the most powerful exercises, but you are looking for the hardest?"

"I want to understand the meaning of the gun as soon as possible."

"Gun intent? That's a very high artistic conception. I don't even dare to think about the dual nine-star spiritual veins. You are so young that you want to understand the intent of the gun!"

Lu Chen was slightly surprised that this girl actually has a double nine-star spiritual vein, which is a bit strong.

"Didn't you say that acquired effort is more important than innate talent?"

The girl looked at Lu Chen angrily, "Why do you guys use my father's words to stop me..."

"Forget it, then I'll find it myself." Lu Chen turned to leave.

"Don't go! I promised you, I won't break my promise!" The girl suddenly said again, "If you want to talk about the most difficult marksmanship, I heard the brothers and sisters have said, I will take you there."

The girl pulled Lu Chen’s sleeves and came to a dusty high bookshelf. She pointed to the top floor and said, “The exercises here are not learned, and some are moved from the high-level library. The most difficult It’s the one I learned. It’s said that no one in the West Holy Spirit Academy has ever practiced it!"

The bookshelf was too high, and Lu Chen took the ladder and took down the exercise from the upper level.

""Earth Evil Xuanming Shot"?"

"Yes, that's it! The first layer has to shoot 100,000 times, and every time you shoot a gun, you have to do your best, but the power is not proportional to the effort. It is equivalent to a normal one-star technique. ."

Lu Chen turned on the exercises, and he saw that in the first form of "long drive straight in" instructions, first of all, it was the request for 100,000 shots!

"Also, there is no way to practice the last few levels of this marksmanship. You have to practice this set of marksmanship, but you have to think clearly."

Lu Chen asked, "How many stars is this set of marksmanship?"

"I don't know... At the beginning of this exercise, those powerful people were treasures, and it is said that it caused several melees."

"But over time, no one of those super-powerful can practice this kind of marksmanship. This thing is now rotten on the street, and almost everybody has one copy of each school."

"Because no one has practiced the last three forms, there is no way to judge its power, and the star rating cannot be evaluated."

Lu Chen thought for a while, regardless of the latter three, at least the first few should be what he needs!

"That's it!" Lu Chen held the Di Sha Xuanming shot and climbed down the ladder, then looked at the girl, "Well, do you have time to accompany me to pick weapons?"

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